First investigation of the morphological and luminescence properties of HfO2 nanoparticles synthesized by photochemical synthesis
/ Villa, Irene (Prague, Inst. Phys.) ; Procházková, Lenka Prouzová (Prague, Inst. Phys. ; Prague, Tech. U.) ; Mihóková, Eva (Prague, Inst. Phys.) ; Babin, Vladimir (Prague, Inst. Phys.) ; Král, Robert (Prague, Inst. Phys.) ; Zemenová, Petra (Prague, Inst. Phys.) ; Falvey, Alexandra (Prague, Inst. Phys.) ; Čuba, Václav (Prague, Tech. U.) ; Salomoni, Matteo (CERN ; Milan Bicocca U.) ; Pagano, Fiammetta (CERN ; Milan Bicocca U.) et al.
For the first time, hafnia (HfO2) nanoparticles have been produced by photochemical synthesis. The photochemical route has been proven to be scalable, affordable, and straightforward to create monoclinic HfO2 nanoparticles with a size of tens of nanometers. [...]
2023 - 10 p.
- Published in : CrystEngComm 25 (2023) 4345-4354
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Conference Comments
/ Wang, Zhehui (Los Alamos) ; Nikl, Martin (Prague, Inst. Phys.) ; Lucchini, Marco Toliman (Milan Bicocca U. ; CERN) ; Cova, Francesca (Milan Bicocca U.) ; Moretti, Federico (LBNL, Berkeley) ; Pilania, Ghanshyam (Los Alamos) ; Tamulaitis, Gintautas (Vilnius U.) ; Villa, Irene (Prague, Inst. Phys. ; Milan Bicocca U.) ; Zhuravleva, Mariya (U. Tennessee, Knoxville)
The 16th International Conference on Inorganic Scintillators and their Applications (SCINT 2022) was organized by the Los Alamos National Laboratory, and held in Santa Fe, NM, USA, from September 19 to October 23, 2022. More than 200 colleagues from nearly 20 different countries finally participated in the conference. [...]
2023 - 1 p.
- Published in : IEEE Trans. Nucl. Sci. 70 (2023) 1243
In : 16th International Conference on Scintillating Materials & their Applications (SCINT 2022), Santa Fe, New Mexico, United States, 19 - 23 Sep 2022, pp.1243
Needs, trends, and advances in scintillators for radiographic imaging and tomography
/ Wang, Zhehui (Los Alamos) ; Dujardin, Christophe (ILM, Lyon) ; Freeman, Matthew S. (Los Alamos) ; Gehring, Amanda E. (Los Alamos) ; Hunter, James F. (Los Alamos) ; Lecoq, Paul (CERN) ; Liu, Wei (Mayo Clinic) ; Melcher, Charles L. (U. Tennessee, Knoxville) ; Morris, C.L. (Los Alamos) ; Nikl, Martin (Prague, Inst. Phys.) et al.
Scintillators are important materials for radiographic imaging and tomography (RadIT), when ionizing radiations are used to reveal internal structures of materials. Since its invention by Röntgen, RadIT now come in many modalities such as absorption-based X-ray radiography, phase contrast X-ray imaging, coherent X-ray diffractive imaging, high-energy X- and γ−ray radiography at above 1 MeV, X-ray computed tomography (CT), proton imaging and tomography (IT), neutron IT, positron emission tomography (PET), high-energy electron radiography, muon tomography, etc. [...]
arXiv:2212.10322; LA-UR-22-32994.-
2023-06-28 - 37 p.
- Published in : IEEE Trans. Nucl. Sci. 70 (2023) 1244-1280
Fulltext: Publication - PDF; 2212.10322 - PDF;
In : 16th International Conference on Scintillating Materials & their Applications (SCINT 2022), Santa Fe, New Mexico, United States, 19 - 23 Sep 2022, pp.1244-1280
Scintillation Characteristics of the Single-Crystalline Film and Composite Film-Crystal Scintillators Based on the Ce3+-Doped (Lu,Gd)3(Ga,Al)5O12 Mixed Garnets under Alpha and Beta Particles, and Gamma Ray Excitations
/ Mares, Jiri A (Prague, Inst. Phys.) ; Gorbenko, Vitalii (Kazimierz Wielki U., Bydgoszcz) ; Kucerkova, Romana (Prague, Inst. Phys.) ; Prusa, Petr (Prague, Tech. U.) ; Beitlerova, Alena (Prague, Inst. Phys.) ; Zorenko, Tetiana (Kazimierz Wielki U., Bydgoszcz) ; Pokorny, Martin (COMPAS, Turnov) ; Witkiewicz-Łukaszek, Sandra (Kazimierz Wielki U., Bydgoszcz) ; Syrotych, Yurii (Kazimierz Wielki U., Bydgoszcz) ; D'Ambrosio, Carmelo (CERN) et al.
