Les Houches 2019 Physics at TeV Colliders: New Physics Working Group Report
/ Brooijmans, G. (Columbia U.) ; Buckley, A. (Glasgow U.) ; Caron, S. (Nijmegen U., IMAPP ; Nikhef, Amsterdam) ; Falkowski, A. (IJCLab, Orsay) ; Fuks, B. (IUF, Paris ; Paris, LPTHE) ; Gilbert, A. (Northwestern U.) ; Murray, W.J. (Warwick U. ; Rutherford) ; Nardecchia, M. (Rome U.) ; No, J.M. (Madrid, Autonoma U. ; Madrid, IFT) ; Torre, R. (INFN, Genoa ; CERN) et al.
This report presents the activities of the `New Physics' working group for the `Physics at TeV Colliders' workshop (Les Houches, France, 10--28 June, 2019). [...]
Les Houches 2017: Physics at TeV Colliders New Physics Working Group Report
/ Brooijmans, G. (Columbia U.) ; Dolan, M. (ARC, CoEPP, Australia) ; Gori, S. (Cincinnati U.) ; Maltoni, F. (Louvain U., CP3) ; McCullough, M. (CERN) ; Musella, P. (Zurich, ETH) ; Perrozzi, L. (Zurich, ETH) ; Richardson, P. (CERN ; Durham U., IPPP) ; Riva, F. (CERN) ; Angelescu, A. (Nebraska U.) et al.
We present the activities of the `New Physics' working group for the `Physics at TeV Colliders' workshop (Les Houches, France, 5--23 June, 2017). [...]
arXiv:1803.10379 ; FERMILAB-CONF-17-664-PPD.
2018 - 224.
Fermilab Library Server (fulltext available) - Full text - Fulltext
Electroweak Measurements in Electron-Positron Collisions at W-Boson-Pair Energies at LEP
/ ALEPH Collaboration
Electroweak measurements performed with data taken at the electron-positron collider LEP at CERN from 1995 to 2000 are reported. The combined data set considered in this report corresponds to a total luminosity of about 3~fb$^{-1}$ collected by the four LEP experiments ALEPH, DELPHI, L3 and OPAL, at centre-of-mass energies ranging from $130~GeV$ to $209~GeV$ [...]
arXiv:1302.3415; CERN-PH-EP-2013-022; CERN-PH-EP-2013-022.-
Geneva : CERN, 2013 - 126 p.
- Published in : Phys. Rep. 532 (2013) 119-244
Draft (restricted): PDF; Fulltext: CERN-PH-EP-2013-022 - PDF; arXiv:1302.3415 - PDF; External link: Preprint
Higgs boson production via vector-like top-partner decays: diphoton or multilepton plus multijets channels at the LHC
/ Azatov, A. (Rome U. ; INFN, Rome) ; Bondu, O. (Lyon, IPN) ; Falkowski, A. (Orsay, LPT) ; Felcini, M. (Cantabria Inst. of Phys.) ; Gascon-Shotkin, S. (Lyon, IPN) ; Ghosh, D.K. (IACS, Kolkata) ; Moreau, G. ; Sekmen, S. (CERN)
We first build a minimal model of vector-like quarks where the dominant Higgs boson production process at LHC -- the gluon fusion -- can be significantly suppressed, being motivated by the recent stringent constraints from the search for direct Higgs production over a wide Higgs mass range. Within this model, compatible with the present experimental constraints on direct Higgs searches, we demonstrate that the Higgs ($h$) production via a heavy vector-like top-partner ($t_2$) decay, $pp \to t_2 \bar t_2$, $t_2\to t h$, allows to discover a Higgs boson at the LHC and measure its mass, through the decay channels $h\to \gamma\gamma$ or $h\to ZZ$. [...]
arXiv:1204.0455; LPT-ORSAY-12-30.-
2012 - 14 p.
