CERN Accelerating science

CERN Document Server Znaleziono 32 rekordów  1 - 10następnykoniec  skocz do rekordu: Szukanie trwało 1.33 sekund. 
Energy Spectra of H and He from the ATIC-2 Experiment / Wefel, J P
2005 Published version: PDF;
In : 29th International Cosmic Ray Conference, Pune, India, 3 - 10 Aug 2005, pp.105 (v.3)
14th International School of Cosmic Ray Astrophysics - Neutrinos and explosive events in the universe   2 - 13 Jul 2004  - Erice, Italy  / Shapiro, Maurice Mandel (ed.); Stanev, Todor (ed.); Wefel, John P (ed.)
This volume contains the Lectures and selected participant contributions to the 14th Course of the International School of Cosmic Rays Astrophysics, a NATO Advanced Study Institute. Well known astrophysicists and astronomers discuss different aspects of the generation of high energy signals in powerful astrophysical objects concentrating on the production of neutrinos and gamma rays from high energy particle interactions. [...]
Dordrecht : Springer, 2005 - 424 p.
Neutron production from the 40Ca + H reaction at E = 357 and 565 A MeV / Insolia, A ; Albergo, S ; Boemi, D ; Caccia, Z ; Chen, C X ; Costa, S ; Crawford H J ; Cronqvist, M ; Engelage, J ; Ferrando, P et al.
In : 14th Winter Workshop on Nuclear Dynamics, Snowbird, UT, USA, 31 Jan - 7 Feb 1998, pp.145-154
The isotopic composition of geomagnetically trapped helium / Wefel, J P ; Chen, J
In : 24th International Cosmic-ray Conference, v.0.0, Rome, Italy, 28 Aug - 8 Sep 1995, pp.1021-1024
Temporal variation of helium energy spectra and He He ratios for March and June 1991 SEP events / Guzik, T G ; Chen, J ; Wefel, J P
In : 24th International Cosmic-ray Conference, v.0.0, Rome, Italy, 28 Aug - 8 Sep 1995, pp.12-126
The atmospheric background pf protons and deuterons measured at 5 cm2 / Wefel, J P ; Ahlen, S P
In : 24th International Cosmic-ray Conference, v.0.0, Rome, Italy, 28 Aug - 8 Sep 1995, pp.634-637
Measurements of cosmic ray helium during the 1991 solar maximum / Wefel, J P ; Ahlen, S P
In : 24th International Cosmic-ray Conference, v.0.0, Rome, Italy, 28 Aug - 8 Sep 1995, pp.630-633
Nucleus-nucleus interactions at 14.6, 60and 200 GeV/AMU / Barbier, L M ; Freier, P S ; Holynski, R ; Jones, W V ; Jurak, A ; Olszewski, A ; Pruet, E ; Waddington, C J ; Wefel, J P ; Wilczynska, B et al.
In : 20th International Cosmic-ray Conference, v.5 : HE session : high energy phenomena, Moscow, USSR, 2 - 15 Aug 1987, pp.110
Smili : a superconducting magnet instrument for light isotopes / Ahlen, S P ; Beatty, J D ; Bower, C ; Crary, D ; Guzik, T G ; Heinz, R ; McKee, S ; Mitchell, J W ; Mufson, S L ; Musser, J A et al.
In : 20th International Cosmic-ray Conference, v 2 : OG session : cosmic ray origin and galactic phenomena, Moscow, USSR, 2 - 15 Aug 1987, pp.374-375
Interstellar propagation and the energy spectra of nuclei in the galactic cosmic radiation / Beatty, J D ; Guzik, T G ; Wefel, J P
In : 20th International Cosmic-ray Conference, v 2 : OG session : cosmic ray origin and galactic phenomena, Moscow, USSR, 2 - 15 Aug 1987, pp.226

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1 Wefel, J.P.
1 Wefel, John
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