CERN Accelerating science

CERN Document Server 311 records found  1 - 10próximoend  jump to record: Search took 0.57 seconds. 
Electroweak Measurements in Electron-Positron Collisions at W-Boson-Pair Energies at LEP / ALEPH Collaboration
Electroweak measurements performed with data taken at the electron-positron collider LEP at CERN from 1995 to 2000 are reported. The combined data set considered in this report corresponds to a total luminosity of about 3~fb1 collected by the four LEP experiments ALEPH, DELPHI, L3 and OPAL, at centre-of-mass energies ranging from 130 GeV to 209 GeV [...]
arXiv:1302.3415; CERN-PH-EP-2013-022; CERN-PH-EP-2013-022.- Geneva : CERN, 2013 - 126 p. - Published in : Phys. Rep. 532 (2013) 119-244 Draft (restricted): PDF; Fulltext: CERN-PH-EP-2013-022 - PDF; arXiv:1302.3415 - PDF; External link: Preprint
HERA-B: An experiment to study CP violation in the B system using an internal target at the HERA proton ring. Design report / Hartouni, Edward P. (Massachusetts U., Amherst) ; Kreisler, M. (Massachusetts U., Amherst) ; Van Apeldoorn, G. (NIKHEF, Amsterdam) ; van der Graaf, H. (NIKHEF, Amsterdam) ; Ruckstuhl, W. (NIKHEF, Amsterdam) ; Hamacher, T. (Texas U.) ; Schwitters, R. (Texas U.) ; Fan, X. (Beijing, Inst. High Energy Phys.) ; Jiang, C. (Beijing, Inst. High Energy Phys.) ; Li, X. (Beijing, Inst. High Energy Phys.) et al.
DESY-PRC-95-01.- 1995 - 491 p.
Precision electroweak measurements on the Z resonance / ALEPH Collaboration
We report on the final electroweak measurements performed with data taken at the Z resonance by the experiments operating at the electron-positron colliders SLC and LEP. The data consist of 17 million Z decays accumulated by the ALEPH, DELPHI, L3 and OPAL experiments at LEP, and 600 thousand Z decays by the SLD experiment using a polarised beam at SLC. [...]
hep-ex/0509008; SLAC-R-774; CERN-PH-EP-2005-041; SLAC-R-774; CERN-L3-304.- Geneva : CERN, 2006 - 302 p. ALEPH Papers - Published in : Phys. Rep. 427 (2006) 257 Fulltext: phep-2005-041 - PDF; arXiv:hep-ex_0509008 - PDF; External link: SLAC Document Server
Measurements of the Charm Charge Separation and Constraints for Lighter Quark Flavours
/ Halley, A ; Perrodo, P
CERN-ALEPH-95-013; CERN-ALEPH-PHYSIC-95-013.- Geneva : CERN, 1995 Fulltext: PDF;
Prospects for Measuring A^bb/bar_FB and sin**2 theta^eff_w at LEP I
/ Halley, A ; Abbaneo, D
CERN-ALEPH-94-003; CERN-ALEPH-PHYSIC-94-003.- Geneva : CERN, 1994 Fulltext: PDF;
Measuring A_bb/bar_FB from the Charge Asymmetry in Lifetime- Tagged Hadronic Events
/ Halley, A ; Colrain, P
CERN-ALEPH-94-010; CERN-ALEPH-PHYSIC-94-009.- Geneva : CERN, 1994 Fulltext: PDF;
User's Guide for the MPI ALEPH VDET Test Stand (Version 1 00)
/ Abt, I ; Bauer, C ; Halley, A ; Moser, H G ; Schael, S ; Saint-Denis, R ; Wolf, G
CERN-ALEPH-94-176; CERN-ALEPH-MINIV-94-007.- Geneva : CERN, 1994 Fulltext: PDF;
A preliminary measureament of sin**2 theta^eff_W from A^b b/bar_FB in the 1992 lifetime tagged Heavy-Flavour sample
/ Colrain, P ; Halley, A
CERN-ALEPH-93-134; CERN-ALEPH-PHYSIC-93-115.- Geneva : CERN, 1993 Fulltext: PDF;
A measurement of the b quark hemisphere charge using a lifetime-tag in the 1992 data
/ Halley, A ; Colrain, P
CERN-ALEPH-93-161; CERN-ALEPH-PHYSIC-93-138.- Geneva : CERN, 1993 Fulltext: PDF;
Addendum to the measurement of the b Quark Hemisphere charge using a Lifetime-Tag
/ Halley, A
CERN-ALEPH-93-172; CERN-ALEPH-PHYSIC-93-147.- Geneva : CERN, 1993 Fulltext: PDF;

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