CERN Accelerating science

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CEPC Conceptual Design Report: Volume 2 - Physics & Detector / CEPC Study Group Collaboration
The Circular Electron Positron Collider (CEPC) is a large international scientific facility proposed by the Chinese particle physics community to explore the Higgs boson and provide critical tests of the underlying fundamental physics principles of the Standard Model that might reveal new physics. [...]
arXiv:1811.10545 ; IHEP-CEPC-DR-2018-02 ; IHEP-EP-2018-01 ; IHEP-TH-2018-01.
- 2018 - 424.
The Belle II Physics Book / Belle-II Collaboration
We present the physics program of the Belle II experiment, located on the intensity frontier SuperKEKB e+e- collider. Belle II collected its first collisions in 2018, and is expected to operate for the next decade. [...]
arXiv:1808.10567; KEK Preprint 2018-27; BELLE2-PUB-PH-2018-001; FERMILAB-PUB-18-398-T; JLAB-THY-18-2780; INT-PUB-18-047; UWThPh 2018-26.- 2019-12-23 - 654 p. - Published in : PTEP: 2019 (2019) , no. 12, pp. 123C01
- Published in : PTEP: 2020 (2020) , no. 2, pp. 029201 Article from SCOAP3: PDF; Fulltext: 1808.10567 - PDF; fermilab-pub-18-398-t - PDF; Erratum - PDF; Fulltext from publisher: PDF; External link: Fermilab Library Server (fulltext available)
The Dynamics of Beauty & Charm Hadrons and Top Quarks in the Era of the LHCb & Belle II and ATLAS & CMS - Motto: Non-perturbative QCD & Many-body Final States / Bigi, Ikaros I. (Notre Dame U.)
Our community has to apply {\em non}-perturbative QCD on different levels of flavor dynamics in strange, charm \& beauty hadrons and even for top quarks. We need {\em consistent} parameterization of the CKM matrix and describe weak decays of beauty hadrons with {\em many-body} final states. [...]
arXiv:1801.10099; UND-HEP-18-BIG01.- 2018 - 21 p. - Published in : Acta Phys. Pol. B 49 (2018) 1021-1041 Fulltext: v49p1021 - PDF; arXiv:1801.10099 - PDF;
In : XXIV Cracow Epiphany Conference on Advances in Heavy Flavour Physics, Cracow, Poland, 9 - 12 Jan 2018, pp.1021-1041
SuperB Technical Design Report / SuperB Collaboration
In this Technical Design Report (TDR) we describe the SuperB detector that was to be installed on the SuperB e+e- high luminosity collider. [...]
INFN-13-01-PI ; LAL-13-01 ; SLAC-R-1003 ; arXiv:1306.5655 ; INFN-13-01-PI ; LAL 13-01 ; SLAC-R-1003.
- 2013. - 495 p.
Preprint - Preprint
Implications of LHCb measurements and future prospects / LHCb Collaboration
During 2011 the LHCb experiment at CERN collected $1.0 {\mbox{fb}^{-1}}$ of $\sqrt{s} = 7 {\mathrm{\,Te\kern -0.1em V}}$ $pp$ collisions. Due to the large heavy quark production cross-sections, these data provide unprecedented samples of heavy flavoured hadrons. [...]
arXiv:1208.3355; LHCb-PUB-2012-006; LHCB-PAPER-2012-031; CERN-PH-EP-2012-334; LHCb-PUB-2012-006; LHCB-PAPER-2012-031; CERN-PH-EP-2012-334.- Geneva : CERN, 2013-04-26 - 178 p. - Published in : Eur. Phys. J. C 73 (2013) 2373 Fulltext: PDF; Related data file(s): ZIP; Springer Open Access article: PDF; External links: PDF on ECONF; Proceedings write-up on ECONF
B, D and K decays : report of Working Group 2 [on Flavour in the Era of the LHC] / Buchalla, G. (LMU Munich (main)) ; Komatsubara, T.K. (Sokendai, Tsukuba) ; Muheim, F. (Edinburgh U.) ; Silvestrini, L. (INFN, Rome ; U. Rome La Sapienza (main)) ; Artuso, M. (Syracuse U.) ; Asner, D.M. (Carleton U.) ; Ball, P. (Durham U., IPPP) ; Baracchini, E. (INFN, Rome ; U. Rome La Sapienza (main)) ; Bell, G. (Karlsruhe U.) ; Beneke, M. (RWTH Aachen U.) et al.
