CERN Accelerating science

CERN Document Server 43 record trovati  1 - 10successivofine  salta al record: La ricerca ha impiegato 0.62 secondi. 
CLIC drive beam away days / Braun, H ; Corsini, R ; Delahaye, J P ; Guignard, G ; Johnson, C D ; Madsen, J H B ; Mikhailichenko, A ; Millich, Antonio ; Riche, A ; Thorndahl, L et al.
- 1994 - mult..
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Slow third-integer extraction on the ramp after the 200 GeV flat top : Tests on 22nd and on 25th August 1977 / Actis, P ; Bosser, Jacques ; Kissler, Karl Heinz ; Millich, Antonio ; Scandale, Walter
- 1977. - 9 p.
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Connecting the new Philips and Valvo transmitters to the SPS computer control system / Millich, Antonio
- 1978. - 18 p.
The SPL (II) at CERN, a Superconducting 3.5 GeV H- Linac / Gerigk, F ; Baylac, M ; Bellodi, G ; Benedico-Mora, E ; Body, Y ; Caspers, Friedhelm ; Chel, S ; De Conto, J M ; Duperrier, R ; Froidefond, E et al.
A revision of the physics needs and recent progress in the technology of superconducting (SC) RF cavities have triggered major changes in the design of a SC H-linac at CERN. [...]
- 2006. - 4 p.
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Cover not available Conceptual design of the SPL II : A high-power superconducting H linac at CERN / Baylac, M ; Gerigk, F (ed.)
An analysis of the revised physics needs and recent progress in the technology of superconducting RF cavities have led to major changes in the speci cation and in the design for a Superconducting Proton Linac (SPL) at CERN [...]
CERN-2006-006. - Geneva : CERN, 2006. - 104 p.

Comparison of three buncher structure designs for the 3 MeV SPL chopping line / Millich, Antonio ; Vretenar, M
- 2002 - 5.
1013 with an intermediate flat top / Wilson, Edmund J N ; Cornacchia, M ; Faugeras, Paul E ; Linnecar, R ; Lauckner, R ; Millich, Antonio ; Mills, W ; Soulié, J C
- 1977. - 5 p.
SPS Storage - Tests at high intensity / Wilson, Edmund J N ; Angerth, B ; Faugeras, Paul E ; Kuhn, H K ; Lauckner, R ; Linnecar, Trevor Paul R ; Millich, Antonio ; Mills, W ; Pahud, J D ; van der Meer, S
- 1977. - 5 p.
First test of the SPS as a storage ring / Wilson, Edmund J N ; Beetham, G ; Faugeras, Paul E ; Kuhn, H K ; Lauckner, R ; Linnecar, Trevor Paul R ; Millich, Antonio ; Mills, W ; Pahud, J D ; Soulié, J C et al.
- 1977. - 2 p.
Accelerating more than 1013 protons in the SPS at 200 GeV and at 400 GeV / Boussard, Daniel ; Cornacchia, M ; Faugeras, Paul E ; Lauckner, R ; Linnecar, Trevor Paul R ; Millich, Antonio ; Mills, W ; Soulié, J C ; Stiening, R ; Wilson, Edmund J N
- 1976. - 5 p.

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45 Millich, A
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