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Some Peculiarities in the Interaction of 6He with 197Au and 206Pb / Penionzhkevich, Yu E ; Astabatyan, R A ; Demekhina, N A ; Dlouhý, Z ; Kalpakchieva, R ; Kulko, A A ; Lobastov, S P ; Lukyanov, S M ; Markaryan, E R ; Maslov, V A et al.
Excitation functions were measured for fusion followed by the evaporation of neutrons in the reactions 206Pb(6He, 2n)210Po and 197Au(6He, xn)203xnTl, where x = 2-7, as well as for the transfer reactions on a 197Au target with the formation of the 196Au, 198Au and 199Au isotopes. [...]
JINR-P7-2005-106 ; P7-2005-106.
- 2005. - 11 p.
Fulltext from JINR Dubna
Charge-State Distributions of Accelerated ^{48}Ca Ions / Skobelev, N K ; Kalpakchieva, R ; Astabatyan, R A ; Vincour, J ; Kulko, A A ; Lobastov, S P ; Lukyanov, S M ; Markaryan, E R ; Maslov, V A ; Penionzhkevich, Yu E et al.
A stepped pole broad-range magnetic analyzer has been used to measure the charge-state distributions of accelerated ^{48}Ca ions at the two incident energies 242.8 and 264.5 MeV after passing through thin carbon or gold target foils. [...]
E7-2003-195 ; JINR-E7-2003-195.
- 2003. - 12 p.
Fulltext from JINR Dubna
Set-Up on the Basis of Multiwire Proportional and Ionization Chambers for Radioactive Beam Experiments / Astabatyan, R A ; Kalpakchieva, R ; Kavalov, R L ; Kugler, A ; Kuznetsov, I V ; Kushniruk, V F ; Lobastov, S P ; Lukyanov, S M ; Markaryan, E R ; Maslov, V A et al.
A large-aperture set-up designed for nuclear physics experiments on beams of radioactive nuclei is described. [...]
E13-2002-138 ; JINR-E13-2002-138.
- 2002. - 18 p.
Fulltext from JINR Dubna
Experimental evidence for particle stability of 34Ne and 37Na / Lukyanov, S M ; Penionzhkevich, Yu E ; Astabatyan, R A ; Lobastov, S P ; Sobolev, Y ; Guillemaud-Müller, D ; Faivre, G ; Ibrahim, F ; Müller, A C ; Pougheon, F et al.
- 2002. - 10 p.
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Calculation and optimization of transition radiation detector based on the straw / Astabatyan, R A ; Lobastov, S P ; Madigozhin, D T ; Peshekhonov, V D ; Potrebenikov, Yu K
- 1999. - 20 p.
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The parallax calculation method and coordinate corrections for X-ray beams in the detectors based on straw drift tubes / Lobastov, S P ; Lyssan, V M ; Peshekhonov, V D ; Smirichinski, V I
- 1999. - 12 p.
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Construction and preliminary tests of the Large Area prototype for the COMPASS Tracker / Bychkov, V ; Kekelidze, G D ; Livinski, V V ; Lobastov, S P ; Lyssan, V M ; Mishin, S V ; Novikov, E A ; Peshekhonov, V D ; Shokin, V I ; Zlobin, Yu L
- 1998. - 9 p.
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Radiation hardness of polysulphone and polycarbonate elements for LHC detectors / Hauviller, Claude ; Almaeva, L S ; Bychkov, V ; Golikov, V V ; Kekelidze, G D ; Lobastov, S P ; Luschikov, V I ; Peshekhonov, V D
In the TRT Inner Detector being developed for ATLAS, elements made from plastic materials are widely used. [...]
ATL-INDET-98-218 ; JINR-E14-98-245.
- 1998. - 10 p.
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Some characteristics of the long straw drift tubes / Bychkov, V ; Kekelidze, G D ; Ivanov, A B ; Livinski, V V ; Lobastov, S P ; Lyssan, V M ; Mishin, S V ; Peshekhonov, V D
- 1998. - 14 p.
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An experiment for studying mechanisms of charmed particle production and decays in pA-interactions at 70 GeV/c / Ardashev, E N ; Bogolyubsky, M Yu ; Bulgakov, N K ; Burtovoi, V S ; Chekulaev, S V ; Chmill, V B ; Chuntonov, A V ; Tsyupa, Yu P ; Eremchenko, E ; Gavlitsky, A et al.
- 1996. - 48 p.
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