Matching the non-equilibrium initial stage of heavy ion collisions to hydrodynamics with QCD kinetic theory
/ Kurkela, Aleksi (CERN ; Stavanger U.) ; Mazeliauskas, Aleksas (U. Heidelberg, ITP) ; Paquet, Jean-Francois (Duke U.) ; Schlichting, Sören (Bielefeld U.) ; Teaney, Derek (SUNY, Stony Brook)
In the collision of nuclei at high energies the produced matter reinteracts and forms a plasma which ultimately equilibrates and exhibits collective hydrodynamic flow. While a general theory of the equilibration process has been outlined previously, there were no practical frameworks to smoothly connect the early gluon production in classical field simulations with hydrodynamic simulations of the late time plasma expansion. [...]
SISSA, 2019 - 10 p.
- Published in : PoS Confinement2018 (2019) 152
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In : 13th Quark Confinement and the Hadron Spectrum, Maynooth, Ireland, 31 Jul - 6 Aug 2018, pp.152
Initial conditions for heavy ion collisions with QCD kinetic theory
/ Kurkela, Aleksi (CERN ; Stavanger U.) ; Mazeliauskas, Aleksas (Heidelberg U.) ; Paquet, Jean-Francois (Duke U.) ; Schlichting, Soeren (Bielefeld U.) ; Teaney, Derek (YITP, Stony Brook)
We employ the leading order QCD kinetic theory to describe a consistent matching betweenthe initial stage of a heavy ion collision and the subsequent hydrodynamic evolution. We usethe linearized kinetic response functions around the non-equilibirum longitudinally expandingbackground to map initial energy and momentum perturbations to the energy momentum tensorat hydrodynamic initialization time τ hydro . [...]
SISSA, 2018 - 6 p.
- Published in : PoS High-pT2017 (2019) 001
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In : 12th International workshop on high-pT physics in the RHIC/LHC era (HPT), Bergen, Norvege, 2 - 5 Oct 2017, pp.001
Fast resonance decays in nuclear collisions
/ Mazeliauskas, Aleksas (CERN ; U. Heidelberg, ITP) ; Floerchinger, Stefan (U. Heidelberg, ITP) ; Grossi, Eduardo (U. Heidelberg, ITP ; SUNY, Stony Brook) ; Teaney, Derek (SUNY, Stony Brook)
We present a new method to calculate the final decay spectrum of direct resonance decays directly from hydrodynamic fields on a freeze-out surface. The method is based on identifying components of the final particle spectrum that transform in an irreducible way under rotations in the fluid-restframe. [...]
2021 - 4 p.
- Published in : Nucl. Phys. A 1005 (2021) 121988
In : The 28th International Conference on Ultra-relativistic Nucleus-Nucleus Collisions, Wuhan, China, 3 - 9 Nov 2019, pp.121988
Dynamics of critical fluctuations: Theory – phenomenology – heavy-ion collisions
/ Bluhm, Marcus (SUBATECH, Nantes ; Darmstadt, EMMI) ; Kalweit, Alexander (CERN) ; Nahrgang, Marlene (SUBATECH, Nantes ; Darmstadt, EMMI) ; Arslandok, Mesut (Heidelberg U.) ; Braun-Munzinger, Peter (Darmstadt, EMMI ; Heidelberg U. ; Darmstadt, GSI) ; Floerchinger, Stefan (U. Heidelberg, ITP) ; Fraga, Eduardo S. (Rio de Janeiro Federal U.) ; Gazdzicki, Marek (Jan Kochanowski U. ; Frankfurt U.) ; Hartnack, Christoph (SUBATECH, Nantes) ; Herold, Christoph (Suranaree U. of Tech.) et al.
This report summarizes the presentations and discussions during the Rapid Reaction Task Force "Dynamics of critical fluctuations: Theory -- phenomenology -- heavy-ion collisions", which was organized by the ExtreMe Matter Institute EMMI and held at GSI, Darmstadt, Germany in April 2019. We address the current understanding of the dynamics of critical fluctuations in QCD and their measurement in heavy-ion collision experiments. [...]
2020-11 - 89 p.
- Published in : Nucl. Phys. A 1003 (2020) 122016
Fulltext: PDF; Fulltext from Publisher: PDF;
2+1D simulations of pre-equilibrium stage with QCD kinetic theory
/ Kurkela, Aleksi (CERN ; Stavanger U.) ; Mazeliauskas, Aleksas (Heidelberg U.) ; Paquet, Jean-François (Duke U.) ; Schlichting, Sören (Bielefeld U.) ; Teaney, Derek (Stony Brook U.)
The produced matter in the high energy nuclear collisions reinteracts and forms a plasma which ultimately equilibrates and exhibits collective hydrodynamic flow. The connection between the early gluon production in classical field simulations and hydrodynamic expansion at later times is given by the QCD kinetic theory. [...]
SISSA, 2019 - 6 p.
- Published in : PoS HardProbes2018 (2018) 111
Fulltext: PDF; External link: PoS server
In : Hard Probes 2018: International Conference on Hard and Electromagnetic Probes of High-Energy Nuclear Collisions, Aix-les-bains, France, 1 - 5 Oct 2018, pp.111
QCD Shear Viscosity at (almost) NLO
/ Ghiglieri, Jacopo (CERN) ; Moore, Guy D. (Darmstadt, Tech. Hochsch.) ; Teaney, Derek (SUNY, Stony Brook)
We compute the shear viscosity of QCD with matter, including almost all next-to-leading order corrections -- that is, corrections suppressed by one power of $g$ relative to leading order. We argue that the still missing terms are small. [...]
arXiv:1802.09535; CERN-TH-2018-009.-
2018-04-04 - 36 p.
- Published in : JHEP 03 (2018) 179
Article from SCOAP3: scoap3-fulltext - PDF; scoap - PDF; Fulltext: PDF;
Initial conditions for hydrodynamics from kinetic theory equilibration
/ Kurkela, Aleksi (CERN ; Stavanger U.) ; Mazeliauskas, Aleksas (SUNY, Stony Brook ; U. Heidelberg, ITP) ; Paquet, Jean-François (SUNY, Stony Brook) ; Schlichting, Sören (Washington U., Seattle) ; Teaney, Derek (SUNY, Stony Brook)
We use effective kinetic theory to study the pre-equilibrium dynamics in heavy-ion collisions. We describe the evolution of linearized energy perturbations on top of out-of-equilibrium background to the energy-momentum tensor at a time when hydrodynamics becomes applicable. [...]
2017-11 - 4 p.
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In : The XXVI international conference on ultrarelativistic heavy-ion collisions, Chicago, United States Of America, 6 - 11 Feb 2017, pp.289-292