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CERN Document Server 16 ჩანაწერია ნაპოვნი  1 - 10შემდეგი  ჩანაწერთან გადასვლა: ძიებას დასჭირდა 0.57 წამი. 
Dynamics of the conservative and dissipative spin-orbit problem / Celletti, A ; Froeschlé, C ; Lega, E
We investigate the dynamics of the spin--orbit coupling under different settings. [...]
- 2006.
Abstract from Mathematical Physics Preprint Archive mp_arc, Texas Univ.
Perturbative approaches for the analysis of the spin-orbit problem / Celletti, A
We review some results concerning perturbation techniques applied to the spin--orbit problem. [...]
- 2006.
Abstract from Mathematical Physics Preprint Archive mp_arc, Texas Univ.
Four classical methods for determining planetary elliptic elements : a comparison / Celletti, A ; Pinzari, G
The discovery of the asteroid Ceres by G. [...]
- 2005.
Abstract from Mathematical Physics Preprint Archive mp_arc, Texas Univ.
On the break-down threshold of invariant tori in four dimensional maps / Celletti, A ; Falcolini, C ; Locatelli, U
We investigate the break-down of invariant tori in a four dimensional standard mapping for different values of the coupling parameter. [...]
- 2004.
Abstract from Mathematical Physics Preprint Archive mp_arc, Texas Univ.
Perturbative series expansions : theoretical aspects and numerical investigations / Biasco, L ; Celletti, A
Perturbation theory is introduced by means of models borrowed from Celestial Mechanics, namely the two-body and three-body problems. [...]
- 2004.
Abstract from Mathematical Physics Preprint Archive mp_arc, Texas Univ.
KAM Stability and Celestial Mechanics / Celletti, A ; Chierchia, L
KAM theory is a powerful tool apt to prove perpetual stability in Hamiltonian systems, which are a perturbation of integrable ones. [...]
- 2004.
Abstract from Mathematical Physics Preprint Archive mp_arc, Texas Univ.
Frequency analysis of the stability of asteroids in the framework of the restricted, three-body problem / Celletti, A ; Froeschlé, C ; Lega, E
The stability of some asteroids, in the framework of the restricted three- body problem, has been recently proved in \cite{CC03} by developing an isoenergetic KAM theorem. [...]
- 2003.
Abstract from Mathematical Physics Preprint Archive mp_arc, Texas Univ.
Basics of regularization theory / Celletti, A
We consider the dynamics of three point masses, where we assume that the mass of the third body is so small that it does not affect the motion of the primaries. [...]
- 2003.
Abstract from Mathematical Physics Preprint Archive mp_arc, Texas Univ.
Singularities of Periodic Orbits near Invariant Curves / Celletti, A ; Falcolini, C
- 2001.
Abstract from Mathematical Physics Preprint Archive mp_arc, Texas Univ.
A systematic study of the stability of symmetric periodic orbits in the planar, circular, restricted three-body problem / Celletti, A ; Chessa, A ; Hadjidemetriou, J ; Valsecchi, G B
- 2001.
Abstract from Mathematical Physics Preprint Archive mp_arc, Texas Univ.

CERN Document Server : 16 ჩანაწერია ნაპოვნი   1 - 10შემდეგი  ჩანაწერთან გადასვლა:
ასევე იხილეთ: მსგავსი ავტორის სახელები
18 Celletti, Alessandra
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