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The novel photon detectors based on MPGD technologies for the upgrade of COMPASS RICH-1 / Agarwala, J. (INFN, Trieste ; ICTP, Trieste) ; Alexeev, M. (INFN, Turin ; Turin U.) ; Azevedo, C.D.R. (Aveiro U.) ; Birsa, R. (INFN, Trieste) ; Bradamante, F. (INFN, Trieste ; U. Trieste (main)) ; Bressan, A. (INFN, Trieste ; U. Trieste (main)) ; Chatterjee, C. (INFN, Trieste ; U. Trieste (main)) ; Chiosso, M. (INFN, Turin ; Turin U.) ; Cicuttin, A. (INFN, Trieste ; ICTP, Trieste) ; Ciliberti, P. (INFN, Trieste ; U. Trieste (main)) et al.
The RICH-1 Detector of the COMPASS experiment at CERN SPS has undergone an important upgrade in 2016. Four new photon detectors, based on MPGD technology and covering a total active area larger than 1.2~m2 have replaced the previously used MWPC-based photon detectors. [...]
arXiv:1804.05765; AIDA-2020-CONF-2018-008 .- Geneva : SISSA, 2018-04-13 - 7 p. - Published in : PoS MPGD2017 (2019) 052 Fulltext: PoS(MPGD2017)052 - PDF; AIDA-2020-CONF-2018-008 - PDF; 1804.05765 - PDF;
In : 5th International Conference on Micro-Pattern Gas Detectors, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, Pa, Usa, 22 - 26 May 2017, pp.052
Status of COMPASS RICH-1 Upgrade with MPGD-based Photon Detectors / Tessarotto, F. (INFN, Trieste) ; Alexeev, M. (INFN, Turin) ; Birsa, R. (INFN, Trieste) ; Bradamante, F. (INFN, Trieste ; U. Trieste (main)) ; Bressan, A. (INFN, Trieste ; U. Trieste (main)) ; Chiosso, M. (INFN, Turin ; U. Turin (main)) ; Ciliberti, P. (INFN, Trieste ; U. Trieste (main)) ; Dalla Torre, S. (INFN, Trieste) ; Dasgupta, S. (INFN, Trieste ; U. Trieste (main)) ; Denisov, O. (INFN, Turin) et al.
A Set of new MPGD-based Photon Detectors is being built for the upgrade of COMPASS RICH-1. The detectors cover a total active area of 1.4 m$^2$ and are based on a hybrid architecture consisting of two THGEM layers and a Micromegas. [...]
arXiv:1710.09274.- 2018 - 5 p. - Published in : EPJ Web Conf. 174 (2018) 01004 Fulltext: epjconf_mpgd2018_01004 - PDF; arXiv:1710.09274 - PDF; External links: 00003 Rate of discharges in THGEMs as function of the bias voltage in Ar/CO$_2$ 70/30 gas mixture.; 00000 Artistic view of the COMPASS RICH-1 detector (left) and exploded view of the new PDs (right); 00002 Schematic section of the hybrid module (not in scale).; 00004 A THGEM in its handling frame (left) and inside the CsI deposition plant (right).; 00005 A THGEM in its handling frame (left) and inside the CsI deposition plant (right).; 00001 Artistic view of the COMPASS RICH-1 detector (left) and exploded view of the new PDs (right)
In : 4th International Conference on Micro Pattern Gaseous Detectors - MPGD2015, Trieste, Italy, 12 - 15 Oct 2015, pp.01004
Novel MPGD based Detectors of Single Photons in COMPASS RICH-1 / Alexeev, J. Agarwala M. ; Azevedo, C.D.R. (Aveiro U.) ; Birsa, R. (INFN, Trieste) ; Bradamante, F. (INFN, Trieste ; Trieste U.) ; Bressan, A. (INFN, Trieste ; Trieste U.) ; Buchele, M. (Freiburg U.) ; Chatterjee, C. (Matrivani Inst., Calcutta) ; Chiosso, M. (INFN, Turin ; Turin U.) ; Ciliberti, P. (INFN, Trieste ; Trieste U.) ; Dalla Torre, S. (INFN, Trieste) et al.