- Published in : Phys. Rev. D 85 (2012) 115022
APS Published version, local copy: PDF; External link: Preprint
The SM and NLO Multileg and SM MC Working Groups: Summary Report
/ Alcaraz Maestre, J. (CERN) ; Heinrich, G. (Munich, Max Planck Inst.) ; Huston, J. (Michigan State U.) ; Krauss, F. (Durham U.) ; Maitre, D. (CERN ; Durham U.) ; Nurse, E. (University Coll. London) ; Pittau, R. (Granada U., Theor. Phys. Astrophys.) ; Alioli, S. (LBL, Berkeley) ; Andersen, J.R. (Southern Denmark U., CP3-Origins) ; Ball, R.D. (Edinburgh U.) et al.
/SM and NLO MULTILEG Working Group
The 2011 Les Houches workshop was the first to confront LHC data. In the two years since the previous workshop there have been significant advances in both soft and hard QCD, particularly in the areas of multi-leg NLO calculations, the inclusion of those NLO calculations into parton shower Monte Carlos, and the tuning of the non-perturbative parameters of those Monte Carlos. [...]
arXiv:1203.6803; FERMILAB-PUB-12-885-CD.-
2012 - 220 p.
- Published in : , pp. 1-220
Fermilab Library Server: PDF; Fulltext: PDF; External link: Fermilab Library Server
Les Houches 2011: Physics at TeV Colliders New Physics Working Group Report
/ Brooijmans, G. (Columbia U.) ; Gripaios, B. (Cambridge U.) ; Moortgat, F. (Zurich, ETH) ; Santiago, J. (CAFPE, Granada ; Granada U., Theor. Phys. Astrophys.) ; Skands, P. (CERN) ; Albornoz Vásquez, D. (Paris, Inst. Astrophys.) ; Allanach, B.C. (Cambridge U., DAMTP) ; Alloul, A. (Strasbourg, IPHC ; Strasbourg, IReS) ; Arbey, A. (CERN ; Lyon, IPN ; Lyon Observ.) ; Azatov, A. (INFN, Rome ; Rome U.) et al.
We present the activities of the 'New Physics' working group for the 'Physics at TeV Colliders' workshop (Les Houches, France, 30 May-17 June, 2011). Our report includes new agreements on formats for interfaces between computational tools, new tool developments, important signatures for searches at the LHC, recommendations for presentation of LHC search results, as well as additional phenomenological studies..
arXiv:1203.1488; FERMILAB-CONF-12-924-T.-
2012 - 243 p.
- Published in : , pp. 221-463
Fermilab Library: PDF; Fulltext: PDF; External link: Fermilab Library
The SM and NLO multileg working group: Summary report
/ Binoth, T. (Edinburgh U.) ; Dissertori, G. (Zurich, ETH) ; Huston, J. (Michigan State U.) ; Pittau, R. (Granada U.) ; Andersen, J.R. (CERN) ; Archibald, J. (Durham U.) ; Badger, S. (DESY) ; Ball, R.D. (Edinburgh U.) ; Bevilacqua, G. (Democritos Nucl. Res. Ctr.) ; Bierenbaum, I. (Valencia U.) et al.
/SM and NLO Multileg Working Group
This report summarizes the activities of the SM and NLO Multileg Working Group of the Workshop "Physics at TeV Colliders", Les Houches, France 8-26 June, 2009..
arXiv:1003.1241; SLAC-PUB-14871; FERMILAB-CONF-10-780-T.-
2010 - 169 p.
- Published in : , pp. 21-189
Fulltext: fermilab-conf-10-780-t - PDF; arXiv:1003.1241 - PDF; External links: SLAC Document Server; Fermilab Library Server (fulltext available)
In : 6th Workshop on Physics at TeV Colliders, Les Houches, France, 8 - 26 Jun 2009, pp.21-189
CMS - The Compact Muon Solenoid
/ Waltenberger, W et al.
Approved: 31 January 1996.-
Status: Data Taking
Fulltext: CMS - JPG; CMS_b - JPG; External link: Experiment home page
Experiment: CMS