CERN Accelerating science

CERN Document Server Sök i 92 journaler efter:  1 - 10nästaslut  gå till journal: Sökningen tog 0.53 sekunder. 
Up and Down Quark Structure of the Proton / D0 Collaboration
We measure proton structure parameters sensitive primarily to valence quarks using 8.6 fb$^{-1}$ of data collected by the D0 detector in $\sqrt{s}=1.96$ TeV $p\bar{p}$ collisions at the Fermilab Tevatron. We exploit the property of the forward-backward asymmetry in dilepton events to be factorized in to distinct structure parameters and electroweak quark-level asymmetries. [...]
arXiv:2403.09331; FERMILAB-PUB-24-0106.- 2024-11-01 - 9 p. - Published in : Phys. Rev. D 110 (2024) L091101 Fulltext: 2403.09331 - PDF; ac6e837b76b62c6abd0c093880b8f7a2 - PDF; Fulltext from Publisher: PDF; External link: Fermilab Library Server
Comparison of $pp$ and $p \bar{p}$ differential elastic cross sections and observation of the exchange of a colorless $C$-odd gluonic compound / D0 Collaboration
We describe a quantitative analysis comparing the p anti-p elastic cross section as measured by the D0 Collaboration at a center-of-mass energy of 1.96 TeV to that in pp collisions as measured by the TOTEM Collaboration at 2.76, 7, 8, and 13 TeV using a mainly model-independent approach. The TOTEM cross sections extrapolated to a center-of-mass energy of sqrt(s) = 1.96 TeV are compared with the D0 measurement in the region of the diffractive minimum and the second maximum of the pp cross section. [...]
arXiv:2012.03981; FERMILAB-PUB-20-568-E; CERN-EP-2020-236.- Geneva : CERN, 2021-08-04 - 9 p. - Published in : Phys. Rev. Lett. 127 (2021) 062003 Draft (restricted): PDF; Fulltext: CERN-EP-2020-236 - PDF; fermilab-pub-20-568-e - PDF; 2012.03981 - PDF; Fulltext from Publisher: PDF; External links: CERN Courier article; Fermilab Library Server (fulltext available); article; Sci News article; CERN News article; Gizmodo article; article; Fermilab News article; SciTechDaily article
Inclusive production of the $P_c$ resonances in $p \overline p $ collisions / D0 Collaboration
We present a study of the inclusive production in $p \overline p $ collisions of the pentaquark states $P_c(4440)$ and $P_c(4457)$ with the decay to the $J/\psi p$ final state previously observed by the LHCb experiment. [...]
arXiv:1910.11767 ; FERMILAB-PUB-19-542-E.
- 2019 - 7.
Fermilab Library Server (fulltext available) - Fulltext - Fulltext
Linear Collider Physics Resource Book for Snowmass 2001 - Part 1: Introduction / Abe, T. (SLAC) ; Arkani-Hamed, N. (LBL, Berkeley) ; Asner, D. (LLNL, Livermore) ; Baer, H. (Florida State U.) ; Bagger, J. (Johns Hopkins U.) ; Balazs, C. (Hawaii U.) ; Baltay, C. (Yale U.) ; Barker, T. (Colorado U.) ; Barklow, T. (SLAC) ; Barron, J. (Colorado U.) et al.
This Resource Book reviews the physics opportunities of a next-generation e+e- linear collider and discusses options for the experimental program. [...]
hep-ex/0106055 ; BNL-52627 ; CLNS-01-1729 ; LBNL-47813 ; SLAC-R-570 ; UCRL-ID-143810-DR ; LC-REV-2001-074-US ; FERMILAB-PUB-01-058-E.
- 70.
Fermilab Library Server (fulltext available) - Full text - Fermilab Library
Linear Collider Physics Resource Book for Snowmass 2001 - Part 4: Theoretical, Accelerator, and Experimental Options / Abe, T. (SLAC) ; Arkani-Hamed, N. (LBL, Berkeley) ; Asner, D. (LLNL, Livermore) ; Baer, H. (Florida State U.) ; Bagger, J. (Johns Hopkins U.) ; Balazs, C. (Hawaii U.) ; Baltay, C. (Yale U.) ; Barker, T. (Colorado U.) ; Barklow, T. (SLAC) ; Barron, J. (Colorado U.) et al.
This Resource Book reviews the physics opportunities of a next-generation e+e- linear collider and discusses options for the experimental program. [...]
hep-ex/0106058 ; BNL-52627 ; CLNS-01-1729 ; FERMILAB-PUB-01-550-E ; LBNL-47813 ; SLAC-R-570 ; UCRL-ID-143810-DR ; LC-REV-2001-074-US.
- 136.
Fermilab Library Server (fulltext available) - Full text - Fulltext - Fermilab Library
Observation of a new $B_s^0 \pi^\pm$ state / D0 Collaboration
We report the observation of a narrow structure, $X(5568)$, in the decay sequence $X(5568) \rightarrow B_s^0 \pi^{\pm}$, $B_s^0 \rightarrow J/\psi \phi$, $J/\psi\rightarrow \mu^+ \mu^-$, $\phi \rightarrow K^+K^-$. This is the first observation of a hadronic state with valence quarks of four different flavors. [...]
arXiv:1602.07588; FERMILAB-PUB-16-038-E; FERMILAB-PUB-16-038-E.- 2016-07-07 - 8 p. - Published in : Phys. Rev. Lett. 117 (2016) 022003 Fulltext: PDF; PRESSRELEASE: HTM; SYMMETRY: HTM; External links: Symmetry Magazine article; Press Release; Fermilab Accepted Manuscript
SiD Letter of Intent / Aihara, H. (ed.) ; Burrows, P. (ed.) ; Oreglia, M. (ed.) ; Berger, E.L. (ed.) (Argonne) ; Guarino, V. (ed.) (Argonne) ; Repond, J. (ed.) (Argonne) ; Weerts, H. (ed.) (Argonne) ; Xia, L. (ed.) (Argonne) ; Zhang, J. (ed.) (Argonne) ; Zhang, Q. (ed.) (Argonne ; Beijing, Inst. High Energy Phys.) et al.
Letter of intent describing SiD (Silicon Detector) for consideration by the International Linear Collider IDAG panel. [...]
arXiv:0911.0006 ; SLAC-R-989 ; FERMILAB-LOI-2009-01 ; FERMILAB-PUB-09-681-E.
- 2009. - 156 p.
Fermilab Library Server - SLAC Document Server - Full text
ISR user's Meeting, 2-3 December 1968 : An ISR proposal to measure particles with large transverse momentum as a search for the intermediate boson / Riley, K ; Carter, A A ; Williams, J ; Gibson, M ; Tapper, R ; Malos, J ; Gilmore, R ; Aplin, P ; Ward, D ; Cowan, I et al.
- 1968. - 20 p.
Experimental Evaluation of Design Features of a Cryostat for an Iron-Less Cos / Niemann, R C ; Carson, J A ; Engler, N H ; Fisk, H E ; Gonczy, J D ; Hanft, R H ; Kuchnir, M ; Mantsch, P M ; Mazur, P O ; McInturff, A D et al.
1985 External link: Published version from JACoW
In : 11th IEEE Particle Accelerator Conference, pp.3710
Ironless Cos / Fisk, H E ; Brown, B C ; Carson, J A ; Edwards, D A ; Edwards, H T ; Engler, N H ; Gonczy, J D ; Hanft, R W ; Koepke, K P ; Kuchnir, M et al.
1985 External link: Published version from JACoW
In : 11th IEEE Particle Accelerator Conference, pp.3456

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