The crystals of (Lu,Gd)3(Ga,Al)5O12 multicomponent garnets with high density ρ and effective atomic number Zeff are characterized by high scintillation efficiency and a light yield value up to 50,000 ph/MeV. During recent years, single-crystalline films and composite film/crystal scintillators were developed on the basis of these multicomponent garnets. [...]
2022 - 20 p.
- Published in : Materials 15 (2022) 7925
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Compositional engineering of multicomponent garnet scintillators: towards an ultra-accelerated scintillation response
/ Martinazzoli, Loris (CERN ; Milan Bicocca U. ; INFN, Milan Bicocca) ; Nargelas, Saulius (Vilnius, Inst. Theor. Phys. Astron.) ; Boháček, Pavel (Prague, Inst. Phys.) ; Calá, Roberto (CERN ; Milan Bicocca U. ; INFN, Milan Bicocca) ; Dušek, Michal (Prague, Inst. Phys.) ; Rohlíček, Jan (Prague, Inst. Phys.) ; Tamulaitis, Gintautas (Vilnius, Inst. Theor. Phys. Astron.) ; Auffray, Etiennette (CERN) ; Nikl, Martin (Prague, Inst. Phys.)
Optical, luminescence and scintillation characteristics were studied in garnet-type GAGG single-crystal scintillators grown by the Czochralski method and heavily doped with a cerium activator and a magnesium codopant at different concentrations. Emission quenching due to the formation of closely spaced Ce–Mg pairs accelerating the photoluminescence and scintillation decays down to a few nanoseconds and substantial suppression of slower decay components are observed. [...]
2022 - 11 p.
- Published in : Materials Advances 3 (2022) 6842-6852
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Progress in fabrication of long transparent YAG:Ce and YAG:Ce,Mg single crystalline fibers for HEP applications
/ Sidletskiy, O (Kharkov, Single Crystals Res. Inst.) ; Lebbou, K (ILM, Lyon) ; Kofanov, D (Kharkov, Single Crystals Res. Inst.) ; Kononets, V (Kharkov, Single Crystals Res. Inst.) ; Gerasymov, Ia (Kharkov, Single Crystals Res. Inst.) ; Bouaita, R (ILM, Lyon) ; Jary, V (Prague, Inst. Phys.) ; Kucerkova, R (Prague, Inst. Phys.) ; Nikl, M (Prague, Inst. Phys.) ; Polesel, A (CERN) et al.
A significant enhancement in the light attenuation length in 22 cm long YAG:Ce and YAG:Ce,Mg fibers grown by the micro-pulling-down method has been reported. This progress has been achieved by the introduction of Al excess into the melt, optimization of thermal conditions of crystallization and post growth annealing. [...]
2019 - 6 p.
- Published in : CrystEngComm 21 (2019) 1728-1733
Characterization of mixed Bi4(GexSi1−x)3O12 for crystal calorimetry at future colliders
/ Cala', R (CERN ; INFN, Milan Bicocca ; Milan Bicocca U.) ; Kratochwil, N (CERN ; U. Vienna (main)) ; Martinazzoli, L (CERN ; INFN, Milan Bicocca ; Milan Bicocca U.) ; Lucchini, M T (INFN, Milan Bicocca ; Milan Bicocca U.) ; Gundacker, S (RWTH Aachen U.) ; Galenin, E (Inst. Scintill. Mat., Kharkiv) ; Gerasymov, I (Inst. Scintill. Mat., Kharkiv ; Kazimierz Wielki U., Bydgoszcz) ; Sidletskiy, O (Inst. Scintill. Mat., Kharkiv ; Kazimierz Wielki U., Bydgoszcz) ; Nikl, M (Prague, Inst. Phys.) ; Auffray, E (CERN)
Bismuth germanate (BGO) is a well known high density scintillating material widely used in many applications such as high energy physics and medical imaging. Bismuth silicate (BSO) features properties similar to BGO in terms of stopping power and Cherenkov photon yield with a lower scintillation light output but faster decay time, thus being more attractive for applications in high-rate environments. [...]
