CERN Accelerating science

CERN Document Server 285 ჩანაწერია ნაპოვნი  1 - 10შემდეგიდასასრული  ჩანაწერთან გადასვლა: ძიებას დასჭირდა 0.65 წამი. 
Particle Physics at the European Spallation Source / Abele, H. (Vienna, Tech. U., Atominst.) ; Alekou, A. (CERN) ; Algora, A. (Valencia U.) ; Andersen, K. (Oak Ridge) ; Baeßler, S. (Virginia U. (main) ; Oak Ridge) ; Barron-Pálos, L. (Mexico U.) ; Barrow, J. (MIT, Cambridge, Dept. Phys. ; Tel Aviv U.) ; Baussan, E. (Strasbourg, IPHC) ; Bentley, P. (ESS, Lund) ; Berezhiani, Z. (L'Aquila U. ; INFN, Aquila) et al.
Presently under construction in Lund, Sweden, the European Spallation Source (ESS) will be the world's brightest neutron source. As such, it has the potential for a particle physics program with a unique reach and which is complementary to that available at other facilities. [...]
arXiv:2211.10396.- 2023-07 - 84 p. - Published in : Phys. Rep. 1023 (2023) 1-84 Fulltext: PDF;
Search for Ultra-High Energy Photons with the Pierre Auger Observatory / Pierre Auger Collaboration
One of key scientific objectives of the Pierre Auger Observatory is the search for ultra-high energy photons. [...]
arXiv:1804.05613 ; FERMILAB-CONF-18-152-ND-PPD-TD.
- 2018. - 7 p.
US Cosmic Visions: New Ideas in Dark Matter 2017: Community Report / Battaglieri, Marco (INFN, Genoa) ; Belloni, Alberto (Maryland U.) ; Chou, Aaron (Fermilab) ; Cushman, Priscilla (Minnesota U.) ; Echenard, Bertrand (Caltech) ; Essig, Rouven (SUNY, Stony Brook) ; Estrada, Juan (Fermilab) ; Feng, Jonathan L. (UC, Irvine) ; Flaugher, Brenna (Fermilab) ; Fox, Patrick J. (Fermilab) et al.
This white paper summarizes the workshop "U.S. [...]
arXiv:1707.04591 ; FERMILAB-CONF-17-282-AE-PPD-T.
- 2017 - 113.
Fermilab Library Server (fulltext available) - Symmetry Magazine article - Full text - Fulltext
A scheme for the HPC second-level trigger / Camporesi, T ; Cavallo, F R ; Chiccoli, C ; Gamberini, G ; Giusti, P ; Navarria, F L ; Pasini, P ; Privitera, P ; Rovelli, T
1989 - Published in : Nucl. Instrum. Methods Phys. Res., A 277 (1989) 230-236
Characteristics of a large system of pad readout wire proportionalchambers for the HPC calorimeter / Camporesi, T ; Cavallo, F R ; Giordano, V ; Laurenti, G ; Molinari, G ; Navarria, F L ; Privitera, P ; Rovelli, T ; Valenti, G ; Zucchini, A
1989 - Published in : IEEE Trans. Nucl. Sci. 36 (1989) 344-346
Precision electroweak measurements on the $Z$ resonance / ALEPH Collaboration
We report on the final electroweak measurements performed with data taken at the Z resonance by the experiments operating at the electron-positron colliders SLC and LEP. The data consist of 17 million Z decays accumulated by the ALEPH, DELPHI, L3 and OPAL experiments at LEP, and 600 thousand Z decays by the SLD experiment using a polarised beam at SLC. [...]
hep-ex/0509008; SLAC-R-774; CERN-PH-EP-2005-041; SLAC-R-774; CERN-L3-304.- Geneva : CERN, 2006 - 302 p. ALEPH Papers - Published in : Phys. Rep. 427 (2006) 257 Fulltext: phep-2005-041 - PDF; arXiv:hep-ex_0509008 - PDF; External link: SLAC Document Server
Accurate measurement of the $B^{0}_{d} - \overline{B^{0}_{d}}$ oscillation frequency and search for $B^{0}_{s} - \overline{B}^{0}_{s}$ oscillations with the DELPHI detector at LEP / Privitera, P (CERN)
In : 9th Annual Meeting of the Division of Particles and Fields of the American Physical Society, v.1-2, Minneapolis, MN, USA, 11 - 15 Aug 1996, pp.704-708
Photon/hadron separation with the AUGER Observatory / Billoir, P ; Bertou, X ; Dagoret-Campagne, S ; Letessier-Selvon, A A ; Revenu, B ; Etchegoyen, A ; Altmann, E G ; Alvarez, P ; Bauleo, P ; Bonifazi, C et al.
- 2001.
IN2P3 Publications database
The Auger Fluorescence Detector Electronics / Gemmeke, H ; Altmann, E G ; Alvarez, P ; Bauleo, P ; Bonifazi, C ; Etchegoyen, A ; Eusebi, R ; Fazzini, N ; Ferrero, A ; Filevich, A et al.
GAP-2001-030 ; PCC-2001-26-CONF.
- 2001.
IN2P3 Publications database
Status Of The Auger Engineering Array / Allekotte, I ; Barbosa, A ; Kleinfeller, J ; Altmann, E G ; Alvarez, P ; Bauleo, P ; Bonifazi, C ; Dova, M T ; Etchegoyen, A ; Eusebi, R et al.
GAP-2001-022 ; PCC-2001-25-CONF.
- 2001.

CERN Document Server : 285 ჩანაწერია ნაპოვნი   1 - 10შემდეგიდასასრული  ჩანაწერთან გადასვლა:
ასევე იხილეთ: მსგავსი ავტორის სახელები
58 Privitera, P.
10 Privitera, Paolo
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