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A review on event shape studies in ultra-relativistic collisions at the LHC energies / Tripathy, Sushanta (Bogoroditsk Tech. Chem. Plant ; CERN ; Minsk, Inst. Nucl. Problems) ; Prasad, Suraj (Indian Inst. Tech., Indore) ; Mallick, Neelkamal (Indian Inst. Tech., Indore) ; Sahoo, Bhagyarathi (Indian Inst. Tech., Indore) ; Sahoo, Raghunath (Indian Inst. Tech., Indore)
Recent measurements of high multiplicity pp collisions at LHC energies have revealed that these systems exhibit features similar to quark-gluon plasma, such as the presence of radial and elliptic flow and strangeness enhancement, traditionally believed to be only achievable in ultra-relativistic nucleus-nucleus collisions [1]. To pinpoint the origin of these phenomena and to bring all collision systems in equal footings, along with charged-particle multiplicity (Nch), lately several event shape observables such as transverse spherocity (S0), transverse sphericity (ST), charged particle flattenicity (ρch), and relative transverse activity classifiers such as RT, Rmin T , and Rmax T has been used extensively in experiments as well as in the phenomenological front. [...]
2024 - 2 p. - Published in : DAE Symp. Nucl. Phys.: 67 (2024) , pp. 1135-1136 Fulltext: PDF; External link: Fulltext
In : 67th DAE Symposium on Nuclear Physics (DAE NPSYMP 2023), Indore, Madhya Pradesh, India, 9 - 23 Dec 2023
Pseudorapidity and transverse spherocity dependence of particle production in proton+proton collisions at the LHC / R, Aswathy Menon K (Indian Inst. Tech., Indore) ; Prasad, Suraj (Indian Inst. Tech., Indore) ; Mallick, Neelkamal (Indian Inst. Tech., Indore) ; Tripathy, Sushanta (CERN) ; Sahoo, Raghunath (Indian Inst. Tech., Indore)
Recent observations of strangeness enhancement, ridge-like structure and radial flow behaviour at the LHC indicate the formation of QGP-droplets in high multiplicity proton+proton (pp) collisions. While the applicability of hydrodynamics in high multiplicity pp collisions is still under investigation, certain perturbative QCD (pQCD) inspired models such as PYTHIA can imitate radial flow-like effects by implementing color reconnection (CR) with multi-partonic interactions (MPI)..
2024 - 2 p. - Published in : DAE Symp. Nucl. Phys.: 67 (2024) , pp. 1029-1030 Fulltext: PDF; External link: Fulltext
In : 67th DAE Symposium on Nuclear Physics (DAE NPSYMP 2023), Indore, Madhya Pradesh, India, 9 - 23 Dec 2023
Probing strangeness with event topology classifiers in pp collisions at the LHC with rope hadronization mechanism in PYTHIA / Prasad, Suraj (Indian Inst. Tech., Indore) ; Sahoo, Bhagyarathi (Indian Inst. Tech., Indore) ; Tripathy, Sushanta (CERN) ; Mallick, Neelkamal (Indian Inst. Tech., Indore) ; Sahoo, Raghunath (Indian Inst. Tech., Indore)
In relativistic heavy-ion collisions, the formation of a deconfined and thermalized state of partons, known as quark-gluon plasma, leads to enhanced production of strange hadrons in contrast to proton-proton (pp) collisions, which are taken as baseline. [...]
- 14.
Light neutral-meson production in pp collisions at $\mathbf{\sqrt{s}}$ = 13 TeV / Acharya, Shreyasi (Clermont-Ferrand U.) ; Agarwal, Apar (Calcutta, VECC) ; Aglieri Rinella, Gianluca (CERN) ; Aglietta, Luca (Turin U. ; INFN, Turin) ; Agnello, Michelangelo (Turin Polytechnic) ; Agrawal, Neelima (Bologna U. ; INFN, Bologna) ; Ahammed, Zubayer (Calcutta, VECC) ; Ahmad, Shakeel (Aligarh Muslim U.) ; Ahn, Sang Un (KISTI, Daejeon) ; Ahuja, Ishaan (Kosice U.) et al.
