CERN Accelerating science

CERN Document Server 30 ჩანაწერია ნაპოვნი  1 - 10შემდეგიდასასრული  ჩანაწერთან გადასვლა: ძიებას დასჭირდა 0.54 წამი. 
Upgrade Cost Group Review of the ALICE FoCAL Project / Battaglieri, M ; Calvo, D ; Galatyuk, T ; Krueger, K ; Nagle, J ; O'Brien, E ; Simon, F ; Smith, AJS ; Videbaek, F
CERN-LHCC-2024-006 ; UCG-038.
- 2024.
Full text
UCG Review of the EF amendment to the Phase II upgrade of ATLAS TDAQ / Biscarat, C ; Calabrese, R ; Mankel, R ; Newbold, D ; Smith, AJS ; Vande Vyvre, P ; Wisniewski, W
CERN-LHCC-2022-003 ; UCG-037.
- 2022.
Full text
Upgrade Cost Group Review of the CMS Phase-II DAQ and HLT Projects / Campbell, M ; Denisov, D ; Gligorov, V ; Kajfasz, E ; Konstantinidis, N ; Pakhlov, P ; Sandaker, H ; Schwanda, C ; Smith, AJS ; Vande Vyvre, P et al.
CERN-LHCC-2021-017 ; UCG-036.
- 2021.
Full text
Upgrade Cost Group Review of the ATLAS High-Granularity Timing Detector / Bacchetta, N ; Biscarat, C ; Calabrese, R ; Di Lodovico, F ; Frey, A ; Hall, G ; Krueger, K ; Laktineh, I ; Sandaker, H ; Schwanda, C et al.
CERN-LHCC-2020-017 ; UCG-035.
- 2020.
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Upgrade Cost Group Review of the Phase II Upgrade of the CMS Level 1 Trigger / Campbell, M ; Denisov, D ; Gligorov, V ; Kajfasz, E ; Pakhlov, P ; Sandaker, H ; Simon, F ; Smith, AJS ; Strom, D ; Vande Vyvre, P et al.
CERN-LHCC-2020-010 ; UCG-034.
- 2020.
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UCG Report on the TDR for the CMS Endcap Calorimeter Phase-II Upgrade / Bloise, C ; Christie, B ; Demarteau, M ; Denisov, D ; Dunlop, J ; Forti, F ; Gordon, H ; Kajfasz, E ; Kuzmin, A ; Morandin, M et al.
CERN-LHCC-2018-010 ; UCG-031.
- 2018.
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UCG Report on the Phase-II Upgrade of the ATLAS ITk Pixel Tracker / Calabrese, R ; Forti, F ; Goldstein, J ; Honma, A ; Kruger, K ; Moll, M ; Morandin, M ; Musa, L ; Nahn, S ; Petagna, P et al.
CERN-LHCC-2018-009 ; UCG-030.
- 2018.
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UCG Report on the Phase II Upgrade of the ATLAS TDAQ System / Beckman, V ; Behrens, U ; Boehnlein, A ; Convery, M ; Forti, F ; Gligorov, V ; Huffer, M ; Kuhr, T ; Mankel, R ; Moneta, L et al.
CERN-LHCC-2018-008 ; UCG-029.
- 2018.
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UCG Report on the TDR for the Phase-II Upgrade of the CMS Muon System / Bauer, P ; Cardini, A ; Dalla Torre, S ; Denisov, D ; Forti, F ; Kroha, H ; Martinez-Perez, M ; Moneta, L ; Morandin, M ; Newman, P et al.
CERN-LHCC-2018-005 ; UCG-028.
- 2018.
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UCG Report on the TDR for the Phase-II Upgrade of the CMS Barrel Calorimeter / Bedeschi, F ; Convery, M ; Danielsson, H ; Delmastro, M ; Eigen, G ; Forti, F ; Glenzinski, D ; Kluge, A ; Kuzmin, A ; Lanni, F et al.
CERN-LHCC-2018-004 ; UCG-027.
- 2018.
Full text

CERN Document Server : 30 ჩანაწერია ნაპოვნი   1 - 10შემდეგიდასასრული  ჩანაწერთან გადასვლა:
ასევე იხილეთ: მსგავსი ავტორის სახელები
347 Smith, A
347 Smith, A
1 Smith, A G
1 Smith, A A
8 Smith, A B
48 Smith, A C
12 Smith, A D
4 Smith, A E
1 Smith, A F M
112 Smith, A G
6 Smith, A G K
1 Smith, A H
1 Smith, A I C
150 Smith, A J
502 Smith, A J S
4 Smith, A J Stewart
3 Smith, A L
297 Smith, A M
58 Smith, A M S
1 Smith, A Mark
7 Smith, A Matthew
3 Smith, A N
2 Smith, A P
58 Smith, A R
1 Smith, A S
107 Smith, A W
1 Smith, A William
1 Smith, A Y
1 Smith, A Z
18 Smith, A.
2 Smith, A. Mark
1 Smith, A.C
36 Smith, A.C.
3 Smith, A.D.
28 Smith, A.G.
1 Smith, A.J
2 Smith, A.J.
6 Smith, A.J.S.
213 Smith, A.M.
1 Smith, A.W.
1 Smith, AC
1 Smith, AG
9 Smith, Aaron
1 Smith, Aaron C T
1 Smith, Aaron M
2 Smith, Abraham D
11 Smith, Adam
2 Smith, Adrian
1 Smith, Adrian F M
4 Smith, Adryanna
9 Smith, Alan
1 Smith, Alan G R
3 Smith, Alan R
3 Smith, Alasdair
3 Smith, Alastair
1 Smith, Alastair Gavin
3 Smith, Albert A
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1 Smith, Alex Spencer
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1 Smith, Alexander D
1 Smith, Alexander Gordon
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4 Smith, Alexander R H
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2 Smith, Alexis
6 Smith, Alexis M S
1 Smith, Alfred R
1 Smith, Alison
1 Smith, Allyn
1 Smith, Amanda J
5 Smith, Ana-Suncana
5 Smith, Ana-Sunčana
12 Smith, Andrew
3 Smith, Andrew A
1 Smith, Andrew C
297 Smith, Andrew Caldon
6 Smith, Andrew Cameron
1 Smith, Andrew D M
6 Smith, Andrew J
1 Smith, Andrew J.
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1 Smith, Anna K
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93 Smith, Anthony
1 Smith, Anthony D
2 Smith, Anthony G
3 Smith, Anthony J
1 Smith, Anthony Nigel
1 Smith, Antony
6 Smith, Arfon
15 Smith, Arfon M
9 Smith, Arlee V
2 Smith, Arthur P
1 Smith, Arthur Whitmore
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