Future Linear Colliders
/ Stapnes, Steinar (speaker) (CERN)
A Higgs factory is considered the highest-priority next collider in the EPPSU 2020 strategy update. Two linear colliders projects, the Compact Linear Collider (CLIC) and the International Linear Collider (ILC), currently under study are among the candidates being considered. [...]
2024 - 3419.
CAS - CERN Accelerator School; CAS course on Basics of Accelerator Physics and Technology, 11 - 15 March 2024, Ferney-Voltaire, France
External links: Talk details; Event details
In : CAS course on Basics of Accelerator Physics and Technology, 11 - 15 March 2024, Ferney-Voltaire, France
Active dosimetry for VHEE FLASH radiotherapy using beam profile monitors and charge measurements
/ Rieker, Vilde F (CERN ; Oslo U.) ; Corsini, Roberto (CERN) ; Stapnes, Steinar (CERN) ; Adli, Erik (Oslo U.) ; Farabolini, Wilfrid (CERN) ; Grilj, Veljko (SUBATECH, Nantes) ; Sjobak, Kyrre N (Oslo U.) ; Wroe, Laurence M (CERN) ; Aksoy, Avni (CERN ; Ankara U.) ; Robertson, Cameron S (Oxford U.) et al.
The discovery of the FLASH effect has revealed a high potential for treating cancer more efficiently by sparing
healthy tissue. The surge in related medical research activities over the last couple of years has triggered a
demand for technology with the capability of generating and measuring ionizing radiation at ultra-high doserates (UHDR). [...]
2024 - 12 p.
- Published in : Nucl. Instrum. Methods Phys. Res., A 1069 (2024) 169845
Fulltext: PDF;
A Compact Inverse Compton Scattering Source Based on X-band Technology and Cavity-enhanced High Average Power Ultrafast Lasers
/ Latina, Andrea (CERN) ; Cormier, Eric (LP2N, Bordeaux) ; Corsini, Roberto (CERN) ; Dyks, Luke (CERN) ; Granados, Eduardo (CERN) ; Grudiev, Alexej (CERN) ; Mușat, Vlad (CERN) ; Santarelli, Giorgio (LP2N, Bordeaux) ; Stapnes, Steinar (CERN) ; Wang, Ping (CERN) et al.
A high-pulse-current photoinjector followed by a short high-gradient X-band linac and a Fabry-Pérot enhancement cavity are considered as a driver for a compact Inverse Compton Scattering (ICS) source. Using a high-power ultra-short pulse laser operating in burst mode in a Fabry-Pérot enhancement cavity, we show that outcoming photons with a total flux over 10$^{13}$ and energies in the MeV range are achievable. [...]
2024 - 4 p.
- Published in : JACoW FLS 2023 (2024) TH4A2
Fulltext: PDF;
In : ICFA Advanced Beam Dynamics Workshop on Future Light Sources, Lucerne, Switzerland, 28 Aug - 1 Sep 2023, pp.TH4A2
Interim report for the International Muon Collider Collaboration
/ Accettura, Carlotta
The International Muon Collider Collaboration (IMCC) [1] was established in 2020 following the recommendations of the European Strategy for Particle Physics (ESPP) and the implementation of the European Strategy for Particle Physics-Accelerator R&D Roadmap by the Laboratory Directors Group [2], [...]
arXiv:2407.12450 ; CERN-2024-002
Geneva : CERN, 2024-09-30 - 150.
(CERN Yellow Reports: Monographs ; 2/2024)
Future colliders
/ Stapnes, Steinar (speaker) (CERN)
Mature Higgs factory studies (FCC-ee, CLIC, ILC,
CEPC – mention also C3)
Beyond Higgs Factories:
• LCs towards 3 TeV
• Muon collider
• LDG R&D; roadmap
2023 - 1735.
LHC Outreach Group; LOG Meeting
External links: Talk details; Event details
In : LOG Meeting
Towards a Muon Collider
/ Accettura, Carlotta (CERN) ; Adams, Dean (Rutherford) ; Agarwal, Rohit (UC, Berkeley (main)) ; Ahdida, Claudia (CERN) ; Aimè, Chiara (Pavia U. ; INFN, Pavia) ; Amapane, Nicola (INFN, Turin ; Turin U.) ; Amorim, David (CERN) ; Andreetto, Paolo (INFN, Padua) ; Anulli, Fabio (INFN, Rome) ; Appleby, Robert (Manchester U.) et al.
A muon collider would enable the big jump ahead in energy reach that is needed for a fruitful exploration of fundamental interactions. The challenges of producing muon collisions at high luminosity and 10 TeV centre of mass energy are being investigated by the recently-formed International Muon Collider Collaboration. [...]
arXiv:2303.08533; FERMILAB-PUB-23-123-AD-PPD-T.-
2023-09-26 - 118 p.
- Published in : Eur. Phys. J. C - Published in : Eur. Phys. J. C
Fulltext: 2303.08533 - PDF; FERMILAB-PUB-23-123-AD-PPD-T - PDF; Fulltext from Publisher: PDF; External links: JLab Document Server; Fermilab Library Server
A Compact Inverse Compton Scattering Source Based on X-Band Technology and Cavity-Enhanced High-Average-Power Ultrafast Lasers
/ Latina, Andrea (CERN) ; Cormier, Eric (CELIA, Bordeaux) ; Corsini, Roberto (CERN) ; Dyks, Luke (CERN) ; Granados, Eduardo (CERN) ; Grudiev, Alexej (CERN) ; Musat, Vlad (CERN) ; Santarelli, Giorgio (ILE) ; Stapnes, Steinar (CERN) ; Wuensch, Walter (CERN)
A high-pulse-current injector followed by a short high-gradient X-band linac is considered as a driver for a compact Inverse Compton Scattering source. We show that using a high-power ultrashort pulse laser operating in burst mode and a Fabry-Pérot enhancement cavity, X-rays with flux values over 10$^{13}$ ph/s and photon energies up to MeV are achievable. [...]
2022 - 3 p.
- Published in : JACoW LINAC 2022 (2022) 44-46
Fulltext: PDF;
In : 31st Linear Accelerator Conference (LINAC22), Liverpool, UK, 28 Aug - 2 Sep 2022, pp.44-46
Status of the CompactLight Design Study
/ D'Auria, Gerardo (Sincrotrone Trieste) ; Aicheler, Markus (Helsinki Inst. of Phys.) ; Aksoy, Avni (Ankara U.) ; Alesini, David (Frascati) ; Apsimon, Robert (Cockcroft Inst. Accel. Sci. Tech.) ; Arnesano, Jordan Matias (Rome U.) ; Bellaveglia, Marco (Frascati) ; Bernhard, Axel (KIT, Karlsruhe) ; Bosco, Fabio (Rome U.) ; Buonomo, Bruno (Frascati) et al.
CompactLight (XLS) is an International Collaboration of 24 partners and 5 third parties, funded by the European Union through the Horizon 2020 Research and Innovation Programme. The main goal of the project, which started in January 2018 with a duration of 36 months, is the design of an hard X-ray FEL facility beyond today’s state of the art, using the latest concepts for bright electron photo-injectors, high-gradient accelerating structures, and innovative short-period undulators. [...]
2019 - 4 p.
- Published in : 10.18429/JACoW-FEL2019-THP078
Fulltext: PDF;
In : 39th International Free Electron Laser Conference, Hamburg, Germany, 26 - 30 Aug 2019, pp.THP078