CERN Accelerating science

CERN Document Server 8 ჩანაწერია ნაპოვნი  ძიებას დასჭირდა 0.64 წამი. 
Dark Sectors 2016 Workshop: Community Report / Alexander, Jim (Cornell U., Phys. Dept.) ; Battaglieri, Marco (INFN, Genoa) ; Echenard, Bertrand (Caltech) ; Essig, Rouven (SUNY, Stony Brook) ; Graham, Matthew (SLAC) ; Izaguirre, Eder (Perimeter Inst. Theor. Phys.) ; Jaros, John (SLAC) ; Krnjaic, Gordan (Fermilab) ; Mardon, Jeremy (Stanford U., Phys. Dept.) ; Morrissey, David (TRIUMF) et al.
This report, based on the Dark Sectors workshop at SLAC in April 2016, summarizes the scientific importance of searches for dark sector dark matter and forces at masses beneath the weak-scale, the status of this broad international field, the important milestones motivating future exploration, and promising experimental opportunities to reach these milestones over the next 5-10 years..
arXiv:1608.08632 ; FERMILAB-CONF-16-421.
- 2016 - 66.
Fermilab Library Server (fulltext available) - Full text - Fulltext
Simplified Models for Dark Matter Searches at the LHC / Abdallah, Jalal (Taiwan, Inst. Phys.) ; Araujo, Henrique (Imperial Coll., London) ; Arbey, Alexandre (Lyon U. ; Lyon, Ecole Normale Superieure ; CERN) ; Ashkenazi, Adi (Tel Aviv U.) ; Belyaev, Alexander (Southampton U.) ; Berger, Joshua (SLAC) ; Boehm, Celine (Durham U., IPPP) ; Boveia, Antonio (CERN) ; Brennan, Amelia (Melbourne U.) ; Brooke, Jim (Bristol U.) et al.
This document outlines a set of simplified models for dark matter and its interactions with Standard Model particles. It is intended to summarize the main characteristics that these simplified models have when applied to dark matter searches at the LHC, and to provide a number of useful expressions for reference. [...]
arXiv:1506.03116; FERMILAB-PUB-15-283-CD; CERN-PH-TH-2015-139; CERN-PH-TH-2015-139.- Geneva : CERN, 2016-05-12 - 16 p. - Published in : Phys. Dark Universe 9-10 (2015) 8-23 Elsevier Open Access article: PDF; Fulltext: PDF; External link: Fermilab Accepted Manuscript
Is Large-Scale-Structure formation a new probe of the Dark Matter interactions with Standard Model particles? / Boehm, Celine (speaker) (Durham University)
In the last few decades, there have been extensive efforts made to discover dark matter particles through a significant experimental program based on direct and indirect detection techniques. However so far these searches remain unsuccessful, thus questioning our ability to elucidate one of the biggest challenges of modern Cosmology. [...]
2014 - 3335. TH Theoretical Seminar External link: Event details In : Is Large-Scale-Structure formation a new probe of the Dark Matter interactions with Standard Model particles?
Constraining Dark Matter-Neutrino Interactions using the CMB and Large-Scale Structure / Wilkinson, Ryan J. (Durham U., IPPP) ; Boehm, Celine (Annecy, LAPTH ; Durham U., IPPP) ; Lesgourgues, Julien (Annecy, LAPTH ; CERN ; ITPP, Lausanne)
We present a new study on the elastic scattering cross section of dark matter (DM) and neutrinos using the latest cosmological data from Planck and large-scale structure experiments. We find that the strongest constraints are set by the Lyman-alpha forest, giving sigma_{DM-neutrino} < 10^{-33} (m_DM/GeV) cm^2 if the cross section is constant and a present-day value of sigma_{DM-neutrino} < 10^{-45} (m_DM/GeV) cm^2 if it scales as the temperature squared. [...]
arXiv:1401.7597; IPPP-14-03; DCPT-14-06; CERN-PH-TH-2014-013; LAPTH-006-14; IPPP-14-03; DCPT-14-06; CERN-PH-TH-2014-013; LAPTH-006-14.- 2014-05-12 - 12 p. - Published in : JCAP 05 (2014) 011 External link: Preprint
Using the CMB angular power spectrum to study Dark Matter-photon interactions / Wilkinson, Ryan J. (Durham U., IPPP) ; Lesgourgues, Julien (CERN ; ITPP, Lausanne ; Annecy, LAPTH) ; Boehm, Céline (Annecy, LAPTH ; Durham U., IPPP)
In this paper, we explore the impact of Dark Matter-photon interactions on the CMB angular power spectrum. Using the one-year data release of the Planck satellite, we derive an upper bound on the Dark Matter-photon elastic scattering cross section of sigma_{DM-photon} < 8 x 10^{-31} (m_DM/GeV) cm^2 (68% CL) if the cross section is constant and a present-day value of sigma_{DM-photon} < 6 x 10^{-40} (m_DM/GeV) cm^2 (68% CL) if it scales as the temperature squared. [...]
arXiv:1309.7588; IPPP-13-59; DCPT-13-118; CERN-PH-TH-2013-208; LAPTH-046-13; IPPP-13-59; DCPT-13-118; CERN-PH-TH-2013-208; LAPTH-046-13.- 2014-04-28 - 16 p. - Published in : JCAP 04 (2014) 026 External link: Preprint
PAMELA and FERMI-LAT limits on the neutralino-chargino mass degeneracy / Belanger, Genevieve (Annecy, LAPTH) ; Boehm, Celine (Durham U., IPPP ; Annecy, LAPTH) ; Cirelli, Marco (CERN ; Saclay, SPhT) ; Da Silva, Jonathan (Annecy, LAPTH) ; Pukhov, Alexander (SINP, Moscow)
Searches for Dark Matter (DM) particles with indirect detection techniques have reached important milestones with the precise measurements of the anti-proton and gamma-ray spectra, notably by the PAMELA and FERMI-LAT experiments. While the gamma-ray results have been used to test the thermal Dark Matter hypothesis and constrain the Dark Matter annihilation cross section into Standard Model (SM) particles, the anti-proton flux measured by the PAMELA experiment remains relatively unexploited. [...]
arXiv:1208.5009; CERN-PH-TH-2012-214; SACLAY-T12-054; LAPTH-040-12; CERN-PH-TH-2012-214.- 2012 - 22 p. - Published in : JCAP 11 (2012) 028 IOP Open Access article: PDF; External link: Preprint
A Light Dark Matter signature? / Boehm, Celine
2003 - Published in : PoS: AHEP2003 (2003) , pp. 065 Published version from PoS: AHEP2003-065 - PDF; 065valencia - PDF;
In : International Workshop on Astroparticle and High Energy Physics, Valencia, Spain, 14 - 18 Oct 2003, pp.065
Constraints on Dark Matter interactions from structure formation: Damping lengths / Boehm, Celine (CERN) ; Schaeffer, Richard (Saclay)
(Shortened) Weakly Interacting Massive Particles are often said to be the best Dark Matter candidates. Studies have shown however that rather large Dark Matter-photon or Dark Matter-baryon interactions could be allowed by cosmology. [...]
astro-ph/0410591.- 2005 - Published in : Astron. Astrophys. 438 (2005) 419-442 Access to fulltext document: PDF; Preprint: PDF; External link: astro-ph/0410591 PDF

ასევე იხილეთ: მსგავსი ავტორის სახელები
14 Boehm, C
10 Boehm, C.
49 Boehm, Celine
6 Boehm, Ch
2 Boehm, Christine
1 Boehm, Conrad
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