With the advent of the LHC, we will be able to probe New Physics (NP) up to energy scales almost one order of magnitude larger than it has been possible with present accelerator facilities. While direct detection of new particles will be the main avenue to establish the presence of NP at the LHC, indirect searches will provide precious complementary information, since most probably it will not be possible to measure the full spectrum of new particles and their couplings through direct production. [...]
arXiv:0801.1833; SLAC-PUB-13155.- Geneva : CERN, 2008 - 184 p. - Published in : Eur. Phys. J. C 57 (2008) 309-492 Fulltext: arXiv:0801.1833 - PDF; 10052_2008_716_OnlinePDF - PDF; External links: server; SLAC Document Server
In : Workshop on the Interplay of Flavour and Collider Physics : Flavour in the Era of the LHC, CERN, Geneva, Switzerland, 7 Nov 2005 - 28 Mar 2007, pp.309-492
Flavour Dynamics and CP Violation in the Standard Model : A Crucial Past and an Essential Future / Bigi, I I
Our knowledge of flavour dynamics has undergone a `quantum jump' since just before the turn of the millenium: direct \cp violation has been firmly {\em established} in $K_L \to \pi \pi$ decays in 1999; the first \cp asymmetry outside $K_L$ decays has been discovered in 2001 in $B_d \to \psi K_S$, followed by $B_d \to \pi^+\pi^-$, $\eta^{\prime}K_S$ and $B \to K^{\pm}\pi^{\mp}$, the last one establishing direct \cp violation also in the beauty sector.Furthermore CKM dynamics allows a description of \cp insensitive and sensitive $B$, $K$ and $D$ transitions that is impressively consistent also on the quantitative level. Theories of flavour dynamics that could serve as {\em alternatives} to CKM have been ruled out. [...]
hep-ph/0701273; UND-HEP-07-BIG01.- Notre-Dame, IN : CERN, 2007 - 83 p. Fulltext: PDF; Published version from CERN: PDF; External link: hep-ph/0701273 PDF
In : European School of High-Energy Physics, Aronsborg, Sweden, 18 Jun - 1 Jul 2006, pp.115-196 (CERN-2007-005)
On the nonperturbative charm effects in inclusive $B\to X_{c} l\nu$ decays / Bigi, I.I. (Notre Dame U.) ; Uraltsev, N. (Notre Dame U. ; INFN, Milan ; CERN) ; Zwicky, Roman (Minnesota U., Theor. Phys. Inst. ; Durham U., IPPP)
We address the nonperturbative effects associated with soft charm quarks in inclusive B decays. Such corrections are allowed by the OPE, but have largely escaped attention so far. [...]
hep-ph/0511158; BICOCCA-FT-05-25; CERN-PH-TH-2005-223; UND-HEP-05-BIG06; LPT-ORSAY-05-73; FTPI-MINN-05-18; IPPP-05-62; DCPT-05-124; BICOCCA-FT-2005-25; CERN-PH-TH-2005-223; UND-HEP-2005-BIG-06.- Milano : Milano-Bicocca Univ. Phys. Dept., 2007 - 31 p. - Published in : Eur. Phys. J. C 50 (2007) 539-556 Access to fulltext document: PDF; Fulltext: PDF; External link: Preprint
Workshop on the Interplay of Flavour and Collider Physics : Flavour in the Era of the LHC - 1st Plenary Meeting 2nd Plenary Meeting 3rd Plenary Meeting 4th Plenary Meeting 5th Plenary and Final Meeting   7 Nov 2005 - 28 Mar 2007  - CERN, Geneva, Switzerland  / Fleischer, R (ed.); Hurth, T (ed.); Mangano, M L (ed.); Lari, Tommaso (convener of WG1); Pape, Luc (convener of WG1); Porod, Werner (convener of WG1); Buchalla, Gerhard (convener of WG2); Komatsubara, Takeshi K (convener of WG2); Muheim, Franz (convener of WG2); Silvestrini, Luca (convener of WG2) et al.
Geneva : CERN, 2008 - 230 p. - Published in : Eur. Phys. J. C 57 (2008)
A remark concerning 20 plet dominance in charm decays / Bigi, Ikaros I (CERN)
Based on V spin consideration, it is argued that 20 plet dominance in the effective weak Lagrangian does not strongly reduce the inclusive decay rate of D/sup +/ mesons. Decays of the type D to K rho , K* pi , rho pi are discussed in pointing out that 20 dominance should lead to a large enhancement of D/sup +/ to K/sup 0/ rho /sup +/, (K/sup 0/)* pi /sup +/ over D/sup +/ to K/sup 0/ pi /sup +/; W exchange, on the other hand, leads to a sizeable suppression of D/sup 0/ to K/sup -/ rho /sup +/, (K/sup -/)* pi /sup +/ relative to D/sup 0/ to K/sup -/ pi /sup +/. [...]
1980 - Published in : Z. Phys. C 6 (1980) 83-4

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