CERN Accelerating science

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FACET: A new long-lived particle detector in the very forward region of the CMS experiment / Cerci, S. (Adiyaman U. ; Istanbul Aydin U.) ; Sunar Cerci, D. (Adiyaman U. ; Istanbul Aydin U.) ; Lazic, D. (Boston U.) ; Landsberg, G. (Brown U.) ; Cerutti, F. (CERN) ; Sabate-Gilarte, M. (CERN) ; Albrow, M.G. (Fermilab) ; Berryhill, J. (Fermilab) ; Green, D.R. (Fermilab) ; Hirschauer, J. (Fermilab) et al.
We describe a proposal to add a set of very forward detectors to the CMS experiment for the high-luminosity era of the Large Hadron Collider to search for beyond the standard model long-lived particles, such as dark photons, heavy neutral leptons, axion-like particles, and dark Higgs bosons. The proposed subsystem is called FACET for Forward-Aperture CMS ExTension, and will be sensitive to any particles that can penetrate at least 50 m of magnetized iron and decay in an 18 m long, 1 m diameter vacuum pipe. [...]
arXiv:2201.00019.- 2022-06-20 - 15 p. - Published in : JHEP 2022 (2022) 110 Fulltext: fermilab-pub-22-004-cms - PDF; 2201.00019 - PDF; Fulltext from Publisher: PDF; External link: Fermilab Library Server
An Update to the Letter of Intent for MATHUSLA: Search for Long-Lived Particles at the HL-LHC / Alpigiani, Cristiano (Washington U., Seattle) ; Arteaga-Velázquez, Juan Carlos (IFM-UMSNH, Michoacan) ; Ball, Austin (CERN) ; Barak, Liron (Tel Aviv U.) ; Barron, Jared (Toronto U.) ; Batell, Brian (Pittsburgh U.) ; Beacham, James (Ohio State U.) ; Benhammo, Yan (Tel Aviv U.) ; Caballero-Mora, Karen Salomé (Chiapas Autonoma U.) ; Camarri, Paolo (Rome U., Tor Vergata) et al.
We report on recent progress in the design of the proposed MATHUSLA Long Lived Particle (LLP) detector for the HL-LHC, updating the information in the original Letter of Intent (LoI), see CDS:LHCC-I-031, arXiv:1811.00927. [...]
arXiv:2009.01693 ; CERN-LHCC-2020-014 ; LHCC-I-031-ADD-1 ; LHCC-I-031-ADD-1.
- 2020. - 22 p.
FERMILABFN - Fulltext - Fulltext - Fulltext
Further studies on the physics potential of an experiment using LHC neutrinos / Beni, N. (Debrecen, Inst. Nucl. Res. ; CERN) ; Brucoli, M. (CERN) ; Cafaro, V. (INFN, Bologna ; U. Bologna, DIFA) ; Camporesi, T. (CERN) ; Cerutti, F. (CERN) ; Dallavalle, G.M. (INFN, Bologna ; U. Bologna, DIFA) ; Danzeca, S. (CERN) ; De Roeck, A. (CERN) ; De Rújula, A. (Madrid, Inst. Estructura Materia) ; Fasanella, D. (CERN) et al.
We discuss an experiment to investigate neutrino physics at the LHC in Run 3, with emphasis on tau flavour. As described in our previous paper [arXiv:1903.06564v1], the detector can be installed in the decommissioned TI18 tunnel, about 480 m downstream the ATLAS cavern, after the first bending dipoles of the LHC arc. [...]
arXiv:2004.07828.- 2020-11-04 - 18 p. - Published in : J. Phys. G 47 (2020) 125004 Fulltext: document - PDF; 2004.07828 - PDF; Fulltext from publisher: PDF;
The MATHUSLA Test Stand / Alidra, Maf (CERN) ; Alpigiani, Cristiano (Washington U., Seattle) ; Ball, Austin (CERN) ; Camarri, Paolo (INFN, Rome2 ; Rome U., Tor Vergata) ; Cardarelli, Roberto (INFN, Rome2) ; Chou, John Paul (Rutgers U., Piscataway) ; Curtin, David (Toronto U.) ; Etzion, Erez (Tel Aviv U.) ; Garabaglu, Ali (Rutgers U., Piscataway) ; Gomes, Brandon (Rutgers U., Piscataway) et al.
The rate of muons from LHC $pp$ collisions reaching the surface above the ATLAS interaction point is measured and compared with expected rates from decays of $W$ and $Z$ bosons and $b$- and $c$-quark jets. In addition, data collected during periods without beams circulating in the LHC provide a measurement of the background from cosmic ray inelastic backscattering that is compared to simulation predictions. [...]
arXiv:2005.02018.- 2021-01-01 - 18 p. - Published in : Nucl. Instrum. Methods Phys. Res., A 985 (2021) 164661 Fulltext: PDF;
Further studies on the physics potential of an experiment using LHC neutrinos / Beni, Noemi ; Brucoli, Matteo ; Cafaro, Vittorio ; Cerutti, Francesco ; Dallavalle, Gaetano Marco ; Danzeca, Salvatore ; De Roeck, Albert ; De Rujula, Alvaro ; Fasanella, Daniele ; Giordano, Vincenzo et al.