The momentum-differential invariant cross~sections of ${\pi^{0}}$ and $\eta$ mesons are reported for pp collisions at $\sqrt{s} = 13$ TeV at midrapidity ($|y| < 0.8$). The measurement is performed in a broad transverse-momentum range of $0.2 < p_{\rm T} < 200$ GeV/$c$ and $0.4 < p_{\rm T} < 60$ GeV/$c$ for the ${\pi^{0}}$ and $\eta$, respectively, extending the $p_{\rm T}$ coverage of previous measurements. [...]
arXiv:2411.09560; CERN-EP-2024-304.- Geneva : CERN, 2024 - 39 p. Draft (restricted): PDF; Fulltext: PDF;
Measurement of $\omega$ meson production in pp collisions at $\sqrt{s}$ = 13 TeV / Acharya, Shreyasi (Clermont-Ferrand U.) ; Adamova, Dagmar (Rez, Nucl. Phys. Inst.) ; Agarwal, Apar (Calcutta, VECC) ; Aglieri Rinella, Gianluca (CERN) ; Aglietta, Luca (Turin U. ; INFN, Turin) ; Agnello, Michelangelo (Turin Polytechnic) ; Agrawal, Neelima (Bologna U. ; INFN, Bologna) ; Ahammed, Zubayer (Calcutta, VECC) ; Ahmad, Shakeel (Aligarh Muslim U.) ; Ahn, Sang Un (KISTI, Daejeon) et al.
The $p_{\rm T}$-differential cross section of $\omega$ meson production in pp collisions at $\sqrt{s}$ = 13 TeV at midrapidity ($|y| < 0.5$) was measured with the ALICE detector at the LHC, covering an unprecedented transverse-momentum range of $1.6 < p_{\rm T} < 50$ GeV/$c$. The meson is reconstructed via the $\omega \rightarrow \pi^+ \pi^- \pi^0$ decay channel. [...]
arXiv:2411.09432; CERN-EP-2024-303.- Geneva : CERN, 2024 - 26 p. Draft (restricted): PDF; Fulltext: PDF;
Studying charm hadronisation into baryons with azimuthal correlations of $\Lambda^+_{\rm c}$ with charged particles in pp collisions at $\sqrt{s}$ = 13 TeV / Acharya, Shreyasi (Clermont-Ferrand U.) ; Agarwal, Apar (Calcutta, VECC) ; Aglieri Rinella, Gianluca (CERN) ; Aglietta, Luca (Turin U. ; INFN, Turin) ; Agnello, Michelangelo (Turin Polytechnic) ; Agrawal, Neelima (Bologna U. ; INFN, Bologna) ; Ahammed, Zubayer (Calcutta, VECC) ; Ahmad, Shakeel (Aligarh Muslim U.) ; Ahn, Sang Un (KISTI, Daejeon) ; Ahuja, Ishaan (Kosice U.) et al.
The distribution of angular correlations between prompt charm hadrons and primary charged particles in pp collisions is sensitive to the charm-quark hadronisation process. In this letter, charm-baryon correlations are measured for the first time by studying the azimuthal-angle difference between charged particles and prompt $\Lambda_{\rm c}^+$ baryons produced in pp collisions at a centre-of-mass energy $\sqrt{s} = 13$ TeV, with the ALICE detector. [...]
arXiv:2411.10104; CERN-EP-2024-302.- Geneva : CERN, 2024 - 28 p. Draft (restricted): PDF; Fulltext: PDF;
Observation of partonic flow in proton–proton and proton–nucleus collisions / Acharya, Shreyasi (Clermont-Ferrand U.) ; Agarwal, Apar (Calcutta, VECC) ; Aglieri Rinella, Gianluca (CERN) ; Aglietta, Luca (Turin U. ; INFN, Turin) ; Agnello, Michelangelo (Turin Polytechnic) ; Agrawal, Neelima (Bologna U. ; INFN, Bologna) ; Ahammed, Zubayer (Calcutta, VECC) ; Ahmad, Shakeel (Aligarh Muslim U.) ; Ahn, Sang Un (KISTI, Daejeon) ; Ahuja, Ishaan (Kosice U.) et al. /ALICE
Quantum Chromodynamics predicts a phase transition from ordinary hadronic matter to the quark–gluon plasma (QGP) at high temperatures and energy densities, where quarks and gluons (partons) are not confined within hadrons. The QGP is generated in ultrarelativistic heavy-ion collisions. [...]
