CERN Accelerating science

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NATO Advanced Research Workshop on Comparative Time Series Analysis : Time Series Prediction - Forecasting the Future and Understanding the Past - Comparative Time Series Analysis : Time Series Prediction - Forecasting the Future and Understanding the Past   14 - 17 May 1992  - Santa Fe, NM, USA  / Weigend, Andreas S (ed.); Gershenfeld, Neil A (ed.)
Reading, MA : Perseus, 1994 - 643 p.
Some aspects of anomalous soft photon production in $\pi^{-}$p intearctions at 280 GeV / WA83 Collaboration
In : Workshop on Multiparticle Production, Krakow, Poland, 4 - 7 May 1993, pp.63-74
Photo- and hadro- production of $\phi$(1020), K$*$(892)$^{0}$ and $\overline{K}*$(892)$^{0}$ mesons in the energy range 65 to 175 GeV / OMEGA Photon Collaboration
CERN-PPE-93-185.- Geneva : CERN, 1994 - 31 p. - Published in : Z. Phys. C 61 (1994) 383-398 Fulltext: PDF; - CERN library copies
Baroque forecasting : on completing J S Bach's last fugue / Dirst, M ; Weigend, A S
1993. - 27 p.
CERN library copies
The future of time series / Gershenfeld, N A ; Weigend, A S
SPL-93-057 ; XEROX-SPL-93-057.
- 1993. - 87 p.
CERN library copies
Inclusive production of $\eta$-mesons in $\pi$p, Kp and $\gamma$p collisions at energies around 100 GeV / Apsimon, R J ; Flower, P S ; Hallewell, G D ; Morris, J A G ; Morris, J V ; Paterson, C N ; Sharp, P H ; Atkinson, M ; Brook, N ; Coyle, P et al.
1992 - Published in : Z. Phys. C 54 (1992) 185-191
Predicting sunspots and exchange rates with connectionist networks / Weigend, A S ; Huberman, B A ; Rumelhart, D E
Stanford, CA : Calif. Univ. Stanford, 1992 - 38 p.
In : Advanced Research Workshop on Nonlinear Modeling and Forecasting, Santa Fe, NM, USA, 24 - 28 Sep 1990, pp.395-432 - CERN library copies
Observation of direct soft photon production in $\pi^{-}$p interactions at 280 GeV/c / WA83 Collaboration
CERN-PPE-92-218.- Geneva : CERN, 1993 - 8 p. - Published in : Phys. Lett. B 305 (1993) 182-186 Fulltext: PDF; Source files restricted to CERN users: ZIP; - CERN library copies
Production of f$_{2}$(1270) and f$_{0}$(975) mesons by photons and hadrons of energy 65-175 GeV / OMEGA Photon Collaboration
CERN-PPE-92-135.- Geneva : CERN, 1992 - 15 p. - Published in : Z. Phys. C 56 (1992) 185-192 Fulltext: PDF; - CERN library copies
Comparison of photon and hadron induced production of $\varrho^{0}$ mesons in the energy range of 65 to 175 GeV / Bonn-CERN-Lancaster-Manchester-Rutherford-Sheffield-Erevan Collaboration
CERN-PPE-91-172.- Geneva : CERN, 1992 - 23 p. - Published in : Z. Phys. C 53 (1992) 581-594 Fulltext: PDF; - CERN library copies

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14 Weigend, A S
1 Weigend, Andreas S
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