CERN Accelerating science

CERN Document Server 37 record trovati  1 - 10successivofine  salta al record: La ricerca ha impiegato 0.58 secondi. 
Transmutation of $^{239}$Pu and Other Nuclides Using Spallation Neutrons Produced by Relativistic Protons Reacting with Massive U- and Pb-Targets / Adam, J ; Balabekyan, A R ; Bamblevski, V P ; Barabanov, M Yu ; Bradnova, V ; Chaloun, P ; Hella, K M ; Kalinnikov, V G ; Krivopustov, M I ; Kulakov, B A et al.
Experimental studies on the transmutation of some long-lived radioactive waste nuclei, such as ^{129}I, ^{237}Np, and ^{239}Pu, as well as on natural uranium and lanthanum (all of them used as sensors) were carried out at the Synchrophasotron of the Laboratory for High Energies (JINR, Dubna). [...]
E1-2001-136 ; JINR-E1-2001-136.
- 2001. - 24 p.
Fulltext from JINR Dubna
Monte Carlo analysis of accelerator-driven systems : studies on spallation neutron yield and energy gain / Hashemi-Nezhad, S R ; Brandt, R ; Westmeier, W ; Bamblevski, V P ; Krivopustov, M I ; Kulakov, B A ; Sosnin, A N ; Wan, J S ; Odoj, R
The neutron yield in the interaction of protons with lead and uranium targets has been studied using the LAHET code system. The dependence of the neutron multiplicity on target dimensions and proton energy has been calculated and the dependence of the energy amplification on the proton energy has been investigated in an accelerator-driven system of a given effective multiplication coefficient. [...]
2001 - Published in : Kerntech.: 66 (2001) , no. 1-2, pp. 47-53
$^{140}$La half-life measurement with Ge-detector / Adam, J ; Belov, A G ; Brandt, R ; Chaloun, P ; Honusek, M ; Kalinnikov, V G ; Krivopustov, M I ; Kulakov, B A ; Langrock, E J ; Ochs, M et al.
- 1999. - 28 p.
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The pion radius / Adylov, G T ; Aliev, F ; Bardin, Dimitri Yuri ; Buchanan, C D ; Dally, E ; Drickey, D J ; Gajewski, W ; Ioan, I ; Kulakov, B A ; Liberman, A et al.
- 1974. - 19 p.
Inclusive spectra of particles in $\pi^{-}p \to \Lambda + X, \pi^{-}p \to K^{0}s + X$ reactions at a momentum of 4.85 GeV/c / Aleshin, Yu D ; Arutyunyants, G A ; Kiselevich, I L ; Kulakov, B A ; Melnichenko, I A ; Nikitin, S Ya ; Pletnikov, A A ; Shidlovskij, A V ; Shkarlet, V P ; Shvartsman, B F et al.
- 1974. - 14 p.
Topological effective cross sections and production cross sections of strange particles in $\pi^{-}p$ p collisions at 4.85GeV/c / Aleshin, Yu D ; Arutyunyants, G A ; Kiryukhina, A I ; Kiselevich, I L ; Kulakov, B A ; Melnichenko, I A ; Nikitin, S Ya ; Pletnikov, A A ; Prostova, L A ; Shidlovskij, A V et al.
- 1974. - 8 p.
Polarisation of $\Lambda$-hyperons in multi-particle reactions in $\pi^{-}p$ p collisions at 4.85 GeV/c / Aleshin, Yu D ; Arutyunyants, G A ; Kiryukhina, A I ; Kiselevich, I L ; Kulakov, B A ; Melnichenko, I A ; Nikitin, S Ya ; Pletnikov, A A ; Prostova, L A ; Shidlovskij, A V et al.
- 1974. - 8 p.
Errors in a scanning and measuring projector / Kiryukhina, A I ; Kulakov, B A ; Mikheev, V P ; Nikitin, S Ya ; Rozov, B S
- 1974. - 32 p.
Transmutation studies using SSNTD and radiochemistry and the associated production of secondary neutrons / Brandt, R ; Ochs, M ; Wan, J S ; Schmidt, T ; Langrock, E J ; Vater, P ; Adam, J ; Bamblevski, V P ; Bradnova, V ; Gelovani, L K et al.
Experiments using 1.5 GeV, 3.7 GeV and 7.4 GeV protons from the Synchrophasotron, LHE, JINR, Dubna, Russia, on extended Pb- and U- targets were carried out using SSNTD and radiochemical sensors for the study of secondary neutron $9 fluences. We also carried out first transmutation studies on the long-lived radwaste nuclei /sup 129/I and /sup 237/Np. [...]
1999 - Published in : Radiat. Meas. 31 (1999) 497-506
Transmutation of $^{129}I$ and $^{237}Np$ using spallation neutrons produced by 1.5, 3.7 and 7.4 GeV protons / Ochs, M ; Wan, J S ; Schmidt, T ; Langrock, E J ; Vater, P ; Brandt, R ; Adam, J ; Bamblevski, V P ; Bradnova, V ; Gelovani, L K et al.
E1-99-1 ; JINR-E1-99-1.
- 1999. - 31 p.
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