Neutron Capture Cross Section for $^{10}\mathrm{Be}$
/ Volknandt, M (Goethe U., Frankfurt (main)) ; Eberhardt, K (Mainz U.) ; Endres, A (Goethe U., Frankfurt (main)) ; Erbacher, P (Goethe U., Frankfurt (main)) ; Fix, M (Goethe U., Frankfurt (main)) ; Göbel, K (Goethe U., Frankfurt (main)) ; Heftrich, T (Goethe U., Frankfurt (main)) ; Heinitz, S (PSI, Villigen) ; Hrivula, E (Goethe U., Frankfurt (main)) ; Junghans, A et al.
The determination of the involved reaction cross sections is essential for the understanding of how the big bang nucleosynthesis and nuclear reactions in stars contribute to the observed abundances. One of those, which has not been measured so far, is the $^{10}\mathrm{Be(n,\gamma)}$ cross section. [...]
2020 - 6 p.
- Published in : J. Phys.: Conf. Ser. 1668 (2020) 012048
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In : 9th Nuclear Physics in Astrophysics, Frankfurt, Germany, 15 - 20 Sep 2019, pp.012048
Experiment IS586 Embedding of $^{163}$Ho and $^{166m}$Ho in the energy absorbers of low temperature metallic magnetic calorimeters
/ Gastaldo, Loredana (Kirchhoff Institute for Physics, Heidelberg University, D-69120 Heidelberg, Germany) ; Düllman, Christoph (Institute for Nuclear Chemistry, Johannes Gutenberg University, D-55128, Mainz, Germany, GSI Helmholtzzentrum für Schwerionenforschung, D-64291, Darmstadt, Germany, Helmholtz Institute Mainz, Johann-Joachim-Becherweg 36, 55128 Mainz, Germany) ; Eberhardt, Klaus (Institute for Nuclear Chemistry, Johannes Gutenberg University, D-55128, Mainz, Germany, Helmholtz Institute Mainz, Johann-Joachim-Becherweg 36, 55128 Mainz, Germany) ; Enss, Christian (Kirchhoff Institute for Physics, Heidelberg University, D-69120 Heidelberg, Germany)
CERN-INTC-2019-009 ; INTC-SR-068.
Production, isolation and characterization of radiochemically pure 163Ho samples for the ECHo-project
/ Dorrer, Holger (Mainz U. ; Bern U. ; PSI, Villigen) ; Chrysalidis, Katerina (Mainz U.) ; Goodacre, Thomas Day (CERN ; Manchester U.) ; Düllmann, Christoph E (Mainz U. ; Darmstadt, GS) ; Eberhardt, Klaus (Mainz U.) ; Enss, Christian (Heidelberg U.) ; Gastaldo, Loredana (Heidelberg U.) ; Haas, Raphael (Mainz U.) ; Harding, Jonathan (Mainz U. ; Cardiff U.) ; Hassel, Clemens (Heidelberg U.) et al.
Several experiments on the study of the electron neutrino mass are based on high-statistics measurements of the energy spectrum following electron capture of the radionuclide $^{163}$Ho. They rely on the availability of large, radiochemically pure samples of $^{163}$Ho. [...]
2018 - 13 p.
- Published in : Radiochim. Acta 106 (2018) 535-547
Radiative neutron capture on $^{242}\mathrm{Pu}$ in the resonance region at the CERN n_TOF-EAR1 facility
/ Lerendegui-Marco, J (Seville U.) ; Guerrero, C (Seville U.) ; Mendoza, E (Madrid, CIEMAT) ; Quesada, J M (Seville U.) ; Eberhardt, K (Mainz U.) ; Junghans, A R (HZDR, Dresden) ; Krtička, M (Charles U.) ; Aberle, O (CERN) ; Andrzejewski, J (Lodz U.) ; Audouin, L (Orsay, IPN) et al.
The spent fuel of current nuclear reactors contains fissile plutonium isotopes that can be combined with uranium to make mixed oxide (MOX) fuel. In this way the Pu from spent fuel is used in a new reactor cycle, contributing to the long-term sustainability of nuclear energy. [...]
2018 - 21 p.
- Published in : Phys. Rev. C 97 (2018) 024605
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New measurement of the $^{242} \text{Pu}(n, \gamma)$ cross section at n_TOF-EAR1 for MOX fuels: Preliminary results in the RRR
/ Lerendegui-Marco, J (Seville U.) ; Guerrero, C ; Cortés-Giraldo, M A ; Quesada, J M ; Mendoza, E ; Cano-Ott, D ; Eberhardt, K ; Junghans, A ; Aberle, O (CERN) ; Andrzejewski, J et al.
The spent fuel of current nuclear reactors contains fissile plutonium isotopes that can be combined with 238U to make mixed oxide (MOX) fuel. In this way the Pu from spent fuel is used in a new reactor cycle, contributing to the long-term sustainability of nuclear energy. [...]
2017 - 4 p.
- Published in : EPJ Web Conf. 146 (2017) 11045
Fulltext: PDF; External link: Fulltext
In : ND 2016 International Conference on Nuclear Data for Science and Technology, Bruges, Belgium, 11 - 16 Sep 2016, pp.11045
EXILL—a high-efficiency, high-resolution setup for $\gamma$-spectroscopy at an intense cold neutron beam facility
/ Jentschel, M (Laue-Langevin Inst.) ; Blanc, A (Laue-Langevin Inst.) ; de France, G (GANIL) ; Köster, U (Laue-Langevin Inst.) ; Leoni, S (Milan U.) ; Mutti, P (Laue-Langevin Inst.) ; Simpson, G (LPSC, Grenoble) ; Soldner, T (Laue-Langevin Inst.) ; Ur, C (Padua U. ; Bucharest, IFIN-HH) ; Urban, W (Laue-Langevin Inst. ; Warsaw U.) et al.
In the EXILL campaign a highly efficient array of high purity germanium (HPGe) detectors was operated at the cold neutron beam facility PF1B of the Institut Laue-Langevin (ILL) to carry out nuclear structure studies, via measurements of γ-rays following neutron-induced capture and fission reactions. The setup consisted of a collimation system producing a pencil beam with a thermal capture equivalent flux of about 10(8) n s(−)(1)cm(−)(2) at the target position and negligible neutron halo. [...]
- Published in : JINST 12 (2017) P11003
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The electron capture in $^{163}$Ho experiment – ECHo
/ Gastaldo, L (Kirchhoff Inst. Phys.) ; Blaum, K (Heidelberg, Max Planck Inst.) ; Chrysalidis, K (Mainz U., Inst. Phys.) ; Day Goodacre, T (CERN) ; Domula, A (Dresden, Tech. U.) ; Door, M (Heidelberg, Max Planck Inst.) ; Dorrer, H (Mainz U., Inst. Kernphys. ; PSI, Villigen ; Bern U.) ; Düllmann, Ch E (Mainz U., Inst. Kernphys. ; Darmstadt, GSI ; Helmholtz Inst., Mainz) ; Eberhardt, K (Mainz U., Inst. Kernphys. ; Helmholtz Inst., Mainz) ; Eliseev, S (Heidelberg, Max Planck Inst.) et al.
Neutrinos, and in particular their tiny but non-vanishing masses, can be considered one of the doors towards physics beyond the Standard Model. Precision measurements of the kinematics of weak interactions, in particular of the$^{3}$H β-decay and the$^{163}$Ho electron capture (EC), represent the only model independent approach to determine the absolute scale of neutrino masses. [...]
2017 - 72 p.
- Published in : Eur. Phys. J. Spec. Top. 226 (2017) 1623-1694