COMPASS is a fixed target experiment at CERN SPS aimed to study Hadron Structure and Spectroscopy. [...]
- 2017. - 4 p.
Full text - Full text
Hybrid MPGD-based detectors of single photons for the upgrade of COMPASS RICH-1 / Alexeev, M (INFN, Turin ; Dubna, JINR) ; Birsa, R (INFN, Trieste) ; Bradamante, F (INFN, Trieste ; Trieste U.) ; Bressan, A (INFN, Trieste ; Trieste U.) ; Chiosso, M (INFN, Turin ; Turin U.) ; Ciliberti, P (INFN, Trieste ; Trieste U.) ; Dalla Torre, S (INFN, Trieste) ; Dasgupta, S (INFN, Trieste ; Trieste U.) ; Denisov, O (INFN, Turin) ; Finger, M (Charles U. ; Dubna, JINR) et al.
A seven year-long R&D; programme has been performed and the resulting detector architecture is a hybrid MPGD including two THick GEM (THGEM) multiplication stages followed a MICROMEGAS. The first THGEM board forms the photocathode support: its upper face is CsI coated. [...]
2016 - 5 p. - Published in : 10.1109/NSSMIC.2015.7581949
In : 2015 IEEE Nuclear Science Symposium and Medical Imaging Conference, San Diego, CA, USA, 31 Oct - 7 Nov 2015, pp.7581949
Development of THGEM-based Photon Detectors for COMPASS RICH-1 / Alexeev, M (INFN, Turin ; Piemonte Orientale U., Alessandria) ; Birsa, R (INFN, Trieste) ; Bradamante, F (INFN, Trieste ; Trieste U.) ; Bressan, A (INFN, Trieste ; Trieste U.) ; Chiosso, M (INFN, Turin ; Turin U.) ; Ciliberti, P (INFN, Trieste ; Trieste U.) ; Torre, S Dalla (INFN, Trieste) ; Denisov, O (INFN, Turin) ; Duic, V (INFN, Trieste ; Trieste U.) ; Finger, M (Charles U. ; Dubna, JINR) et al.
An R&D; project is presented, aimed to develop a high performance gaseous detector of single photons, for the upgrade of the Ring Imaging Cherenkov Counter RICH-1 of the COMPASS Experiment at CERN SPS. The detector has to stably operate at high gain and high rate, to provide good time resolution and insensitivity to magnetic field, and to offer the possibility to cover very large areas at affordable cost. [...]
2012 - 7 p. - Published in : Phys. Procedia 37 (2012) 781-788 Elsevier Open Access article: PDF; Fulltext: PDF;
In : 2nd International Conference on Technology and Instrumentation in Particle Physics, Chicago, IL, USA, 9 - 14 Jun 2011, pp.781-788
Long term experience and performance of COMPASS RICH-1 / Tessarotto, F (INFN, Trieste) ; Abbon, P (IRFU, Saclay) ; Alexeev, M (INFN, Trieste) ; Birsa, R (INFN, Trieste) ; Bordalo, P (LIP, Lisbon ; Lisbon, CFTP) ; Bradamante, F (INFN, Trieste ; Trieste U.) ; Bressan, A (INFN, Trieste ; Trieste U.) ; Büchele, M (Freiburg U.) ; Chiosso, M (INFN, Turin ; Turin U.) ; Ciliberti, P (INFN, Trieste ; Trieste U.) et al.
COMPASS RICH-1 is a large size gaseous Imaging Cherenkov Detector providing hadron identification in the range from 3 to 55 GeV/c, in the wide acceptance spectrometer of the COMPASS Experiment at CERN SPS. It uses a 3 m long C(4)F(10) radiator, a 21 m(2) large VUV mirror surface and two kinds of photon detectors: MAPMTs and MWPCs with CsI photocathodes, covering a total of 5.5 m(2). [...]
