CERN Accelerating science

CERN Document Server 102 record trovati  1 - 10successivofine  salta al record: La ricerca ha impiegato 1.30 secondi. 
Workshop on a future muon program at FNAL / Corrodi, S. (Argonne) ; Oksuzian, Y. (Argonne) ; Edmonds, A. (Boston U.) ; Miller, J. (Boston U.) ; Tran, H.N. (Boston U.) ; Bonventre, R. (LBL, Berkeley) ; Brown, D.N. (LBL, Berkeley) ; Méot, F. (Brookhaven) ; Singh, V. (UC, Berkeley) ; Kolomensky, Y. (LBNL, Berkeley) et al.
The Snowmass report on rare processes and precision measurements recommended Mu2e-II and a next generation muon facility at Fermilab (Advanced Muon Facility) as priorities for the frontier. [...]
arXiv:2309.05933 ; FERMILAB-CONF-23-464-PPD ; CALT-TH-2023-036.
- 68.
Fermilab Library Server - Fulltext - Fulltext
A new dynamics code DYNAC for electrons, protons and heavy ions in Linacs with long accelerating elements / Lapostolle, P ; Méot, F ; Valero, S ; Tanke, E
CERN-PS-90-70-DI.- Geneva : CERN, 1990 - 4 p. Fulltext: PDF;
Modeling and implementation of vertical excursion FFA in the Zgoubi ray-tracing code / Vanwelde, Marion (U. Brussels (main)) ; Hernalsteens, Cédric (U. Brussels (main) ; CERN) ; Méot, François (BNL, C-A Dept.) ; Pauly, Nicolas (U. Brussels (main)) ; Tesse, Robin (U. Brussels (main))
Vertical Fixed Field Accelerators (vFFAs) feature complex and highly non-linear magnetic fields, which require simulation codes allowing step-wise particle tracking. Methods to model the 3D magnetic field of scaling vFFAs have been developed in the ray-tracing code Zgoubi. [...]
2023 - 10 p. - Published in : Nucl. Instrum. Methods Phys. Res., A 1047 (2023) 167829 Fulltext: PDF;
The Study of a European Neutrino Factory Complex / Gruber, P ; Aleksa, M ; Aman, JF ; Autin, B ; Baldy, JL ; Benedikt, M ; Benett, R ; Bemardon, A ; Blondel, A ; Bongardt, K et al.
CERN-PS-2002-080-PP.- Geneva : CERN, 2002 - 73 p. Fulltext: PDF;
Muon collection in an alternating gradient channel / Autin, B. ; Meot, F. ; Verdiert, A.
CERN-PS-2002-081-PP.- Geneva : CERN, 2022 - 3 p. Fulltext: PDF;
Search for a muon EDM using the frozen-spin technique / Adelmann, A. (ETH, Zurich (main) ; PSI, Villigen) ; Backhaus, M. (ETH, Zurich (main)) ; Chavez Barajas, C. (Liverpool U.) ; Berger, N. (Mainz U., Inst. Phys.) ; Bowcock, T. (Liverpool U.) ; Calzolaio, C. (PSI, Villigen) ; Cavoto, G. (Rome U. ; INFN, Rome) ; Chislett, R. (University Coll. London) ; Crivellin, A. (PSI, Villigen ; CERN ; U. Zurich (main)) ; Daum, M. (PSI, Villigen) et al.
This letter of intent proposes an experiment to search for an electric dipole moment of the muon based on the frozen-spin technique. [...]
- 28 p.
Tune compensation in nearly scaling fixed field alternating gradient accelerators / Haj Tahar, Malek (CERN) ; Méot, François (BNL, C-A Dept.)
In this paper, we investigate the stability of the particle trajectories in Fixed Field Alternating Gradient (FFAG) accelerators in the presence of field errors: The emphasis is on the scaling FFAG type: a collaboration work is on-going in view of better understanding the properties of the 150 MeV scaling FFAG at KURRI in Japan, and progress towards high intensity operation. Analysis of certain types of field imperfections revealed some interesting features about this machine that explain some of the experimental results and generalize the concept of a scaling FFAG to a non-scaling one for which the tune variations obey a well defined law. [...]
arXiv:1710.08772.- 2020-05-23 - 22 p. - Published in : Phys. Rev. Accel. Beams 23 (2020) 054003 Fulltext from Publisher: PDF; Preprint: PDF;
The Large Hadron-Electron Collider at the HL-LHC / FCC-he Study Group Collaboration
The Large Hadron electron Collider, LHeC, is the means to move deep inelastic physics following HERA to the energy frontier of particle physics as it is being exploited by the HL-LHC. The paper presents a thorough update of the initial LHeC Conceptual Design Report (CDR) published in 2012. [...]
arXiv:2007.14491; CERN-ACC-Note-2020-0002; JLAB-ACP-20-3180.- Geneva : CERN, 2021-12-20 - 364 p. - Published in : J. Phys. G 48 (2021) 110501 Fulltext: arXiv:2007.14491 - PDF; 2007.14491 - PDF; Fulltext from Publisher: PDF; Preprint: PDF; External link: JLab Document Server
A theory of low frequency far-field synchrotron radiation / Méot, F (Sacly)
1999 - Published in : Part. Accel.: 62 (1999) , pp. 215-239 Fulltext: PDF;
Proton Beam Profile Monitor Using Synchrotron Light / Bossart, R (CERN) ; Bosser, J (CERN) ; Burnod, L (CERN) ; D'Amico, E (CERN) ; Ferioli, G (CERN) ; Mann, J (CERN) ; Meot, F (CERN) ; Coisson, R (Parma U.)
In : 11th International Conference on High-Energy Accelerators, CERN, Geneva, Switzerland, 7 - 11 Jul 1980, pp.470-475

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96 Meot, F
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