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CERN Document Server 31 のレコードが見つかりました。  1 - 10次最後  レコードへジャンプ: 検索にかかった時間: 0.63 秒 
Training Neural Networks with Universal Adiabatic Quantum Computing / Abel, Steve (Durham U., IPPP ; CERN) ; Criado, Juan Carlos (Granada U., Theor. Phys. Astrophys.) ; Spannowsky, Michael (Durham U., IPPP)
The training of neural networks (NNs) is a computationally intensive task requiring significant time and resources. This paper presents a novel approach to NN training using Adiabatic Quantum Computing (AQC), a paradigm that leverages the principles of adiabatic evolution to solve optimisation problems. [...]
arXiv:2308.13028; IPPP/23/46; CERN-TH-2023-162.- 2024-05-27 - 14 p. - Published in : Front. Artif. Intell. 7 (2024) 1368569 Fulltext: document - PDF; 2308.13028 - PDF;
Decoding Nature with Nature's Tools: Heterotic Line Bundle Models of Particle Physics with Genetic Algorithms and Quantum Annealing / Abel, Steve A. (Durham U., IPPP ; Durham U., Dept. of Math. ; King's Coll. London ; CERN) ; Constantin, Andrei (Oxford U., Theor. Phys.) ; Harvey, Thomas R. (Oxford U., Theor. Phys.) ; Lukas, Andre (Oxford U., Theor. Phys.) ; Nutricati, Luca A. (Durham U., IPPP ; Durham U., Dept. of Math.)
The string theory landscape may include a multitude of ultraviolet embeddings of the Standard Model, but identifying these has proven difficult due to the enormous number of available string compactifications. Genetic Algorithms (GAs) represent a powerful class of discrete optimisation techniques that can efficiently deal with the immensity of the string landscape, especially when enhanced with input from quantum annealers. [...]
arXiv:2306.03147; CERN-TH-2023-102.- 2024-02-01 - 11 p. - Published in : Fortschr. Phys. 72 (2024) 2300260 Fulltext: 2306.03147 - PDF; document - PDF;
String Model Building on Quantum Annealers / Abel, Steven A. (CERN ; Durham U., IPPP ; Durham U.) ; Nutricati, Luca A. (Durham U., IPPP ; Durham U.) ; Rizos, John (Ioannina U.)
We explore for the first time the direct construction of string models on quantum annealers, and investigate their efficiency and effectiveness in the model discovery process. Through a thorough comparison with traditional methods such as simulated annealing, random scans, and genetic algorithms, we highlight the potential advantages offered by quantum annealers, which in this study promised to be roughly fifty times faster than random scans and genetic algorithm and approximately four times faster than simulated annealing..
arXiv:2306.16801; CERN-TH-2023-123.- 2023-12-01 - 9 p. - Published in : Fortschr. Phys. 71 (2023) 2300167 Fulltext: 2306.16801 - PDF; document - PDF;
Running of gauge couplings in string theory / Abel, Steven (Durham U., IPPP ; Durham U., Dept. of Math. ; CERN) ; Dienes, Keith R. (Arizona U. ; Maryland U.) ; Nutricati, Luca A. (Durham U., IPPP ; Durham U., Dept. of Math.)
In this paper we conduct a general, model-independent analysis of the running of gauge couplings within closed string theories. Unlike previous discussions in the literature, our calculations fully respect the underlying modular invariance of the string and include the contributions from the infinite towers of string states which are ultimately responsible for many of the properties for which string theory is famous, including an enhanced degree of finiteness and UV/IR mixing. [...]
arXiv:2303.08534; CERN-TH-2023-044; IPPP/23/16.- 2023-06-15 - 38 p. - Published in : Phys. Rev. D 107 (2023) 126019 Fulltext: Publication - PDF; 2303.08534 - PDF;
Building a viable asymptotically safe SM / Abel, Steven (speaker)
I report on recent work to embed the Standard Model within an asymptotically safe framework. This approach, which is based on gauge-Yukawa theories with interacting UV fixed points, focusses on providing a field theoretical UV completion to the SM along with radiative symmetry breaking. [...]
