CERN Accelerating science

CERN Document Server 36 records found  1 - 10próximoend  jump to record: Search took 0.61 seconds. 
Studying Bioluminescence Flashes with the ANTARES Deep Sea Neutrino Telescope / ANTARES Collaboration
We develop a novel technique to exploit the extensive data sets provided by underwater neutrino telescopes to gain information on bioluminescence in the deep sea. The passive nature of the telescopes gives us the unique opportunity to infer information on bioluminescent organisms without actively interfering with them. [...]
arXiv:2107.08063.- 2023-11 - 27 p. - Published in : Limnology and Oceanography: Methods 21 (2023) 734-760 Fulltext: 2107.08063 - PDF; Publication - PDF;
Complete measurement of three-body photodisintegration of 3He for photon energies between 0.35 and 1.55 GeV / CLAS Collaboration
- 2004. - 22 p.
Transmission of light in deep sea water at this site of the ANTARES neutrino telescope / ANTARES Collaboration
- 2004. - 40 p.
The ANTARES Optical Module / Amram, P ; Anghinolfi, M ; Anvar, S ; Ardellier-Desages, F E ; Aslanides, Elie ; Aubert, Jean-Jacques ; Azoulay, R ; Bailey, D ; Basa, S ; Battaglieri, M et al.
The ANTARES collaboration is building a deep sea neutrino telescope in the Mediterranean Sea. This detector will cover a sensitive area of typically 0.1 km-squared and will be equipped with about 1000 optical modules. [...]
astro-ph/0112172.- 2002 - 23 p. - Published in : Nucl. Instrum. Methods Phys. Res., A 484 (2002) 369-383 Access to fulltext document: PDF; External link: astro-ph/0112172 PDF
Differential cross section measurement of η photoproduction on the proton from threshold to 1100 MeV / GRAAL Collaboration
The differential cross section for the reaction p(gamma, eta p) has been measured from threshold to 1100 MeV photon laboratory energy. For the first time, the region of the S11(1535) resonance is fully covered in a photoproduction experiment and allows a precise extraction of its parameters at the photon point. [...]
hep-ex/0011098.- 2002 - 5 p. - Published in : Phys. Lett. B 528 (2002) 215-220 Access to fulltext document: PDF; Fulltext: arXiv:hep-ex_0011098 - PDF; S0370269302011966 - XML;
A BGO crystal ball for intermediate energies / Zucchiatti, A ; Shaerf, C ; Levi-Sandri, P ; Bellini, V ; Garibaldi, F ; Gervino, G ; Anghinolfi, M ; Corvisiero, P ; Ricco, G ; Sanzone, M et al.
In : 4th International Nuclear Physics Conference, v.1: Contributed papers, Sao Paulo, Brasil, 20 - 26 Aug 1989, pp.P6-04
The target stick of the polarised proton and deuteron target of CLAS / Anghinolfi, M ; Cocconi, P ; De Vita, R ; Pizzorno, C ; Parodi, F ; Rottura, A
- 1998. - 7 p.
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The proton and deuteron polarized target for CLAS : preliminary results at the university of Genoa / Anghinolfi, M ; Cocconi, P ; Crabb, D G ; De Vita, R ; Parodi, F ; Rottura, A
- 1997. - 10 p.
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Total hadronic photoabsorption cross section on nuclei in the nucleon resonance region / Bianchi, N ; Muccifora, V ; De Sanctis, E ; Fantoni, A ; Levi-Sandri, P ; Polli, E ; Reolon, A R ; Rossi, P ; Anghinolfi, M ; Corvisiero, P et al.
- 1995. - 28 p.
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Il controllo automatico del sistema ottico di lettura del calorimetro a grande angolo per clas / Cassotana, A ; Domenichini, P ; Anghinolfi, M ; Battaglieri, M ; Cocconi, P ; Longhi, A ; Parodi, F ; Ripani, M ; Rottura, A ; Taiuti, M
- 1995. - 8 p.
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3 Anghinolfi, M.
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