2014 - 27 p. - Published in : JINST 9 (2014) C09011
In : International Conference on Instrumentation for Colliding Beam Physics 2014, Novosibirsk, Russia, 24 Feb - 1 Mar 2014, pp.C09011
Monitoring of absolute mirror alignment at COMPASS RICH-1 detector / Alexeev, M (INFN, Turin ; Piemonte Orientale U., Alessandria ; Bari U. ; INFN, Trieste) ; Birsa, R (INFN, Trieste) ; Bradamante, F (INFN, Trieste ; Trieste U.) ; Bressan, A (INFN, Trieste ; Trieste U.) ; Chiosso, M (INFN, Turin ; Turin U.) ; Ciliberti, P (INFN, Trieste ; Trieste U.) ; Dalla Torre, S (INFN, Trieste) ; Denisov, O (INFN, Turin) ; Duic, V (INFN, Trieste ; Trieste U.) ; Ferrero, A (INFN, Turin ; Turin U.) et al.
The gaseous COMPASS RICH-1 detector uses two spherical mirror surfaces, segmented into 116 individual mirrors, to focus the Cherenkov photons onto the detector plane. Any mirror misalignment directly affects the detector resolution. [...]
2014 - 4 p. - Published in : Nucl. Instrum. Methods Phys. Res., A 766 (2014) 208-211 Elsevier Open Access article: PDF;
In : 8th International Workshop on Ring Imaging Cherenkov Detectors, Hayama, Kanagawa, Japan, 2 - 6 Dec 2013, pp.208-211
Status and progress of the novel photon detectors based on THGEM and hybrid MPGD architectures / Alexeev, M (INFN, Trieste) ; Birsa, R (INFN, Trieste) ; Bradamante, F (INFN, Trieste ; Trieste U.) ; Bressan, A (INFN, Trieste ; Trieste U.) ; Büchele, M (Freiburg U.) ; Chiosso, M (INFN, Turin ; Turin U.) ; Ciliberti, P (INFN, Trieste ; Trieste U.) ; Dalla Torre, S (INFN, Trieste) ; Dasgupta, S (INFN, Trieste) ; Denisov, O (INFN, Turin) et al.
We are developing large size THick GEM (THGEM)-based detectors of single photons, mainly meant for Cherenkov imaging applications. The R&D; programme includes the complete characterisation of the THGEM electron multipliers, the study of the aspects related to the detection of single photons and the engineering towards large size detector prototypes. [...]
2014 - 5 p. - Published in : Nucl. Instrum. Methods Phys. Res., A 766 (2014) 133-137
In : 8th International Workshop on Ring Imaging Cherenkov Detectors, Hayama, Kanagawa, Japan, 2 - 6 Dec 2013, pp.133-137
The COMPASS Setup for Physics with Hadron Beams / COMPASS Collaboration
The main characteristics of the COMPASS experimental setup for physics with hadron beams are described. This setup was designed to perform exclusive measurements of processes with several charged and/or neutral particles in the final state. [...]
arXiv:1410.1797; CERN-PH-EP-2014-247; CERN-PH-EP-2014-247.- Geneva : CERN, 2015-04-11 - 47 p. - Published in : Nucl. Instrum. Methods Phys. Res., A 779 (2015) 69-115 Draft (restricted): PDF; Elsevier Open Access article: PDF; Fulltext: arXiv:1410.1797 - PDF; CERN-PH-EP-2014-247 - PDF; External link: Preprint
Collins and Sivers asymmetries in muonproduction of pions and kaons off transversely polarised proton / COMPASS collaboration
Measurements of the Collins and Sivers asymmetries for charged pions and charged and neutral kaons produced in semi-inclusive deep-inelastic scattering of high energy muons off transversely polarised protons are presented. The results were obtained using all the available COMPASS proton data, which were taken in the years 2007 and 2010. [...]
arXiv:1408.4405; CERN-PH-EP-2014-213; CERN-PH-EP-2014-213.- Geneva : CERN, 2015-03-31 - 10 p. - Published in : Phys. Lett. B 744 (2015) 250-259 Article from SCOAP3: PDF; Draft (restricted): PDF; Elsevier Open Access article: PDF; Fulltext: CERN-PH-EP-2014-213 - PDF; arXiv:1408.4405 - PDF; External link: Preprint

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