CERN Accelerating science

CERN Document Server 60 записей найдено  1 - 10следующийконец  перейти к записи: Поиск длился 0.79 секунд. 
Status of the GAUDI event-processing framework / Cattaneo, M (CERN) ; Frank, M (CERN) ; Mato, P (CERN) ; Ponce, S (CERN) ; Ranjard, F (CERN) ; Roiser, S (CERN) ; Belyaev, I (CERN ; Moscow, ITEP) ; Arnault, C (Orsay, LAL) ; Calafiura, P (LBNL, Berkeley) ; Day, C (LBNL, Berkeley) et al.
The GAUDI architecture and framework are designed to provide a common infrastructure and environment for simulation, filtering, reconstruction and analysis applications. [...]
4 p.
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Towards an Improved Estimator of the W Boson Recoil at High Pileup / Day-Lewis, Cavan (CERN)
This report describes a method to estimate the hadronic recoil of the W boson from high pileup events of W decay to a lepton and neutrino, using machine learning techniques (specifically boosted decision trees). [...]
- 2018
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Wmass boson using machine learning / Day-Lewis, Cavan (speaker) (CERN)
2018 - 785. Summer Student Lecture Programme General; Student Session External links: Talk details; Event details In : Student Session
Summer Student Session 2012 (2/3) / Alejandro Avilés del Moral; Katherine Chapman; Francesca Day (speaker)
10.15 Alejandro Avilés del Moral: Fast Magnet Current change Monitor (FMCM) Analysis Module 10.30 Katherine Chapman: Engaging People in Physics 10.45 Francesca Day: UFOs in the LHC
2012 - 2610. Summer Student Lecture Programme General, 2012 External link: Event details In : Summer Student Session 2012 (2/3)
Basics and applications of cryopumps / Day, C (Forschungszentrum Karlsruhe, Institute of Technical Physics, Eggenstein-Leopoldshafen, Germany)
This report introduces the wide field of cryogenic pumping, from commercial cryogen-free refrigerator cryopumps to very special, tailor-made cryopumps. It starts with a short historic overview of the field of cryopumping. [...]
CERN, 2007 - 34 p. Published version from CERN: PDF;
In : CAS - CERN Accelerator School and ALBA Synchrotron Light Facility : Course on Vacuum in Accelerators, Platja d'Aro, Spain, 16 - 24 May 2006, pp.241-274 (CERN-2007-003)
Pressure Induced Flow of Solid 4He / Day, James C ; Herman, Tobias K ; Beamish, John R
2006 - Published in : AIP Conf. Proc.: 850 (2006) , pp. 331-332 External link: Published version from AIP
In : 24th International Conference on Low Temperature Physics, Orlando, FL, USA, 10 - 17 Aug 2005, pp.331-332
IceCube : Initial Performance / IceCube Collaboration
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Air showers with IceCube : First Engineering Data / IceCube Collaboration
2005 Access to fulltext document: PDF; Published version: PDF; External link: astro-ph/0509330 PDF
In : 29th International Cosmic Ray Conference, Pune, India, 3 - 10 Aug 2005, pp.315 (v.8)
Search for neutralino dark matter with the AMANDA neutrino detector / IceCube Collaboration
2005 Access to fulltext document: PDF; Published version: PDF; External link: astro-ph/0509330 PDF
In : 29th International Cosmic Ray Conference, Pune, India, 3 - 10 Aug 2005, pp.179 (v.9)
An investigation of seasonal variations in the atmospheric neutrino rate with the AMANDA-II neutrino telescope / IceCube Collaboration
2005 Access to fulltext document: PDF; Published version: PDF; External link: astro-ph/0509330 PDF
In : 29th International Cosmic Ray Conference, Pune, India, 3 - 10 Aug 2005, pp.107 (v.9)

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