CERN Accelerating science

CERN Document Server Znaleziono 8 rekordów  Szukanie trwało 0.53 sekund. 
Achievement of ultralow emittance beam in the accelerator test facility damping ring / Honda, Y (Kyoto Univ., Japan) ; Kubo, K (KEK, High Energy Accelerator Research Organization, Tsukuba, Japan) ; Anderson, S (Stanford Linear Accelerator Center (SLAC), California, USA) ; Bane, Karl Leopold Freitag (Stanford Linear Accelerator Center (SLAC), California, USA) ; Araki, S (KEK, High Energy Accelerator Research Organization, Tsukuba, Japan) ; Brachmann, A (Stanford Linear Accelerator Center (SLAC), California, USA) ; Frisch, J (Stanford Linear Accelerator Center (SLAC), California, USA) ; Fakuda, M (Tokyo Metropolitan Univ., Hachioji, Japan) ; Hasegawa, K (The Graduate University for Advanced Studies, Tsukuba, Japan) ; Havano, H (KEK, High Energy Accelerator Research Organization, Tsukuba, Japan) et al.
Geneva : CERN, 2004 - Published in : Phys. Rev. Lett. 92 (2004) 54802 APS Published version, local copy: PDF;
SI †Detector telescope with a large geometric factor for isotope identification of heavy solar flare and cosmic ray particles / Doke, T ; Hasebe, N ; Imai, T ; Kikuchi, J ; Kohno, T ; Matsuoka, M ; Murakami, H ; Nagata, K ; Nakamoto, A ; Yanagimachi, T et al.
In : 20th International Cosmic-ray Conference, v.4 : SH session : solar and heliospheric phenomena, Moscow, USSR, 2 - 15 Aug 1987, pp.414
Low Power Test of RFQ Mock-up Modules at 175MHz for IFMIF Project / Maebara, S ; Imai, T ; Morishita, T ; Sugimoto, M ; Takeuchi, H ; Saigusa, M ; Sazawa, S
2003 - 3 p. External link: Published version from JACoW
In : 20th IEEE Particle Accelerator Conference, Portland, OR, USA, 12 - 16 May 2003, pp.2829
Novel (2Fe-2S]-type Redox Center C in SdhC of Archaeal Respiratory Complex II from Sulfolobus tokodaii Strain 7 / Iwasaki, T ; Kounosu, A ; Aoshima, M ; Ohmori, D ; Imai, T ; Urushiyama, A ; Cosper, N J ; Scott, R A
SLAC-REPRINT-2003-338.- Stanford, CA : SLAC, 2002 - Published in : J. Biol. Chem.: 277 (2002) , pp. 39642
Achievement of ultra-low emittance beam in the ATF damping ring / Honda, Y ; Anderson, S ; Araki, S ; Bane, Karl Leopold Freitag ; Brachmann, A ; Frisch, J ; Fukuda, M ; Hasegawa, K ; Hayano, H ; Hendrickson, L et al.
We report on the smallest vertical emittance achieved in single-bunch-mode operation of the ATF. [...]
CERN-AB-2003-081-ABP ; KEK-2003-46 ; SLAC-PUB-10113.
- 2003. - 7 p.
Access to fulltext document - Access to fulltext document - CERN library copies
An incremental Learning Method of GRBF with Re-Generation of Input Patterns - Application for Case Based Reasoning Systems / Yamauchi, K ; Imai, T ; Ishii, N
In : 5th International Conference on Neural Information Processing : ICONIP '98, Kitakyushu, Japan, 21 - 23 Oct 1998, pp.761-766
Recent results on KEK/ATF damping ring / Urakawa, J (KEK, Tsukuba) ; Akemoto, M (KEK, Tsukuba) ; Araki, S (KEK, Tsukuba) ; Funahashi, Y (KEK, Tsukuba) ; Hayano, H (KEK, Tsukuba) ; Higo, T (KEK, Tsukuba) ; Kim, E (KEK, Tsukuba) ; Kamada, S (KEK, Tsukuba) ; Korhonen, T (KEK, Tsukuba) ; Kubo, K (KEK, Tsukuba) et al.
CERN-PS-98-010-[SIC!]; IHEP-BEPC-AP-98-12; KEK-98-154; LBNL-42333; SLAC-PUB-7952.- Geneva : CERN, 1998 - 5 p. Fulltext: TIF PDF; Published version: PDF;
In : 17th International Conference on High-Energy Accelerators, Dubna, Russian Federation, 7 - 12 Sep 1998, pp.117-119
Systematic 63Cu NQR study of the stripe phase in La16-xNd04SrxCuO4 for 007 less than or equal to X less than or equal to 025 / Singer, P M ; Hunt, A W ; Imai, T
1999 - Published in : Phys. Rev. B 60 (1999) 15345

Zobacz też: podobne nazwiska autorów
1 Imai, Takahiro
2 Imai, Takumi
1 Imai, Tomohisa
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