CERN Accelerating science

CERN Document Server Sök i 7 journaler efter:  Sökningen tog 0.92 sekunder. 
Resonances in the system of pi sup +pi sup - mesons from np -> np pi sup +pi- reaction at P sub n = 5.20 GeV/c : search, results of direct observations, interpretation / Troyan, Yu A
Ten resonances were found in the mass spectrum of the pi sup +pi sup - system based on 66075 events from the reaction np -> np pi sup +pi sup - in np interactions at P sub n = (5.20 +- 0.16) GeV/c in the 1-m HBC of JINR's LHE by using the criterion cos THETA* p > 0 [...]
Dubna : Joint Inst. Nucl. Res., 2002.
Resonances in the system of pi sup +pi sup - -mesons from np->np pi sup +pi sup - reaction at P sub n =5.20 GeV/c : search, results of direct observations, interpretation / Troyan, Yu A ; Arakelyan, S G ; Belyaev, A V ; Ierusalimov, A P ; Pechenov, V N ; Plekhanov, E B ; Troyan, A Y
Ten resonances were found in the mass spectrum of a pi sup +pi sup - system based on 66075 events from np->np pi sup +pi sup - reaction in np-interactions at P sub n =(5.20+-0.16)GeV/c in the one-meter hydrogen bubble chamber of the LHE (JINR) by using the criterion cos THETA* p>0 [...]
- 2002. - 11 p.
Resonances in the System of \pi^{+}\pi^{-}-Mesons from np\to np\pi^{+}\pi^{-} Reaction at P_{n}=5.20 GeV\/c : Search, Results of Direct Observations, Interpretation / Troyan, Yu A ; Plekhanov, E B ; Pechenov, V N ; Troyan, Yu A ; Belyaev, A V ; Jerusalimov, A P ; Arakelian, S G
Ten resonances were found in the mass spectrum of \pi^{+}\pi^{-} system based on 66075 events from np\to np\pi^{+}\pi^{-} reaction in np-interactions at P_{n}=(5.20\pm0.16) GeV/c in the one-meter hydrogen bubble chamber of the LHE (JINR) by using the criterion cos\Theta^{*}p>0. [...]
E1-2002-214 ; JINR-E1-2002-214.
- 2002. - 7 p.
Fulltext from JINR Dubna
Electroproduction of charged pions from 1H, 2H, 40Ca and 208Pb / Badalyan, N N ; Badalyan, R G ; Chubarian, M Ya ; Kuznetsov, A A ; Pechenov, V N ; Troyan, Yu A ; Uzhinskii, V V ; Baker, O K ; Beard, K B ; Buck, W W et al.
E1-94-519 ; JINR-E1-94-519.
- 1995. - 56 p.
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On the nature of narrow enhancements in the effective masses of two protons / Besliu, C ; Chubarian, M Ya ; Cotorobai, F ; Grigalashvili, N S ; Ierusalimov, A P ; Kanarek, T ; Lyuboshitz, V L ; Moroz, V I ; Nikitin, A V ; Pantea, D et al.
D1-85-433 ; JINR-E1-85-433.
- 1985. - 8 p.
CERN library copies
Multiquark resonances in np-interactions at energies of (1-5) GeV / Besliu, C ; Ierusalimov, A P ; Kotorobai, F ; Moroz, V I ; Nikitin, A V ; Pantea, D ; Pechenov, V N ; Stelmakh, A P ; Troyan, Yu A
D1-83-815 ; JINR-E1-83-815.
- 1984. - 15 p.
CERN library copies
Search and Study of Exotic Baryon Resonances with Isotopic Spin I=5/2 in the Reaction nppπ+π+ππn at Pn=(5.10±0.17) GeV/c / Abdivaliev, A ; Besliu, C ; Gruia, S ; Ierusalimov, A P ; Kotorobai, F ; Moroz, V I ; Nikitin, A V ; Pantea, D ; Pechenov, V N ; Stelmakh, A P et al.
- 1982. - 8 p.
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46 Pechenov, V
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