CERN Accelerating science

CERN Document Server 1 elementer funnet  Søket tok 0.62 sekunder. 
From manufacture to assembly of the ITER central solenoid / Libeyre, P (BIAM, St Paul lez Durance) ; Schild, T (BIAM, St Paul lez Durance) ; Bruton, A (BIAM, St Paul lez Durance) ; Cormany, C (BIAM, St Paul lez Durance) ; Dolgetta, N (BIAM, St Paul lez Durance) ; Gaxiola, E (BIAM, St Paul lez Durance) ; Jong, C (BIAM, St Paul lez Durance) ; Mitchell, N (BIAM, St Paul lez Durance) ; Evans, D (BIAM, St Paul lez Durance) ; Levesy, B (BIAM, St Paul lez Durance) et al.
The Central Solenoid (CS), a key component of the ITER Magnet system, using a 45 kA Nb 3 Sn conductor, includes six identical coils, called modules, to form a solenoid, enclosed inside a structure providing vertical pre-compression and mechanical support. Procurement of the components of the ITER CS is the responsibility of US ITER, the US Domestic Agency (USDA), while the assembly of these components will be carried out by the ITER Organization (IO). [...]
2019 - 4 p. - Published in : Fusion Eng. Des. 146 (2019) 437-440

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