CERN Accelerating science

CERN Document Server 27 záznamov nájdených  1 - 10ďalšíkoniec  skoč na záznam: Hľadanie trvalo 0.89 sekúnd. 
1st CINVESTAV-UNAM Symposium on High Energy Physics: Dedicated to the Memory of Augusto Garcia   30 Nov - 1 Dec 2009  - Mexico City, Mexico  / D'Olivo, J C (ed.) (Mexico U.); Frank, A (ed.) (Mexico U.); Lopez-Fernandez, R (ed.) (CINVESTAV, IPN); Perez, M A (ed.) (CINVESTAV, IPN)
New York, NY : AIP, 2010 - 203 p.
Probing quantum gravity using photons from a flare of the active galactic nucleus Markarian 501 observed by the MAGIC telescope / MAGIC Collaboration
We use the timing of photons observed by the MAGIC gamma-ray telescope during a flare of the active galaxy Markarian 501 to probe a vacuum refractive index ~ 1-(E/M_QGn)^n, n = 1,2, that might be induced by quantum gravity. The peaking of the flare is found to maximize for quantum-gravity mass scales M_QG1 ~ 0.4x10^18 GeV or M_QG2 ~ 0.6x10^11 GeV, and we establish lower limits M_QG1 > 0.26x10^18 GeV or M_QG2 > 0.39x10^11 GeV at the 95% C.L. [...]
arXiv:0708.2889; CERN-PH-TH-2007-137; MPP-2007-112; CERN-PH-TH-2007-137; MPP-2007-112.- Geneva : CERN, 2008 - 5 p. - Published in : Phys. Lett. B 668 (2008) 253-257 Fulltext: PDF; External link: Preprint
High Energy Physics in Mexico : Historical Sketch and Implications / García, A ; Pérez, M A
2006 - Published in : AIP Conf. Proc.: 857.2 (2006) , pp. 3-10 External link: Published version from AIP
In : Commemorative Volume of the Division of Particles and Fields of the Mexican Physical Society, Morelia, Mexico, 6 - 12 Nov 2005, pp.3-10
Commemorative Volume of the Division of Particles and Fields of the Mexican Physical Society - Particles and Fields   6 - 12 Nov 2005  - Morelia, Mexico  / Pérez, Miguel A (ed.); Urrutia, Luis F (ed.); Villaseñor, Luis (ed.)
New York, NY : AIP, 2006 - 430 p.
10th Mexican Workshop on Particles and Fields - Particles and Fields   6 - 12 Nov 2005  - Morelia, Mexico  / Bashir, Adnan (ed.); Villanueva, Victor (ed.); Villaseñor, Luis (ed.); Pérez, Miguel A (ed.); Urrutia, Luis (ed.)
2006 - 796 p.
Effects of new physics in rare Z decays / Larios, F (Merida, IPN) ; Pérez, M A (Departamento de Física, Cinvestav, Apdo. Postal 14-740, 07000 México) ; Tavares-Velasco, G (IFM-UMSNH, Michoacan)
2003 - Published in : AIP Conf. Proc. 670 (2003) 338-343
In : 10th Mexican School on Particles and Fields, Playa del Carmen, Mexico, 30 Oct - 6 Nov 2002, pp.338-343
The parity-violating N? Vertex and field algebra / Pérez, M A
1974. - 10 p.
Analysis of t-b-W and t-t-Z couplings from CLEO and LEP/SLC data / Larios, F ; Pérez, M A ; Yuan, C P
We update the constraints on anomalous dimension four t-b-W and t-t-Z couplings by using CLEO b to s gamma and LEP/SLC precision Z-pole data. It is found that the data imposes very stringent bounds on them. [...]
1999 - Published in : Phys. Lett. B 457 (1999) 334-40
Decay Z to ννγ in the standard model / Hernández, J M ; Pérez, M A ; Tavares-Velasco, G ; Toscano, J J
1999 - Published in : Phys. Rev. D 60 (1999) 013004/1-11
Analysis of tbW and ttZ couplings from CLEO and LEP-SLC data / Larios, F ; Pérez, M A ; Yuan, C P
We update the constraints on anomalous dimension four \tbw and \ttz couplings by using CLEO b\rasγ and LEP/SLC precision Z-pole data. It is found that the data imposes very stringent bounds on them. [...]
hep-ph/9903394; MSU-HEP-90315.- East Lansing, MI : Michigan State Univ. High Energ. Phys. Inst., 1999 - Published in : Phys. Lett. B 457 (1999) 334 Access to fulltext document: PDF; External link: hep-ph/9903394 PDF

CERN Document Server : 27 záznamov nájdených   1 - 10ďalšíkoniec  skoč na záznam:
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19 Perez, M
63 Perez, M A
2 Perez, M Garcia
2 Perez, M J
5 Perez, M Jay
1 Perez, M L
1 Perez, M Villaplana
2 Perez, M d C
1 Perez, M.M.
1 Perez, M.Martinez
47 Perez, M.Villaplana
2 Perez, Manuel
19 Perez, Margarita Garcia
1 Perez, Maria
2 Perez, Maria Eugenia
1 Perez, Maria Laura
1 Perez, Maria Victoria
2 Perez, Marina
2 Perez, Mario
4 Perez, Mario R
3 Perez, Marta
1 Perez, Marta Rodriguez
2 Perez, Meir
1 Perez, Michael Jay
2 Perez, Mike
19 Pérez, M
1 Pérez, M J I
5 Pérez, M Jay
1 Pérez, M L,
5 Pérez, M R
2 Pérez, Manuel Ferre
1 Pérez, Manuel García
2 Pérez, Marco
19 Pérez, Margarita García
2 Pérez, Marina
1 Pérez, Marina Quintero
1 Pérez, María Pilar
3 Pérez, Miguel A
3 Pérez, Miguel Angel
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