Linear Imperfections - corrections
/ Ziemann, Volker (speaker)
We introduce the BPM-corrector response coefficient R12 as the key quantity
to characterise the effect of imperfections on the beam dynamics before
addressing how the effect of multiple imperfections are combined. We then
introduce local beam bumps as a means to adjust the beam position locally
and move on to discuss orbit correction and the orbit response matrix.
We place special attention to different methods, including singular value
decomposition, to invert the response matrix. [...]
2023 - 3244.
CAS - CERN Accelerator School; CAS course on "Introduction to Accelerator Physics", 25 September - 08 October 2023, Santa Susanna, Spain
External links: Talk details; Event details
In : CAS course on "Introduction to Accelerator Physics", 25 September - 08 October 2023, Santa Susanna, Spain
Linear Imperfections II
/ Ziemann, Volker (speaker)
After briefly discussing sources of imperfections, we characterize them
in terms of dipole, quadrupolar, and skew quadrupolar errors and move
on to discuss how these imperfections are modeled in beam dynamics codes.
We continue by reviewing the concepts of dispersion and chromaticity and
explain how they are measured before turning to imperfections that are
caused by multipoles, in particular, by feed-down. We conclude by addressing errors that are introduced by imperfect diagnostic equipment such as misaligned position monitors and mention means of how to identify this problem..
2023 - 3100.
CAS - CERN Accelerator School; CAS course on "Introduction to Accelerator Physics", 25 September - 08 October 2023, Santa Susanna, Spain
External links: Talk details; Event details
In : CAS course on "Introduction to Accelerator Physics", 25 September - 08 October 2023, Santa Susanna, Spain
Linear Imperfections I
/ Ziemann, Volker (speaker)
After briefly discussing sources of imperfections, we characterize them
in terms of dipole, quadrupolar, and skew quadrupolar errors and move
on to discuss how these imperfections are modeled in beam dynamics codes.
We continue by reviewing the concepts of dispersion and chromaticity and
explain how they are measured before turning to imperfections that are
caused by multipoles, in particular, by feed-down. We conclude by addressing errors that are introduced by imperfect diagnostic equipment such as misaligned position monitors and mention means of how to identify this problem..
2023 - 3131.
CAS - CERN Accelerator School; CAS course on "Introduction to Accelerator Physics", 25 September - 08 October 2023, Santa Susanna, Spain
External links: Talk details; Event details
In : CAS course on "Introduction to Accelerator Physics", 25 September - 08 October 2023, Santa Susanna, Spain
Beam-Based Alignment Studies at CTF3 Using the Octupole Component of CLIC Accelerating Structures
/ Ögren, Jim (Uppsala U. (main)) ; Bhattacharyya, Anirban (Uppsala U. (main)) ; Farabolini, Wilfrid (IRFU, Saclay) ; Holz, Michael (Uppsala U. (main)) ; Ruber, Roger (Uppsala U. (main)) ; Ziemann, Volker (Uppsala U. (main))
The Compact Linear Collider (CLIC) uses normal-conducting accelerating structures that are sensitive to wakefield effects and therefore their alignment is extremely important. Due to the four-fold symmetry of the structures, they allow for an octupole component of the rf fields. [...]
CERN-ACC-2017-106; CLIC-Note-1114.-
2017 - 3 p.
- Published in : 10.18429/JACoW-IPAC2017-MOPAB108
Fulltext: PDF;
In : 8th International Particle Accelerator Conference, Copenhagen, Denmark, 14 - 19 May 2017, pp.MOPAB108
The X-Band FEL Collaboration
/ Pfingstner, Juergen (Oslo U.) ; Adli, Erik (Oslo U.) ; Aksoy, Avni (Ankara U., Inst. Accel. Technol.) ; Angal-Kalinin, Deepa (Daresbury) ; Bocchetta, Carlo (Jagiellonian U. (main)) ; Boland, Mark (ASP, Melbourne) ; Burt, Graeme (Lancaster U.) ; Catalán Lasheras, Nuria (CERN) ; Charitonidis, Anastasios (Natl. Tech. U., Athens) ; Charles, Tessa (ASP, Melbourne) et al.
The X-band FEL collaboration is currently designing an X-ray free-electron laser based on X-band acceleration technology. Due to the higher accelerating gradients achievable with X-band technology, a X-band normal conducting linac can be shorter and therefore potentially cost efficient than what is achievable with lower frequency structures. [...]
2015 - 7 p.
- Published in : 10.18429/JACoW-FEL2015-TUP013
Published version from JACoW: PDF; External link: JACOW
In : 37th International Free Electron Laser Conference, Daejeon, Korea, 23 - 28 Aug 2015, pp.TUP013