CERN Accelerating science

CERN Document Server Sök i 39 journaler efter:  1 - 10nästaslut  gå till journal: Sökningen tog 0.63 sekunder. 
Hydrogen passivation of cd acceptors in III–V semiconductors studied by PAC spectroscopy / ISOLDE Collaboration
Formation, structure, and stability of hydrogen correlated complexes, created at Cd acceptors in GaP, InP, and InAs have been studied after plasma charging as well as after H+ and/or He+ implantation at different energies. The different complexes were monitored by the perturbed angular correlation technique (PAC). [...]
1995 - 6 p. - Published in : Solid State Commun. 93 (1995) 425-430
Recoil imaging for dark matter, neutrinos, and physics beyond the Standard Model / O'Hare, C.A.J. (Sydney U. ; ARC, CoEPP, Australia) ; Loomba, D. (New Mexico U.) ; Altenmuller, K. (U. Zaragoza (main)) ; Alvarez-Pol, H. (Santiago de Compostela U., IGFAE) ; Amaro, F.D. (LIP, Coimbra) ; Araujo, H.M. (Imperial Coll., London) ; Aristizabal Sierra, D. (Santa Maria U., Valparaiso ; Liege U.) ; Asaadi, J. (Texas U., Arlington) ; Attie, D. (IRFU, Saclay) ; Aune, S. (IRFU, Saclay) et al.
Recoil imaging entails the detection of spatially resolved ionization tracks generated by particle interactions. [...]
arXiv:2203.05914 ; FERMILAB-CONF-22-334-ND.
- 78.
Fermilab Library Server - eConf - Fulltext - Fulltext
Experimental ion mobility measurements in Ne-CF$_4$ / Marques, D J G (LIP, Coimbra ; Coimbra U.) ; Cortez, A F V (LIP, Coimbra ; Coimbra U.) ; Escada, J (LIP, Coimbra ; Coimbra U.) ; Veenhof, R (CERN ; Moscow Phys. Eng. Inst. ; Uludag U.) ; Neves, P N B (Closer, Lisbon) ; Conde, C A N (LIP, Coimbra ; Coimbra U.) ; Santos, F P (LIP, Coimbra ; Coimbra U.) ; Borges, F I G M (Coimbra U. ; LIP, Coimbra)
In this paper we present the results of the ion mobility measurements made in gaseous mixtures of neon with carbon tetrafluoride (Ne-CF$_4$) at a total pressure 8 Torr (10.6 mbar) and for low reduced electric fields in the 10 to 25 Td range (2.4–6.1 kV$\cdot$ cm$^{−1}\cdot$bar$^{−1}$), at room temperature. The time-of-arrival spectra revealed only one peak, which was attributed to CF$_3^+$. [...]
2019 - 9 p. - Published in : JINST 14 (2019) P04015 Fulltext from Publisher: PDF;
Experimental tests of an advanced proton-to-neutron converter at ISOLDE-CERN / Gottberg, A (CERN ; Madrid, Inst. Estructura Materia) ; Mendonca, T M (CERN ; Porto U.) ; Luis, R (Lisbon, IST) ; Ramos, J P (CERN ; Ecole Polytechnique, Lausanne) ; Seiffert, C (CERN ; Darmstadt, Tech. U.) ; Cimmino, S (CERN) ; Marzari, S (CERN) ; Crepieux, B (CERN) ; Manea, V (CSNSM, Orsay) ; Wolf, R N (Greifswald U) et al.
The suppression of isobaric contaminations is of growing importance for many scientific programs using radioactive isotopes produced at isotope separation on-line (ISOL) facilities, such as ISOLDE-CERN. A solid tungsten proton-to-neutron converter has been used for ten years to produce neutron-rich fission fragments from an UC x target while suppressing the production of neutron-deficient isobaric contaminants. [...]
2014 - 5 p. - Published in : Nucl. Instrum. Methods Phys. Res., B 336 (2014) 143-148 Elsevier Open Access article: PDF;
Optimization studies of the CERN-ISOLDE neutron converter and fission target system / Luis, R (ITN, Sacavem) ; Marques, J G (ITN, Sacavem) ; Stora, T (CERN) ; Vaz, P (ITN, Sacavem) ; Zanini, L (PSI, Villigen)
The ISOLDE facility at CERN has been one of the leading isotope separator on-line (ISOL) facilities worldwide since it became operative in 1967. More than 1000 isotopes are available at ISOLDE, produced after the bombardment of various primary targets with a pulsed proton beam of energy 1.4 GeV and an average intensity of 2 muA. [...]
