CERN Accelerating science

CERN Document Server 13 のレコードが見つかりました。  1 - 10次  レコードへジャンプ: 検索にかかった時間: 0.57 秒 
Development of the CMS detector for the CERN LHC Run 3 / CMS Collaboration
Since the initial data taking of the CERN LHC, the CMS experiment has undergone substantial upgrades and improvements. This paper discusses the CMS detector as it is configured for the third data-taking period of the CERN LHC, Run 3, which started in 2022. [...]
arXiv:2309.05466; CMS-PRF-21-001; CERN-EP-2023-136; CMS-PRF-21-001-003.- Geneva : CERN, 2024-05-23 - 257 p. - Published in : JINST 19 (2024) P05064 Fulltext: CMS-PRF-21-001-arXiv - PDF; 2309.05466 - PDF; Fulltext from Publisher: PDF; External links: Additional information for the analysis; CMS AuthorList
In : The Large Hadron Collider and The Experiments for Run 3
Strategies and performance of the CMS silicon tracker alignment during LHC Run 2 / CMS Collaboration
The strategies for and the performance of the CMS silicon tracking system alignment during the 2015-2018 data-taking period of the LHC are described. The alignment procedures during and after data taking are explained. [...]
arXiv:2111.08757; CMS-TRK-20-001; CERN-EP-2021-203; CMS-TRK-20-001-003.- Geneva : CERN, 2022-08-11 - 45 p. - Published in : Nucl. Instrum. Methods Phys. Res., A 1037 (2022) 166795 Fulltext: CMS-TRK-20-001-arXiv - PDF; 2111.08757 - PDF; Publication - PDF; fermilab-pub-21-673-cms - PDF; Fulltext from Publisher: PDF; External link: Fermilab Library Server
Precision measurement of the structure of the CMS inner tracking system using nuclear interactions / CMS Collaboration
The structure of the CMS inner tracking system has been studied using nuclear interactions of hadrons striking its material. Data from proton-proton collisions at a center-of-mass energy of 13 TeV recorded in 2015 at the LHC are used to reconstruct millions of secondary vertices from these nuclear interactions. [...]
arXiv:1807.03289; CMS-TRK-17-001; CERN-EP-2018-144; CMS-TRK-17-001-003.- Geneva : CERN, 2018-10-29 - 41 p. - Published in : JINST 13 (2018) P10034 Fulltext: 1807.03289 - PDF; fulltext1682069 - PDF; Fulltext from Publisher: PDF; External link: Figures, tables and other information
Test beam demonstration of silicon microstrip modules with transverse momentum discrimination for the future CMS tracking detector / The CMS Tracker collaboration
A new CMS Tracker is under development for operation at the High Luminosity LHC from 2026 onwards. It includes an outer tracker based on dedicated modules that will reconstruct short track segments, called stubs, using spatially coincident clusters in two closely spaced silicon sensor layers. [...]
CMS-NOTE-2017-010; CERN-CMS-NOTE-2017-010.- Geneva : CERN, 2018 - 34 p. - Published in : JINST 13 (2018) P03003 Fulltext: NOTE2017_010 - PDF; 10.1088_1748-0221_13_03_P03003 - PDF;
Description and performance of track and primary-vertex reconstruction with the CMS tracker / CMS Collaboration
A description is provided of the software algorithms developed for the CMS tracker both for reconstructing charged-particle trajectories in proton-proton interactions and for using the resulting tracks to estimate the positions of the LHC luminous region and individual primary-interaction vertices. Despite the very hostile environment at the LHC, the performance obtained with these algorithms is found to be excellent. [...]
arXiv:1405.6569; CMS-TRK-11-001; CERN-PH-EP-2014-070; CERN-PH-EP-2014-070; CMS-TRK-11-001.- Geneva : CERN, 2014-10-16 - 80 p. - Published in : JINST 9 (2014) P10009 Fulltext: openaccess_2014_J._Inst._9_P10009 - PDF; arXiv:1405.6569 - PDF; cms-trk-11-001-arxiv - PDF; IOP Open Access article: PDF; External links: Fulltext; Open Access fulltext
Alignment of the CMS tracker with LHC and cosmic ray data / CMS Collaboration
The central component of the CMS detector is the largest silicon tracker ever built. The precise alignment of this complex device is a formidable challenge, and only achievable with a significant extension of the technologies routinely used for tracking detectors in the past. [...]
arXiv:1403.2286; CMS-TRK-11-002; CERN-PH-EP-2014-028; CMS-TRK-11-002; CERN-PH-EP-2014-028.- Geneva : CERN, 2014-06-06 - 56 p. - Published in : JINST 9 (2014) P06009 Fulltext: cms-trk-11-002-arxiv - PDF; fermilab-pub-14-075-cms - PDF; arXiv:1403.2286 - PDF; IOP Open Access article: PDF;
A New Boson with a Mass of 125 GeV Observed with the CMS Experiment at the Large Hadron Collider / CMS Collaboration
The Higgs boson was postulated nearly five decades ago within the framework of the standard model of particle physics and has been the subject of numerous searches at accelerators around the world. Its discovery would verify the existence of a complex scalar field thought to give mass to three of the carriers of the electroweak force—the W+, W–, and Z0 bosons—as well as to the fundamental quarks and leptons. [...]
Geneva : CERN, 2012 - 16 p. - Published in : Science 338 (2012) 1569-1575 Preprint: PDF; External link: Supplementary material
In : Breakthrough of the year
Observation of a new boson at a mass of 125 GeV with the CMS experiment at the LHC / CMS Collaboration
Results are presented from searches for the standard model Higgs boson in proton-proton collisions at $\sqrt{s}$=7 and 8 TeV in the CMS experiment at the LHC, using data samples corresponding to integrated luminosities of up to 5.1 inverse femtobarns at 7 TeV and 5.3 inverse femtobarns at 8 TeV. The search is performed in five decay modes: $\gamma\gamma$, ZZ, WW, $\tau^+ \tau^-$, and $b\bar{b}$. [...]
arXiv:1207.7235; CMS-HIG-12-028; CERN-PH-EP-2012-220; CMS-HIG-12-028; CERN-PH-EP-2012-220.- Geneva : CERN, 2012-08-17 - 32 p. - Published in : Phys. Lett. B 716 (2012) 30-61 Elsevier Open Access article: PDF; Fulltext: PDF; External links: Press Release; article; DOE Science Highlight
In : Higgs booklet, pp.30
Track Reconstruction with Cosmic Ray Data at the Tracker Integration Facility / CMS Collaboration
The subsystems of the CMS silicon strip tracker were integrated and commissioned at the Tracker Integration Facility (TIF) in the period from November 2006 to July 2007. As part of the commissioning, large samples of cosmic ray data were recorded under various running conditions in the absence of a magnetic field. [...]
CMS-NOTE-2009-003.- Geneva : CERN, 2008 - 36 p. Fulltext: PDF;
Integration of the End Cap TEC+ of the CMS Silicon Strip Tracker / Tracker End Cap Collaboration
The silicon strip tracker of the CMS experiment has been completed and inserted into the CMS detector in late 2007. The largest sub-system of the tracker is its end cap system, comprising two large end caps (TEC) each containing 3200 silicon strip modules. [...]
CMS-NOTE-2009-009.- Geneva : CERN, 2009 - 57 p. Fulltext: PDF;

CERN Document Server : 13 のレコードが見つかりました。   1 - 10次  レコードへジャンプ:
42 Gross, L
15 Gross, L.
2 Gross, Leonard
1 Gross, Louis
1 Gross, Lynne
2 Gross, Lynne S
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