CERN Accelerating science

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Production of $^{{129} \textrm{m}}$Xe and $^{{131} \textrm{m}}$Xe via neutron activation of $^{128}$Xe and $^{130}$Xe at ILL-RHF and NCBJ-MARIA high-flux reactors / Chojnacki, M (CERN ; Geneva U.) ; Kulesz, K (CERN ; Geneva U.) ; Michelon, I (CERN ; INFN, Padua) ; Azaryan, N (CERN ; Mickiewicz U., Poznan) ; Barbero, E (CERN) ; Crepieux, B (CERN) ; Lica, R (CERN ; Bucharest, IFIN-HH) ; Murawski, Ł (NCBJ, Swierk) ; Ziemba, M (NCBJ, Swierk) ; Piersa-Siłkowska, M (CERN) et al.
The long-lived xenon isomers $^{{129} \textrm{m}}$Xe and $^{{131} \textrm{m}}$Xe are of interest for the GAMMA-MRI project, which aims at developing a novel imaging modality based on magnetic resonance of polarized unstable tracers. Here, we present the steps leading to and following the production of these two isomers via neutron irradiation of highly-enriched  $^{128}$Xe and $^{130}$Xe gas samples at two high-flux reactors, the High-Flux Reactor (Réacteur à haut flux, RHF) at the Institut Laue-Langevin (ILL) and the MARIA reactor at the National Centre for Nuclear Research (NCBJ). [...]
2024 - 8 p. - Published in : Appl. Radiat. Isot. 205 (2024) 111174 Fulltext: PDF;
A numerical study of the anisotropic distribution of γ-ray emission from oriented $^{129m,131m,133m}$Xe / Kulesz, Karolina (CERN ; Geneva U.) ; Engel, Robin Yoël (CERN ; Oldenburg U.) ; Jolivet, Renaud Blaise (Maastricht U.) ; Kowalska, Magdalena (CERN ; Geneva U.)
Spin-polarized radioactive nuclei emit radioactive decay products in an anisotropic manner that is characteristic of their degree of nuclear orientation. This property can be utilized for nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy and imaging. [...]
2023 - 12 p. - Published in : Meas. Sci. Technol. 35 (2024) 025027 Fulltext: PDF;
GAMMA-MRI: Towards a Novel Clinical Imaging Modality Using Long-lived Aligned Gamma Emitters / Kulesz, Karolina
This thesis presents a study of the production and hyperpolarization (HP) of metastable xenon radioisotopes (Xe-129m, Xe-131m, and Xe-133m referred to as mXe) and the investigation of the angular distribution of their γ radiation [...]
CERN-THESIS-2023-197 -

