CERN Accelerating science

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Internal quantum efficiency of silicon photodetectors at ultraviolet wavelengths / Korpusenko, Mikhail (Aalto U.) ; Vaskuri, Anna (Aalto U. ; CERN) ; Manoocheri, Farshid (Aalto U.) ; Ikonen, Erkki (Aalto U. ; VTT, Otaniemi)
We determine experimentally the internal quantum efficiency of a 3-element trap detector made of Hamamatsu S1337 photodiodes and of a predictable quantum efficient detector (PQED) over the wavelength range of 250–500 nm using an electrically calibrated pyroelectric radiometer as reference detector. The PQED is made of specially designed induced junction photodiodes, whose charge-carrier recombination losses are minimized. [...]
2023 - 7 p. - Published in : Metrolog. 60 (2023) 055010 Fulltext: PDF;
Impact ionization in silicon at low charge-carrier energies / Korpusenko, Mikhail (Aalto U.) ; Vaskuri, Anna (Aalto U. ; CERN) ; Manoocheri, Farshid (Aalto U.) ; Ikonen, Erkki (Aalto U.)
Photons absorbed in silicon produce electron–hole pairs, which can cause impact ionization and quantum yield larger than one. Reliable determination of quantum yield at low charge-carrier energies (<4 eV) has been challenging because photon losses due to reflectance and charge-carrier losses due to recombination affect the resulting photocurrent. [...]
2023 - 4 p. - Published in : AIP Adv. 13 (2023) 085119 Fulltext: PDF;

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