CERN Accelerating science

CERN Document Server Sök i 6 journaler efter:  Sökningen tog 0.58 sekunder. 
Novel C-Shaped Shape Memory Alloy Connectors for Vacuum Flanges: Modeling and Tests / Niccoli, F (CERN ; Calabria U.) ; Scalet, G (Pavia U.) ; Giovinco, V (CERN ; Calabria U.) ; Garion, C (CERN) ; Maletta, C (CERN ; Calabria U.) ; Chiggiato, P (CERN) ; Auricchio, F (Pavia U.)
Shape memory alloy (SMA)-based fasteners and connectors represent a class of successful SMA components that are increasingly used especially in marine or aerospace applications. The present paper aims to investigate novel C-Shaped SMA connectors for room-temperature vacuum pipes within particle accelerators. [...]
2023 - 12 p. - Published in : Shap. Mem. Superelasticity 9 (2023) 546-557 Fulltext: PDF;
Particle radiation effects on shape memory alloy couplers for ultra-high vacuum sealing: a preliminary study / Niccoli, F (CERN) ; Garion, C (CERN) ; Maletta, C (CERN ; U. Calabria, Arcavacata di Rende (main)) ; Cangialosi, C (CERN) ; Infantino, A (CERN) ; Danzeca, S (CERN) ; Chiggiato, P (CERN)
A new shape memory alloy (SMA)-based coupling system for ultra-high vacuum (UHV) applications in particle in accelerators is currently under investigation at the European organization for nuclear research (CERN). The use of such technology in some restricted-access radioactive areas within CERN accelerators could result in noticeable advantages, especially during maintenance operations [...]
2019 - 13 p. - Published in : Smart Mater. Struct. 28 (2019) 085023
NiTi shape memory alloy pipe couplers for ultra-high vacuum systems: development and implementation / Niccoli, F (CERN ; Calabria U.) ; Giovinco, V (CERN ; Calabria U.) ; Garion, C (CERN) ; Maletta, C (CERN ; Calabria U.) ; Chiggiato, P (CERN)
Novel Nickel–Titanium (NiTi)-based shape memory alloy (SMA) pipe couplers were designed and developed. They are suitable for room-temperature ultrahigh vacuum (UHV) systems and provide a quick and compact solution at reasonable cost. [...]
2022 - 16 p. - Published in : Smart Mater. Struct. 31 (2022) 065014 Publication: PDF;
A simplified analytical model to simulate martensite reorientation and plasticity in shape memory alloy ring couplers / Niccoli, Fabrizio (CERN ; Calabria U.) ; Giovinco, Valentina (CERN ; Calabria U.) ; Garion, Cedric (CERN) ; Maletta, Carmine (CERN ; Calabria U.) ; Chiggiato, Paolo (CERN)
Recent studies on Shape Memory Alloy rings have been undertaken at the European Organization for Nuclear Research (CERN) to develop smart and leak-tight couplers for Ultra High Vacuum systems of particle accelerators. A special thermo-mechanical process (training) is needed to provide SMA rings with proper functional properties, that is to allow thermal mounting, dismounting, and leak tight coupling within a given service temperature window. [...]
2021 - Published in : 10.1177/1045389x211057215
Beam-pipe coupling in particle accelerators by shape memory alloy rings / Niccoli, F (CERN ; U. Calabria, Arcavacata di Rende (main)) ; Garion, C (CERN) ; Maletta, C (CERN ; U. Calabria, Arcavacata di Rende (main)) ; Sgambitterra, E (U. Calabria, Arcavacata di Rende (main)) ; Furgiuele, F (U. Calabria, Arcavacata di Rende (main)) ; Chiggiato, P (CERN)
Shape Memory Alloy (SMA) rings have been studied for possible applications as beam-pipe connectors in particle accelerators. The rings were analyzed by both experimental tests and finite element simulations. [...]
2017 - 9 p. - Published in : Mater. Design 114 (2017) 603-611
Shape-memory alloy rings as tight couplers between ultrahigh-vacuum pipes: Design and experimental assessment / Niccoli, Fabrizio (CERN) ; Garion, Cedric (CERN) ; Maletta, Carmine (CERN) ; Chiggiato, Paolo (CERN)
The ultrahigh-vacuum (UHV) coupling performance of NiTiNb shape memory alloy (SMA) rings was investigated by finite element (FE) simulations and experimental measurements. The contact pressure at the interface between the SMA ring and the vacuum pipe was measured and good agreements with the FE results were obtained. [...]
2017 - 12 p. - Published in : J. Vac. Sci. Technol. A 35 (2017) 031601

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2 Maletta, Carmine
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