CERN Accelerating science

CERN Document Server 52 ჩანაწერია ნაპოვნი  1 - 10შემდეგიდასასრული  ჩანაწერთან გადასვლა: ძიებას დასჭირდა 0.69 წამი. 
Letter of Intent : study of p¯p and ¯pd interactions at threshold in gaseous H2 and D2 targets at LEAR / CERN-LAL-Mainz-München-TRIUMF-Zürich Collaboration
CERN-PSCC-79-65 ; PSCC-I-15.
- 1979. - 15 p.
Full text
Proposal : Study of p¯p and ¯pd interactions at threshold in gaseous H2 and D2 targets / Mainz-München-TRIUMF-Zürich Collaboration
CERN-PSCC-79-31 ; PSCC-P-9.
- 1979. - 25 p.
Full text
X Rays from Pionic 3He1 / Mason, G R ; Beer, G A ; Bryman, D A ; Dixit, M S ; Kim, S K ; Macdonal, J A ; Olin, A ; Pearce, R M
- 1978. - 8 p.
Precuse meausrement of Pionic K X rays in liquid 3He / Mason, G R ; Beer, G A ; Dixit, M S ; Kim, S K ; MacDonald, J A ; Olin, A ; Pearce, R M ; Sperry, W C ; Vincent, J S
- 1979. - 12 p.
The variation of pionic X-Ray intesity with atomic numer 1 / Pearce, R M ; Beer, G A ; Dixit, M S ; Kim, S K ; MacDonald, J A ; Mason, G R ; Olin, A ; Sabev, C ; Sperry, W C ; Wiegand, C
- 1979. - 26 p.
A cylindrical multiwire high-pressure gas proportional chamber surrounding a gaseous 2targetwithamylarseparationfoil6 \mu m thick / Gastaldi, Ugo (CERN) ; Auld, E G (TRIUMF) ; Averdung, H (Mainz U.) ; Bailey, J (Daresbury) ; Beer, G A (TRIUMF) ; Dreher, B (Mainz U.) ; Erdman, K L (TRIUMF) ; Klempt, E (Maiz U.) ; Merle, K (Mainz U.) ; Neubecker, K (Maiz U.) et al.
The characteristics and performances of a cylindrical multiwire proportional chamber built and used at CERN in experiment S142 for the study of the pp atom spectroscopy are presented. The chamber surrounds a high-pressure gaseous H/sub 2/ target, from which it is separated by a very thin window (6 mu m mylar foil). [...]
1978 - Published in : Nucl. Instrum. Methods 156 (1978) 257-65 Fulltext: PDF;
Z Dependence Of The Intensity Of |delta N| = 2 Pionic X-rays / Sperry, W C ; Beer, G A ; Dixit, M S ; Kim, S A ; MacDonald, J A ; Mason, G R ; Olin, A ; Pearce, R M ; Sabev, C ; Wiegand, C E
TRI-PP-79-15.- Burnaby, BC : TRIUMF, 1979 - 2 p. - Published in : Phys. Lett. B 86 (1979) 29-30 Fulltext: PDF;
Cascade time of anti-protons in gaseous hydrogen / Reifenrother, G ; Ahmad, S ; Amsler, Claude ; Armenteros, Rafael ; Auld, E G ; Axen, D A ; Bailey, D ; Barlag, S ; Beer, G A ; Bizot, J C et al.
1988 - Published in : Phys. Lett. B 214 (1988) 325-328
Measuring sticking and stripping in muon catalyzed dt fusion with multilayer thin films / Fujiwara, M C ; Bailey, J M ; Beer, G A ; Beveridge, J L ; Gete, E ; Huber, T M ; Jacot-Guillarmod, R ; Kammel, P ; Kherani, N P ; Kim, S K et al.
TRI-PP-95-90.- Burnaby, BC : TRIUMF, 1995 - 9 p. Access to fulltext document: TIF PDF;
In : International Symposium on Muon-catalyzed Fusion and the Physics of Exotic Atoms and Molecules : μCF '95, Dubna, Russian Federation, 19 - 24 Jun 1995, pp.613-621 - CERN library copies
Characterization of solid hydrogen targets / Fujiwara, M C ; Bailey, J M ; Beer, G A ; Beveridge, J L ; Douglas, J L ; Huber, T M ; Jacot-Guillarmod, R ; Kammel, P ; Kim, S K ; Knowles, P E et al.
TRI-PP-95-91.- Burnaby, BC : TRIUMF, 1995 - 7 p. Access to fulltext document: TIF PDF;
In : International Symposium on Muon-catalyzed Fusion and the Physics of Exotic Atoms and Molecules : μCF '95, Dubna, Russian Federation, 19 - 24 Jun 1995, pp.641-646 - CERN library copies

CERN Document Server : 52 ჩანაწერია ნაპოვნი   1 - 10შემდეგიდასასრული  ჩანაწერთან გადასვლა:
ასევე იხილეთ: მსგავსი ავტორის სახელები
54 Beer, G
2 Beer, George
2 Beer, Gerald
5 Beer, Gernot
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