2019 - 2152. TH institutes; Scale invariance in particle physics and cosmology External links: Talk details; Event details In : Scale invariance in particle physics and cosmology
Framework for an asymptotically safe Standard Model via dynamical breaking / Abel, Steven (CERN ; Durham U., IPPP) ; Sannino, Francesco (CERN ; Southern Denmark U., CP3-Origins ; U. Southern Denmark, Odense, DIAS)
We present a consistent embedding of the matter and gauge content of the Standard Model into an underlying asymptotically-safe theory, that has a well-determined in- teracting UV fixed point in the large colour/flavour limit. The scales of symmetry breaking are determined by two mass-squared parameters with the breaking of elec- troweak symmetry being driven radiatively. [...]
CERN-TH-2017-156; CP3-ORIGINS-2017-028; IPPP-2017-59; arXiv:1707.06638.- 2017-09-15 - 10 p. - Published in : Phys. Rev. D 96 (2017) 055021 Preprint: PDF;
Radiative symmetry breaking from interacting UV fixed points / Abel, Steven (Durham U., IPPP ; CERN) ; Sannino, Francesco (CERN ; Southern Denmark U., CP3-Origins ; U. Southern Denmark, Odense, DIAS)
It is shown that the addition of positive mass-squared terms to asymptotically safe gauge-Yukawa theories with perturbative UV fixed points leads to calculable radiative symmetry breaking in the IR. This phenomenon, and the multiplicative running of the operators that lies behind it, is akin to the radiative symmetry breaking that occurs in the Supersymmetric Standard Model..
CERN-TH-2017-066; CP3-ORIGINS-2017-011; IPPP-2017-23; arXiv:1704.00700.- 2017-09-28 - 14 p. - Published in : Phys. Rev. D 96 (2017) 056028 Fulltext: PDF; Preprint: PDF;
Exponential suppression of the cosmological constant in nonsupersymmetric string vacua at two loops and beyond / Abel, Steven (Durham U., IPPP ; Durham U., Dept. of Math.) ; Stewart, Richard J. (CERN)
Two independent criteria are presented that together guarantee exponential suppression of the two-loop cosmological constant in non-supersymmetric heterotic strings. They are derived by performing calculations in both the full string theory and in its underlying effective field theory, and come respectively from contributions that involve only physical untwisted states, and contributions that include orbifold twisted states. [...]
arXiv:1701.06629; IPPP-17-6; CERN-TH-2017-015.- 2017-11-17 - 18 p. - Published in : Phys. Rev. D 96 (2017) 106013 Fulltext: arXiv:1701.06629 - PDF; 10.1103_PhysRevD.96.106013 - PDF;
Mapping Anomalous Currents in Supersymmetric Dualities / Abel, Steven (Durham U. ; CERN) ; Buican, Matthew (CERN) ; Komargodski, Zohar (Princeton, Inst. Advanced Study ; Weizmann Inst.)
In many strongly-coupled systems, the infrared dynamics is described by different degrees of freedom from the ultraviolet. It is then natural to ask how operators written in terms of the microscopic variables are mapped to operators composed of the macroscopic ones. [...]
arXiv:1105.2885; CERN-PH-TH-2011-112; CERN-PH-TH-2011-112.- 2011 - 23 p. - Published in : Phys. Rev. D 84 (2011) 045005 APS Published version, local copy: PDF; Fulltext: PDF; External link: Preprint
Easy Dirac Gauginos / Abel, Steven (Durham U., IPPP ; CERN) ; Goodsell, Mark (DESY)
A simple and natural model is presented that gives Dirac gauginos. The configuration is related to "deconstructed gaugino mediation". [...]
arXiv:1102.0014; DESY-11-010; CERN-PH-TH-2011-009; IPPP-11-03; DCPT-11-06.- 2011 - 32 p. - Published in : JHEP 06 (2011) 064 Fulltext: PDF; Springer Open Access article: PDF; External link: Preprint

CERN Document Server : 31 のレコードが見つかりました。   1 - 10次最後  レコードへジャンプ:
5 Abel, S
55 Abel, S A
9 Abel, S.A.
2 Abel, Steve
1 Abel, Steve A.
38 Abel, Steven
3 Abel, Steven A
1 Abel, Steven A.
1 Abel, Stéphane
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