2012 - 11 p. - Published in : Eur. Phys. J. A 48 (2012) 90
The role of In in III-nitride ternary semiconductors / Alves, E (ITN and CFNUL Portugal) ; Araújo, J P (Universidade do Porto Portugal) ; Barbosa, M (ITN and Universidade do Porto Portugal) ; Correia, J G (ITN and CFNUL Portugal and CERN Switzerland) ; Johnston, K (U des Saarlandes Germany and CERN Switzerland) ; Keßler, P (University of Bonn Germany) ; Lopes, A L (CFNUL Portugal) ; Lorenz, K (ITN and CFNUL Portugal) ; Magalhães, S (ITN Portugal) ; Marques, J G (ITN and CFNUL Portugal) et al.
CERN-INTC-2008-038 ; INTC-P-251.
- 2008.
Position-sensitive Si pad detectors for electron emission channeling experiments / ISOLDE Collaboration
Position-sensitive detector systems, initially developed for the detection of X-rays, have been adapted for their use in electron emission channeling experiments. Each detection system consists of a 30.8x30.8 mm$^{2}$ 22x22 -pad Si detector, either of 0.3 mm, 0.5 mm or 1 mm thickness, four 128$-$channel preamplifier chips, a backplane trigger circuit, a sampling analog to digital converter, a digital signal processor, and a personal computer for data display and storage. [...]
CERN-OPEN-2006-045.- Geneva : CERN, 2004 - 15 p. - Published in : Nucl. Instrum. Methods Phys. Res., A 524 (2004) 245-256 Access to fulltext document: PDF;
Radiation tolerant D/A converters for the LHC cryogenic system / Franco, F J ; Zong, Y ; De Agapito, J A ; Marques, J G ; Fernandes, A C ; Casas-Cubillos, J ; Rodriguez-Ruiz, A
The electronic instrumentation of the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) cryogenic system is expected to receive a large radiation dose (>1013 n cm−2 and 1–2 kGy (Si)) within 10 years of activity so all the electronic devices should tolerate this radiation level without a significant degradation. This paper focuses on the selection of a radiation tolerant 12-bit parallel input D/A converter suitable for the signal conditioners for cryogenic thermometry in the LHC. [...]
2005 - Published in : Nucl. Instrum. Methods Phys. Res., A 553 (2005) 604-612
Electron emission channeling with position-sensitive detectors / Wahl, U ; Correia, J G ; Cardoso, S ; Marques, J G ; Vantomme, A ; Langouche, G /ISOLDE Collaboration
Electron emission channeling allows direct lattice location studies of low doses of radioactive atoms implanted in single crystals. For that purpose the anisotropic emission yield of conversion electrons from the crystal surface is measured, most conveniently by use of position-sensitive detectors. [...]
CERN-OPEN-2003-042.- Geneva : CERN, 1998 - 7 p. - Published in : Nucl. Instrum. Methods Phys. Res., B 136-138 (1998) 744-750 Access to fulltext document: PDF;
In : 13th International Conference on Ion Beam Analysis - IBA-13, Lisbon, Portugal, 27 Jul - 1 Aug 1997, pp.744-750 - CERN library copies
Direct Evidence for Tetrahedral Interstitial Er in Si / Wahl, U ; Vantomme, A ; De Wachter, J H ; Moons, R, ; Langouche, G ; Marques, J G ; Correia, J G /ISOLDE Collaboration
We report on the lattice location of Er in Si using the emission channeling technique. The angular distribution of conversion electrons emitted by the decay chain $^{167}$Tm ($t_{1/2}$=9.25 d) $\rightarrow ^{167m}$Er (2.28 s) was monitored with a position sensitive detector following room temperature implantation and annealing up to 950°C. [...]
CERN-OPEN-2003-024.- Geneva : CERN, 1997 - 4 p. - Published in : Phys. Rev. Lett. 79 (1997) 2069-2072 APS Published version, local copy: PDF; Access to fulltext document: PDF; - CERN library copies

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6 Marques, J
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