arXiv:2411.09323; CERN-EP-2024-299.- Geneva : CERN, 2024 - 22 p. Draft (restricted): PDF; Fulltext: PDF;
System size and energy dependence of the mean transverse momentum fluctuations at the LHC / Acharya, Shreyasi (Clermont-Ferrand U.) ; Agarwal, Apar (Calcutta, VECC) ; Aglieri Rinella, Gianluca (CERN) ; Aglietta, Luca (Turin U. ; INFN, Turin) ; Agnello, Michelangelo (Turin Polytechnic) ; Agrawal, Neelima (Bologna U. ; INFN, Bologna) ; Ahammed, Zubayer (Calcutta, VECC) ; Ahmad, Shakeel (Aligarh Muslim U.) ; Ahn, Sang Un (KISTI, Daejeon) ; Ahuja, Ishaan (Kosice U.) et al.
Event-by-event fluctuations of the event-wise mean transverse momentum, $\langle p_{\mathrm{T}}\rangle$, of charged particles produced in proton-proton (pp) collisions at $\sqrt{s}$ = 5.02 TeV, Xe-Xe collisions at $\sqrt{s_{\mathrm{NN}}}$ = 5.44 TeV, and Pb-Pb collisions at $\sqrt{s_{\mathrm{NN}}}$ = 5.02 TeV are studied using the ALICE detector based on the integral correlator $\langle \langle \Delta p_{\rm T}\Delta p_{\rm T}\rangle \rangle $. The correlator strength is found to decrease monotonically with increasing produced charged-particle multiplicity measured at mid-rapidity in all three systems. [...]
arXiv:2411.09334; CERN-EP-2024-297.- Geneva : CERN, 2024 - 28 p. Draft (restricted): PDF; Fulltext: PDF;
Direct-photon production in inelastic and high-multiplicity proton-proton collisions at $\sqrt{s} =$ 13 TeV / Acharya, Shreyasi (Clermont-Ferrand U.) ; Agarwal, Apar (Calcutta, VECC) ; Aglieri Rinella, Gianluca (CERN) ; Aglietta, Luca (Turin U. ; INFN, Turin) ; Agnello, Michelangelo (Turin Polytechnic) ; Agrawal, Neelima (Bologna U. ; INFN, Bologna) ; Ahammed, Zubayer (Calcutta, VECC) ; Ahmad, Shakeel (Aligarh Muslim U.) ; Ahn, Sang Un (KISTI, Daejeon) ; Ahuja, Ishaan (Kosice U.) et al. /ALICE
In this letter, we present the first measurement of direct photons at the transverse momentum of $ 1 < p_{\rm T} < 6$ GeV/$c$ at midrapidity $|\eta| < 0.8$ in inelastic and high-multiplicity proton-proton collisions at a centre-of-mass energy of $\sqrt{s}$ = 13 TeV. The fraction of virtual direct photons in the inclusive virtual photon spectrum is obtained from a fit to the dielectron invariant mass spectrum. [...]
arXiv:2411.14366; CERN-EP-2024-295.- Geneva : CERN, 2024 - 27 p. Draft (restricted): PDF; Fulltext: PDF;
Proton emission in ultraperipheral Pb-Pb collisions at $\sqrt{s_\mathrm{NN}}$ =5.02 TeV / Acharya, Shreyasi (Clermont-Ferrand U.) ; Agarwal, Apar (Calcutta, VECC) ; Aglieri Rinella, Gianluca (CERN) ; Aglietta, Luca (Turin U. ; INFN, Turin) ; Agnello, Michelangelo (Turin Polytechnic) ; Agrawal, Neelima (Bologna U. ; INFN, Bologna) ; Ahammed, Zubayer (Calcutta, VECC) ; Ahmad, Shakeel (Aligarh Muslim U.) ; Ahn, Sang Un (KISTI, Daejeon) ; Ahuja, Ishaan (Kosice U.) et al. /ALICE
The first measurements of proton emission accompanied by neutron emission in the electromagnetic dissociation (EMD) of $^{208}$Pb nuclei in the ALICE experiment at the LHC are presented. The EMD protons and neutrons emitted at very forward rapidities are detected by the proton and neutron Zero Degree Calorimeters of the ALICE experiment. [...]
arXiv:2411.07058; CERN-EP-2024-288.- Geneva : CERN, 2024 - 25 p. Draft (restricted): PDF; Fulltext: PDF;

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