CERN Accelerating science

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The LHCb Detector at the LHC / LHCb Collaboration
The LHCb experiment is dedicated to precision measurements of CP violation and rare decays of B hadrons at the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) at CERN (Geneva). The initial configuration and expected performance of the detector and associated systems, as established by test beam measurements and simulation studies, is described..
LHCb-DP-2008-001.- 2008 - Published in : JINST 3 (2008) S08005 SISSA/IOP Open Access article: PDF;
In : The CERN Large Hadron Collider - Please contact the library if you need to access this document.
Semi-relativistic Hypernovae as a source of UHE cosmic rays / Wang, Xiang-Yu ; Razzaque, S ; Mészáros, P ; Dai, Z G
2008 - Published in : AIP Conf. Proc.: 1000 (2008) , pp. 459-462 External link: Published version from AIP
In : Gamma-Ray Bursts 2007, Santa Fe, NM, USA, 05 - 09 Nov 2007, pp.459-462
Installation and Initial Result of the "DRAGON-I" Induction Linac / Zhang, K ; Ding, B ; Deng, J ; Zhang, L ; Shi, J ; Wang, H ; Dai, G ; Dai, Z ; Li, J ; Lai, Q et al.
2004 External link: Published version from JACoW
In : 3rd Asian Particle Accelerator Conference, Gyeongju, Korea, 22 - 26 Mar 2004, pp.253
External shock model for the radio afterglows of giant flares from soft gamma-ray repeaters / Wang, X Y ; Wu, X F ; Fan, Y Z ; Dai, Z G ; Zhang, B
2006 - Published in : AIP Conf. Proc.: 836 (2006) , pp. 72-75 External link: Published version from AIP
In : 16th Annual October Astrophysics Conference in Maryland, Washington, DC, USA, 29 Nov - 2 Dec 2005, pp.72-75
Design and Tests of an Accelerator Module for Linear Induction Accelerator (LIA) / Cheng, N ; Dai, G ; Ding, B ; Liu, C ; Wang, H ; Wu, S ; Zhang, E
1987 External link: Published version from JACoW
In : 12th IEEE Particle Accelerator Conference, Washington, DC, USA, 16 - 19 Mar 1987, pp.1783
2 MeV LIA Injector Design / Zhang, L ; Cheng, N ; Dai, G ; Wang, H ; Cheng Jun Li ; Deng, J ; Ding, B
1998 External link: Published version from JACoW
In : 19th International Linear Accelerator Conference, Chicago, IL, USA, 23 - 28 Aug 1998, pp.332
Design of The Dragon-I Linear Induction Accelerator / Deng, J J ; Ding, B N ; Zhang, L W ; Wang, H C ; Dai, G S ; Chen, N A ; Dai, Z Y ; Zhang Kai, Z ; Shi, J S ; Zhang, W W et al.
2002 External link: Published version
In : 21st International Linear Accelerator Conference, Gyeongju, Korea, 19 - 23 Aug 2002, pp.e-proc. MO403
Fission and LMT on $^{28}$Si + $^{197}$Au/$^{238}$U systems / Dai, G ; Qi, Y ; Zheng, J
- 1990. - 12 p.
CERN library copies

1 Dai, G S
2 Dai, Gao-Feng
1 Dai, Guohao
1 Dai, Guowei
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