CERN Accelerating science

CERN Document Server 9 записей найдено  Поиск длился 1.14 секунд. 
Calorimetric particle detectors with superconducting absorber materials / Forster, G ; Ferger, P ; Von Feilitzsch, F ; Mössbauer, R L ; Azgui, F ; Igalson, J
- 1991. - 9 p.
Cryogenic detector development / Cooper, S ; Dummer, D ; Frank, M ; Freund, P ; Gebauer, H J ; Igalson, J ; Pröbst, F ; Rulofs, A ; Seidel, W ; Stodolsky, L et al.
- 1991. - 54 p.
CERN library copies
Response of bolometric cryodetectors to energetic heavy ions / Von Kienlin, A ; Böhmer, W ; Egelhof, P ; Henning, W F ; Kraus, G ; Meier, J ; Azgui, F ; Djotni, K
GSI-91-53 ; GSI-PRE-91-53.
- 1991. - 9 p.
CERN library copies
Calorimetric cryodetectors for heavy ions / Egelhof, P ; Henning, W F ; Von Kienlin, A ; Meier, J ; Trübenbacher, V ; Azgui, F ; Shepard, K W
GSI-90-01 ; GSI-PRE-90-01.
- 1990. - 8 p.
CERN library copies
Performance of a segmented Ge/BGO detector as an escape suppressed and pair spectrometer / Emling, H ; Azgui, F ; Daether, M ; Döbereiner, S ; Grein, H ; Michel, C ; Wollersheim, H J
GSI-86-6 ; GSI-PRE-86-6.
- 1986. - 10 p.
CERN library copies
Monte Carlo simulation of complex germanium detector systems and Compton suppression spectrometers / Mihel, C ; Emling, H ; Grosse, E ; Azgui, F ; Grein, H ; Wollersheim, H J ; Gaardhøje, J J ; Herskind, B
GSI-85-49 ; GSI-PRE-85-49.
- 1985. - 29 p.
CERN library copies
Feeding times of high spin states in $^{152,154}$Dy : probes of nuclear structure above the yrast line / Azgui, F ; Emling, H ; Grosse, E ; Michel, C ; Simon, R S ; Spreng, W ; Wollersheim, H J ; Khoo, T L ; Chowdhury, P ; Frekers, D et al.
GSI-85-2 ; GSI-PRE-85-2.
- 1985. - 29 p.
CERN library copies
Prolate to oblate shape transition at high spin in the N = 88 isotones / Azgui, F ; Emling, H ; Spreng, W ; Wollersheim, H J ; Kulessa, R ; Byrski, T ; Beck, F A ; Costa, G ; Haas, B ; Gerhinger, C et al.
GSI-84-31 ; GSI-PRE-84-31.
- 1984. - 5 p.
CERN library copies
First observation of backbending in an actinide nucleus / Spreng, W ; Azgui, F ; Emling, H ; Grosse, E ; Kulessa, R ; Michel, C ; Schwalm, D ; Simon, R S ; Wollersheim, H J ; Mutterer, M et al.
GSI-83-26 ; GSI-PRE-83-26.
- 1983. - 11 p.
CERN library copies

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