A Thermal Sublimation Generator of $^{131 \textrm{m}}$Xe / Kulesz, Karolina (CERN ; Geneva U.) ; Azaryan, Nikolay (CERN) ; Baranowski, Mikołaj (Mickiewicz U., Poznan) ; Chojnacki, Mateusz Jerzy (CERN ; Geneva U.) ; Köster, Ulli (Laue-Langevin Inst.) ; Lica, Razvan (CERN ; Bucharest, IFIN-HH) ; Pascu, Sorin Gabriel (CERN ; Bucharest, IFIN-HH) ; Jolivet, Renaud Blaise (Maastricht U.) ; Kowalska, Magdalena (CERN)
Stable and unstable isotopes of the heavy noble gas xenon find use in various medical applications. However, apart from  $^{133}$Xe, used for Single Photon Emission Computed Tomography, radioactive isotopes of xenon are currently complicated to obtain in small quantities. [...]
2022 - 14 p. - Published in : Instruments 6 (2022) 76 Publication: PDF;
High-accuracy liquid-sample β-NMR setup at ISOLDE / Croese, J. (CERN ; Geneva U.) ; Baranowski, M. (Mickiewicz U., Poznan) ; Bissell, M.L. (Manchester U.) ; Dziubinska-Kühn, K.M. (CERN ; Leipzig U.) ; Gins, W. (IMEC, Leuven) ; Harding, R.D. (CERN ; York U., England) ; Jolivet, R.B. (Geneva U.) ; Kanellakopoulos, A. (IMEC, Leuven) ; Karg, B. (Geneva U.) ; Kulesz, K. (CERN ; Geneva U.) et al.
Recently there has been an increased interest to apply the sensitive $\beta$-decay asymmetry detected nuclear magnetic resonance ($\beta$-NMR) technique to biological studies. A liquid-sample $\beta$-NMR setup was build at ISOLDE to allow such investigations and to use the resolution gain of liquid-state NMR in nuclear physics. [...]
arXiv:2104.11326.- 2021-12-21 - Published in : Nucl. Instrum. Methods Phys. Res., A 1020 (2021) 165862 Fulltext: PDF; Fulltext from publisher: PDF;
Magnetic Moments of Short-Lived Nuclei with Part-per-Million Accuracy: Toward Novel Applications of $\beta$-Detected NMR in Physics, Chemistry, and Biology / Harding, R.D. (CERN ; York U., England ; U. Nottingham) ; Pallada, S. (CERN) ; Croese, J. (CERN ; Geneva U.) ; Antušek, A. (Slovak Tech. U.) ; Baranowski, M. (Mickiewicz U., Poznan) ; Bissell, M.L. (Manchester U.) ; Cerato, L. (U. Geneva (main)) ; Dziubinska-Kühn, K.M. (CERN ; U. Leipzig (main)) ; Gins, W. (Leuven U.) ; Gustafsson, F.P. (Leuven U.) et al.
We determine for the first time the magnetic dipole moment of a short-lived nucleus with part-per-million (ppm) accuracy. To achieve this two orders of magnitude improvement over previous studies, we implement a number of innovations into our $\beta$-detected Nuclear Magnetic Resonance ($\beta$-NMR) setup at ISOLDE/CERN. [...]
arXiv:2004.02820.- 2020-12-29 - 15 p. - Published in : Phys. Rev. X 10 (2020) 041061 Fulltext: PDF; Fulltext from Publisher: PDF;
Collection of $^{129m,131m,133m}$Xe for the gamma-MRI project / Kulesz, K (CERN, UNIGE) ; Kowalska, M (CERN)
CERN-INTC-2021-019 ; INTC-P-598.
- 2021.
Research plans for the laser-polarization beamline VITO at ISOLDE / Azaryan, N ; Baranowski, M ; Bissell, M L ; Cerato, L ; Croese, J ; Gins, W ; Dziubinska-Kuehn, K ; Karg, B ; Kowalska, M ; Kozak, M et al.
CERN-INTC-2020-012 ; INTC-I-213.
- 2020.
First Experimental Results on Damage Limits of Superconducting Accelerator Magnet Components Due to Instantaneous Beam Impact / Raginel, Vivien (CERN) ; Bonura, Marco (Geneva U.) ; Kleiven, David (Norwegian U. Sci. Tech.) ; Kulesz, Karolina (CERN) ; Mentink, Matthias (CERN) ; Senatore, Carmine (Geneva U.) ; Schmidt, Rudiger (CERN) ; Siemko, Andrzej (CERN) ; Verweij, Arjan (CERN) ; Will, Andreas (CERN) et al.
The energy stored in the particle beams of an accelerator such as CERNs LHC is substantial and requires a complex machine protection system to protect the equipment from damage. Despite efficient beam absorbers, several failure modes can lead to beam impact on superconducting magnets. [...]
2018 - 10 p. - Published in : IEEE Trans. Appl. Supercond. 28 (2018) 8800310
In : 13th European Conference on Applied Superconductivity, ICCG, Geneva, Switzerland, 17 - 21 Sep 2017, pp.8800310
Damage limits of superconducting magnet components due to beam impact and exposition to high temperature / Kulesz, Karolina
The main goal of the thesis was to investigate the damage limits of superconducting (sc) magnet components Nb-Ti and Nb3Sn due to the interaction of the strands with the beam and due to the exposition to high temperatures [...]
CERN-THESIS-2018-146 - 83 p.


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