We discuss an experiment to investigate neutrino physics at the LHC in Run 3, with emphasis on tau flavour. As described in our previous paper [1], the detector can be installed in the decommissioned TI18 tunnel, ≈480 m downstream the ATLAS cavern, after the first bending dipoles of the LHC arc. [...]
CERN-EP-2020-054.- Geneva : CERN, 2020 - 22. Draft (restricted): PDF; Fulltext: PDF;
XSEN: a $\nu$N Cross Section Measurement using High Energy Neutrinos from pp collisions at the LHC / XSEN Collaboration
XSEN (Cross Section of Energetic Neutrinos) is a small experiment designed to study, for the first time, neutrino-nucleon interactions (including the tau flavour) in the 0.5-1 TeV neutrino energy range. [...]
arXiv:1910.11340 ; CERN-LHCC-2019-014 / LHCC-I-033.
- 2019. - 24 p.
XSEN: a νN Cross Section Measurement using High Energy Neutrinos from pp collisions at the LHC / Beni, N ; Buontempo, S ; Camporesi, T ; Cerutti, F ; Dallavalle, G M ; De Lellis, G ; De Roeck, A ; DeRújula, A ; DiCrescenzo, A ; Fasanella, D et al.
XSEN (Cross Section of Energetic Neutrinos) is a small experiment designed to study, for the first time, neutrino-nucleon interactions (including the tau flavour) in the 0.5-1 TeV neutrino energy range. [...]
CERN-LHCC-2019-014 ; LHCC-I-033.
- 2019.
Physics Potential of an Experiment using LHC Neutrinos / Beni, N. (CERN ; Debrecen, Inst. Nucl. Res.) ; Brucoli, M. (CERN) ; Buontempo, S. (INFN, Naples ; Naples U.) ; Cafaro, V. (INFN, Bologna ; U. Bologna, DIFA) ; Dallavalle, G.M. (INFN, Bologna ; U. Bologna, DIFA) ; Danzeca, S. (CERN) ; De Lellis, G. (CERN ; INFN, Naples ; Naples U.) ; Di Crescenzo, A. (INFN, Naples ; Naples U.) ; Giordano, V. (INFN, Bologna ; U. Bologna, DIFA) ; Guandalini, C. (INFN, Bologna ; U. Bologna, DIFA) et al.
Production of neutrinos is abundant at LHC. Flavour composition and energy reach of the neutrino flux from proton-proton collisions depend on the pseudorapidity $\eta$. [...]
arXiv:1903.06564; CMS-NOTE-2019-001; CERN-CMS-NOTE-2019-001.- Geneva : CERN, 2019-10-11 - 19 p. - Published in : J. Phys. G 46 (2019) 115008 Fulltext: 1903.06564 - PDF; NOTE2019_001 - PDF;
Explore the lifetime frontier with MATHUSLA / MATHUSLA Collaboration
The observation of long-lived particles at the LHC would reveal physics beyond the Standard Model, could account for the many open issues in our understanding of our universe, and conceivably point to a more complete theory of the fundamental interactions. Such long-lived particle signatures are fundamentally motivated and can appear in virtually every theoretical construct that address the Hierarchy Problem, Dark Matter, Neutrino Masses and the Baryon Asymmetry of the Universe. [...]
arXiv:1901.04040; FERMILAB-PUB-19-016-CMS.- 2020-06-09 - 12 p. - Published in : JINST 15 (2020) C06026 Fulltext: fermilab-pub-19-016-cms - PDF; 1901.04040 - PDF; External links: MATHUSLA website; Fermilab Library Server (fulltext available)
In : 15th Topical Seminar on Innovative Particle and Radiation Detectors (IPRD 2019), Siena, Italy, 14 - 17 Oct 2019, pp.C06026
First beam tests of prototype silicon modules for the CMS High Granularity Endcap Calorimeter / Akchurin, N (Texas Tech.) ; Apreysan, A (Fermilab) ; Banerjee, S (Fermilab) ; Barney, D (CERN) ; Bilki, B (Iowa U.) ; Bornheim, A (Caltech) ; Bueghly, J (Northwestern U.) ; Callier, S (Ec. Polytech., OMEGA) ; Candelise, V (Taiwan, Natl. Central U.) ; Chang, Y H (Taiwan, Natl. Central U.) et al.
The High Luminosity phase of the Large Hadron Collider will deliver 10 times more integrated luminosity than the existing collider, posing significant challenges for radiation tolerance and event pileup on detectors, especially for forward calorimetry. As part of its upgrade program, the Compact Muon Solenoid collaboration is designing a high-granularity calorimeter (HGCAL) to replace the existing endcap calorimeters. [...]
FERMILAB-CONF-18-595-CMS.- 2018 - 41 p. - Published in : JINST 13 (2018) P10023 Fulltext: PDF;

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