2022 - 8 p.
- Published in : Nucl. Instrum. Methods Phys. Res., A 1032 (2022) 166527
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Core–shell ZnO:Ga-SiO2 nanocrystals: limiting particle agglomeration and increasing luminescence via surface defect passivation
/ Procházková, Lenka (Prague, Tech. U. ; Prague, Inst. Phys.) ; Vaněček, Vojtěch (CTU, Prague) ; Čuba, Václav (CTU, Prague) ; Pjatkan, Radek (Unlisted, CZ) ; Martinez-Turtos, Rosana (Milan Bicocca U.) ; Jakubec, Ivo (ASCR, Prague) ; Buryi, Maksym (Prague, Inst. Phys.) ; Omelkov, Sergey (Tartu U.) ; Auffray, Etiennette (CERN) ; Lecoq, Paul (CERN) et al.
Heat treatment is needed to increase the luminescence intensity of ZnO:Ga particles, but it comes at the cost of higher particle agglomeration. Higher agglomeration results in low transparency of scintillating powder when embedded in a matrix and constitutes one of the biggest disadvantages, besides low light yield and low stopping power, of ZnO:Ga powder. [...]
2019 - 7 p.
- Published in : RCS Advances 9 (2019) 28946-28952
Alpha and gamma spectroscopy of composite scintillators based on the LuAG:Pr crystals and single crystalline films of LuAG:Ce and (Lu,Gd,Tb)AG:Ce garnets
/ Mares, J A (ASCR, Prague) ; Witkiewicz-Lukaszek, S (Kazimierz Wielki U., Bydgoszcz) ; Gorbenko, V (Kazimierz Wielki U., Bydgoszcz) ; Zorenko, T (Kazimierz Wielki U., Bydgoszcz) ; Kucerkova, R (ASCR, Prague) ; Beitlerova, A (ASCR, Prague) ; D′Ambrosio, C (CERN) ; Dlouhy, J (ASCR, Prague) ; Nikl, M (ASCR, Prague) ; Zorenko, Yu (Kazimierz Wielki U., Bydgoszcz)
Alpha and gamma spectroscopy (pulse height spectra and scintillation decay time profiles) were used to study
scintillating properties of composite scintillators systems consisting of single crystalline films (SCF) and single
crystal (SC) substrate plates. α-particles of 241Am of energy 5.4857 MeV and γ-quanta of 137Cs of energy
661.66 keV are used as excitation sources of SCFs or SC substrates, respectively. [...]
2019 - 10 p.
- Published in : Opt. Mater. 96 (2019) 109268
Conference Comments by the Editors
/ Yoshikawa, Akira (Tohoku U.) ; Nikl, Martin (ASCR, Prague) ; Williams, Richard T (Wake Forest U.) ; Bizarri, Greg (Cranfield U.) ; Fasoli, Mauro (Milan Bicocca U.) ; Gundacker, Stefan (CERN) ; Jary, Vitezslav (ASCR, Prague) ; Korzhik, Mikhail (Belarus State U.) ; Kurosawa, Shunsuke (Tohoku U.) ; Wu, Yuntao (Shanghai Inst. Ceramics)
The 15th International Conference on Inorganic Scintillators and Their Applications (SCINT 2019) was organized by Tohoku University, and held in Sendai, Japan, September 29–October 4, 2019. A total of 246 colleagues from 24 different countries finally participated in the conference. [...]
2020 - 1 p.
- Published in : IEEE Trans. Nucl. Sci. 67 (2020) 875
In : 15th International Conference on Inorganic Scintillators and Their Applications, Sendai, Japan, 29 Sep - 04 Oct 2019, pp.875