CERN Accelerating science

CERN Document Server 22 записей найдено  1 - 10следующийконец  перейти к записи: Поиск длился 1.30 секунд. 
The CERN Axion Solar Telescope / Hasinoff, M D (CERN ; British Columbia U.) ; Andriamonje, S (DAPNIA, Saclay) ; Arik, E (Bogazici U.) ; Autiero, D (CERN) ; Avignone, F (South Carolina U.) ; Barth, K (CERN) ; Bingol, E (Darmstadt, Tech. Hochsch.) ; Brauninger, H (Garching, Max Planck Inst., MPE) ; Brodzinski, R (PNL, Richland) ; Carmona, J (U. Zaragoza (main)) et al.
The CAST experiment at CERN is using a decommissioned LHC prototype magnet to search for solar axions through their Primakoff conversion into x-ray photons. The magnet (B = 9.0 Tesla, L = 10 m) can track the sun each day for a total exposure time of ~180 minutes (sunrise + sunset). [...]
2003 - 7 p. - Published in : 10.1142/9789812791160_0009
In : 4th International Workshop on New Worlds in Astroparticle Physics, Faro, Portugal, 5 - 7 Sep 2002, pp.103-109
The CERN Axion Solar Telescope (CAST) : An Update / Andriamonje, Samuel A (DAPNIA, CEA Saclay) ; Arsov, V ; Aune, S ; Aume, T ; Avignone, F T ; Barth, K (CERN) ; Belov, A ; Beltran, B ; Bräuninger, H ; Carmona, J et al.
2005 - Published in : Nucl. Phys. B, Proc. Suppl. 138 (2005) 41-44
In : 8th International Workshop on Topics in Astroparticle and Underground Physics, Seattle, WA, USA, 5 - 9 Sep 2003, pp.41-44
Rotation of the compound nucleus $^{236}U*$ in the fission reaction $^{235}U(n,f)$ induced by cold polarised neutrons / Gönnenwein, F ; Mutterer, M ; Gagarski, A ; Guseva, I ; Petrov, G ; Sokolov, V ; Zavarukhina, T ; Gusev, Yu ; von Kalben, J ; Nesvizhevski, V et al.
2007 - Published in : Phys. Lett. B 652 (2007) 13-20
Fission Dynamics in the Proton Induced Fission of Actinide Nuclei at Intermediate Energies / Kozulin, E M ; Äystö, J ; Bogachev, A A ; Iamaletdinov, S ; Itkis, M G ; Hanappe, F ; Dorvaux, O ; Khlebnikov, S Yu ; Kliman, J ; Knyazheva, G N et al.
2006 - Published in : AIP Conf. Proc.: 853 (2006) , pp. 336-341 External link: Published version from AIP
In : International Conference On Reaction Mechanisms And Nuclear Structure At The Coulomb Barrier, San Servolo, Italy, 19 - 23 Mar 2006, pp.336-341
The search for solar axions in the CAST experiment / CAST Collaboration
The CAST (CERN Axion Solar Telescope) experiment at CERN searches for solar axions with energies in the keV range. It is possible that axions are produced in the core of the sun by the interaction of thermal photons with virtual photons of strong electromagnetic fields. [...]
hep-ex/0605049.- 2006 - 7 p. - Published in : , pp. 381-387 Access to fulltext document: PDF; Fulltext: Pages_from_C06-03-11--1_381 - PDF; arXiv:hep-ex_0605049 - PDF; External link: hep-ex/0605049 PDF
In : 41st Rencontres de Moriond on Electroweak Interactions and Unified Theories, La Thuile, Italy, 11 - 18 Mar 2006, pp.381-387
Studies On Particle Accompanied Fission Of 252Cf(sf) And 235U(nth,f) / Kopatch, Yu N ; Tishchenko, V ; Speransky, M N ; Mutterer, M ; Gönnenwein, F ; Jesinger, P ; Gagarski, A M ; Von Kalben, J ; Kojouharov, I ; Lubkiewics, E et al.
2005 - Published in : AIP Conf. Proc.: 798 (2005) , pp. 115-122 External link: Published version from AIP
In : 3rd International Workshop on Nuclear Fission and Fission-Product Spectroscopy, Cadarache, France, 11 - 14 May 2005, pp.115-122
The cold fragmentation of /sup 234/U in /sup 233/U (n/sub th/, f) / Armbruster, P ; Clerc, H G ; Engelhardt, W ; Gönnewein, F ; Mutterer, M ; Pannicke, J ; Quade, U ; Rudolph, K ; Schmitt, C ; Schrader, H et al.
The transformation of the uranium nucleus into a separated two fragment configuration has been found to be possible without appreciably heating the fragments via intrinsic excitation or deformation. A small part of the fragmentations in thermal neutron induced fission proceeds with a release of mutual kinetic energy of the fission fragments, which is not far from the total Q-value of each fragmentation 1 permille of all fragmentations occur with an excitation energy smaller than 7 MeV, an excitation energy of the fragments not larger than the excitation energy of the fissioning nucleus after thermal neutron capture. [...]
CERN, 1981 Published version from CERN: PDF;
In : 4th International Conference on Nuclei Far from Stability, Helsingør, Denmark, 7 - 13 Jun 1981, pp.675-9 (CERN-1981-009)
Search for solar axions : the CAST experiment at CERN / CAST Collaboration
Hypothetical axion-like particles with a two-photon interaction would be produced in the sun by the Primakoff process. In a laboratory magnetic field they would be transformed into X-rays with energies of a few keV. [...]
hep-ex/0507007.- 2006 - 9 p. - Published in : PoS: HEP2005 (2006) , pp. 022 Access to fulltext document: PDF; Fulltext: Pages_from_C05-03-05_159 - PDF; arXiv:hep-ex_0507007 - PDF; HEP2005_022 - PDF; Published version from PoS: PDF; External link: POS
In : International Europhysics Conference on High-Energy Physics, Lisbon, Portugal, 21 - 27 Jul 2005, pp.022
First results from the CERN Axion Solar Telescope (CAST) / Zioutas, K. (Aristotle U., Thessaloniki) ; Andriamonje, S. (DAPNIA, Saclay) ; Arsov, V. (Frankfurt U. ; Darmstadt, Tech. Hochsch.) ; Aune, S. (DAPNIA, Saclay) ; Autiero, D. (CERN) ; Avignone, F.T. (South Carolina U.) ; Barth, K. (CERN) ; Belov, A. (Moscow, INR) ; Beltran, B. (Zaragoza U.) ; Brauninger, H. (Garching, Max Planck Inst., MPE) et al.
Hypothetical axion-like particles with a two-photon interaction would be produced in the Sun by the Primakoff process. In a laboratory magnetic field (``axion helioscope'') they would be transformed into X-rays with energies of a few keV. [...]
hep-ex/0411033.- Geneva : CERN, 2005 - 5 p. - Published in : Phys. Rev. Lett. 94 (2005) 121301/1-5 APS Published version, local copy: PDF; Access to fulltext document: PDF; Fulltext: PDF; External link: hep-ex/0411033 PDF
The CERN axion solar telescope (CAST) / Aalseth, C E ; Arik, E ; Autiero, D ; Avignone, F T ; Barth, K ; Bowyer, S M ; Bräuninger, H ; Brodzinski, R L ; Carmona, J M ; Cebrián, S et al.
A decommissioned LHC test magnet is being prepared as the CERN Axion Solar Telescope (CAST) experiment. The magnet has a field of 9.6 Tesla and length of 10 meters. [...]
2002 - Published in : Nucl. Phys. B, Proc. Suppl. 110 (2002) 85-87

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6 Mutterer, M.
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