CERN Accelerating science

CERN Document Server 223 ჩანაწერია ნაპოვნი  1 - 10შემდეგიდასასრული  ჩანაწერთან გადასვლა: ძიებას დასჭირდა 0.56 წამი. 
Book cover The cathedrals of science : CERN, 1954-2004 / Aymar, Robert
Since 1954 CERN, the most prestigious particle physics laboratory, have been building gigantic devices to discover the intimate nature of matter [...]
Bloomington, IN : New Atlantis, 2004.

Colloque en mémoire de Charles Peyrou, Lucien Montanet et Rafaël Armenteros - Symposium in commemoration of Charles Peyrou, Lucien Montanet and Rafaël Armenteros   16 Jun 2004  - CERN, Geneva, Switzerland  / Aguilar-Benítez, M (speaker) (CERN); Baillon, Paul (speaker) (CERN); Fleury, Patrick (speaker) (CERN); Nemenov, Leonid L (speaker) (CERN); Piatier, Henri (speaker) (CERN); Quercigh, Emanuele (speaker) (CERN); Rubio, Juan Antonio (speaker) (CERN); Sosnowski, Ryszard (speaker) (CERN)
Geneva : CERN, 2004 - Transparencies.
Inclusive $D^{*\pm}$ production in two-photon collisions at LEP / L3 Collaboration
Inclusive D*/sup +or-/ production in two-photon collisions is studied with the L3 detector at LEP, using 683 pb/sup -1/ of data collected at centre-of-mass energies from 183 to 209 GeV. Differential cross sections are determined as functions of the transverse momentum and pseudorapidity of the D*/sup +or-/ mesons in the kinematic region 1 GeV<P/sub T/<12 GeV and $\beta$ <1.4. [...]
2002 - Published in : Phys. Lett. B 535 (2002) 59-69
A Review of Technology Transfer at CERN / Rubio, Juan Antonio
Geneva : CERN, 2002 Session on Technology Transfer and for Industry (Invited Papers only) External link: Published version from JACoW
In : 8th European Particle Accelerator Conference, Paris, France, 3 - 7 Jun 2002, pp.185
Results from the TARC experiment : spallation neutron phenomenology in lead and neutron-driven nuclear transmutation by adiabatic resonance crossing / TARC Collaboration
CERN-SL-2001-033-EET.- Geneva : CERN, 2002 - 180 p. Report - Published in : Nucl. Instrum. Methods Phys. Res., A 478 (2002) 577-730 Access to fulltext document: PDF; - Please contact the library if you need to access this document.
Experimental verification of neutron phenomenology in lead and of transmutation by adiabatic resonance crossing in accelerator driven systems : a summary of the TARC project at CERN / Abánades, A ; Aleixandre, J ; Andriamonje, Samuel A ; Angelopoulos, Angelos ; Apostolakis, Alcibiades J ; Arnould, H ; Belle, E ; Bompas, C A ; Brozzi, Delecurgo ; Bueno, J et al.
The Transmutation by Adiabatic Resonance Crossing (TARC) experiment was carried out as PS211 at the CERN PS from 1996 to 1999. Energy and space distributions of spallation neutrons (produced by 2.5 and 3.57 GeV/c CERN proton beams) slowing down in a 3.3*3.3*3 m/sup 3/ lead volume and neutron capture rates on long-lived fission fragments /sup 99/Tc and /sup 129/I demonstrate that Adiabatic Resonance Crossing (ARC) can be used to eliminate efficiently such nuclear waste and validate innovative simulation. [...]
2001 - Published in : Nucl. Instrum. Methods Phys. Res., A 463 (2001) 586-92
Measurements of the $b\overline{b}$ production cross section and forward-backward asymmetry at centre-of-mass energies above the Z pole at LEP / L3 Collaboration
The measurements of R/sub b/= sigma (e/sup +/e/sup -/ to bb)/ sigma (e/sup +/e/sup -/ to qq) and of the b quark forward-backward charge asymmetry, A/sub fb//sup b/, at centre-of-mass energies above the Z pole are described. The measurement of R/sub b/ is performed at square root (s) between 130 and 189 GeV using a b-tagging method that exploits the relatively large decay length of b-hadrons. [...]
Geneva : CERN, 2000 - Published in : Phys. Lett. B 485 (2000) 71-84
Analysis of the I = 0 S-wave for $\pi\pi$ and K$\overline{K}$ scattering / Cerrada-Canales, M ; Ynduráin, F J ; González-Arroyo, A ; Rubio, Juan Antonio
It is shown that if one uses a coupled channel parametrisation of the I=0 S-wave processes pi pi to pi pi , pi pi to KK and KK to KK (the last deduced from a pp to pi pi +K/sup 0//sub 1/K/sup 0//sub 1/ experiment) taking properly into account the analytic structure of these waves, then it is possible to fit simultaneously all cross- sections for the above processes, in the ranges 700<s/sup 1/2/<1900 Me V for the first fit, 2M/sub K/<s/sup 1/2/<1500 MeV for the second, 2M /sub K/<s/sup 1/2/<1170 MeV for the last. None of the three usually claimed resonances epsilon , S*, epsilon ' show up in the corresponding eigenphase analysis. [...]
1976 - Published in : Phys. Lett. B 62 (1976) 353-356
Photon structure functions and azimuthal correlations of lepton pairs in tagged $\gamma\gamma$ collisions / L3 Collaboration
Measurements of the QED structure of the photon based on the reaction ee to ee gamma /sup (*)/(P/sup 2/) gamma *(Q/sup 2/) to ee mu mu are discussed. This review is an update of the discussion of the results on the QED structure of the photon and covers the published measurements of the photon structure functions F/sub 2//sup gamma /, F/sub A//sup gamma / and F/sub B//sup gamma / and of the differential cross-section d sigma /dx for the exchange of two virtual photons. [...]
CERN-EP-98-060; CERN-L3-147.- Geneva : CERN, 1998 - Published in : Phys. Lett. B 438 (1998) 363 Fulltext: PDF; - Please contact the library if you need to access this document.
Experimental verification of neutron phenomenology in lead and transmutation by adiabatic resonance crossing in accelerator driven systems / Arnould, H ; Bompas, C A ; Del Moral, R ; Lacoste, V ; Vlachoudis, V ; Aleixandre, J ; Bueno, J ; Cerro, E ; González, O ; Tamarit, J et al.
Energy and space distributions of spallation neutrons (from 2.5 and 3.57 GeV/c CERN proton beams) slowing down in a 3.3*3.3*3 m/sup 3/ lead volume and neutron capture rates on long-lived fission fragments /sup 99/Tc and /sup 129/I demonstrate that Adiabatic Resonance Crossing (ARC) can be used to eliminate efficiently such nuclear waste and validate innovative simulation. (17 refs)..
1999 - Published in : Phys. Lett. B 458 (1999) 167-80

CERN Document Server : 223 ჩანაწერია ნაპოვნი   1 - 10შემდეგიდასასრული  ჩანაწერთან გადასვლა:
ასევე იხილეთ: მსგავსი ავტორის სახელები
132 RUBIO, J.A.
12 Rubio, J
30 Rubio, J A
1 Rubio, J E
25 Rubio, J M
3 Rubio, J P
2 Rubio, J.
1 Rubio, J.A
132 Rubio, J.A.
28 Rubio, J.M.
14 Rubio, Javier
1 Rubio, Juan Luis
3 Rubio, Julio
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