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Request for additional SC time to continue experiment SC2a : Nuclear excitation in muonic atoms and study of nuclear volume effects / Backe, H (Darmstadt, Tech. Hochsch.) ; Engfer, R (Darmstadt, Tech. Hochsch.) ; Kankeleit, E (Darmstadt, Tech. Hochsch.) ; Walter, H K (Darmstadt, Tech. Hochsch.) ; Wien, K (Darmstadt, Tech. Hochsch.)
- 1968. - 4 p.
Progress report on experiment SC2a : Nuclear excitation in muonic atoms and study of nuclear volume effects / Backe, H (Darmstadt, Tech. Hochsch.) ; Engfer, R (Darmstadt, Tech. Hochsch.) ; Kankeleit, E (Darmstadt, Tech. Hochsch.) ; Schröder, U (Darmstadt, Tech. Hochsch.) ; Walter, H K (Darmstadt, Tech. Hochsch.) ; Wien, K (Darmstadt, Tech. Hochsch.)
- 1968. - 2 p.
Nuclear Excitation in muonic atoms and study of nuclear volume effects : Proposal for an experiment at CERN / Brix, P (Inst. Techn. Kernphys. der Technischen Hochschule, Darmstadt) ; Engfer, R (Inst. Techn. Kernphys. der Technischen Hochschule, Darmstadt) ; Kankeleit, E (Inst. Techn. Kernphys. der Technischen Hochschule, Darmstadt) ; Wien, K (Inst. Techn. Kernphys. der Technischen Hochschule, Darmstadt)
- 1967. - 9 p.
Proposal for a study of nuclear excitation and Isomer shift in Muonic Atoms / Backe, H (Inst. für Technische Kernphysik der Technischen Hochschule, Darmstadt) ; Engfer, R (Inst. für Technische Kernphysik der Technischen Hochschule, Darmstadt) ; Kankeleit, E (Inst. für Technische Kernphysik der Technischen Hochschule, Darmstadt) ; Wien, K (Inst. für Technische Kernphysik der Technischen Hochschule, Darmstadt)
- 1967. - 13 p.
Observation of Positron Creation in Superheavy Ion-Atom Collision Systems / Backe, H ; Handschug, L ; Hessberger, F ; Kankeleit, E ; Richter, L ; Weik, F ; Willwater, R ; Bokemeyer, H ; Vincent, P ; Nakayama, Y et al.
- 1978. - 9 p.
Muonic isomer shifts in $^{153}$Eu - a re-evaluation of Moessbauer isomer shifts in rare earths / Walter, H K ; Backe, H ; Engfer, R ; Kankeleit, E ; Petitjean, C ; Schneuwly, H ; Schröder, W U
1973 - Published in : Phys. Lett. B 38 (1973) 64-66
Magnetization distribution of single-particle states and 2/sup +/ rotational states from muonic atoms / Backe, H ; Böhm, F ; Engfer, R ; Kankeleit, E ; Link, R ; Michaelsen, R ; Petitjean, C ; Schellenberg, L ; Schneuwly, H ; Schröder, W U et al.
The lowest states in muonic atoms are rather sensitive to the spatial distribution of the nuclear magnetization density, and several results were deduced from the broadening of the muonic 2p/sub 1/2/-1s/sub 1/2/ and 3d/sub 3/2/-2p/sub 1/2/ transitions. By measuring low energetic transitions such as the 2s/sub 1/2/-2p/sub 1/2/ transition or nuclear gamma -transitions, it is possible to resolve the magnetic hyperfine splittings. [...]
1973 - Published in : J. Phys. Soc. Jpn.: 34 suppl. (1973) , pp. 586-7
In : International Conference on Nuclear Moments and Nuclear Structure, Osaka, Japan, 4 - 8 Sep 1972, pp.586-7
Spectra of neutrons from mu -capture in Ca, Tl, Pb, and Bi / Jahnke, U ; Backe, H ; Engfer, R ; Kankeleit, E ; Lindenberger, K H ; Roschert, G ; Schneuwly, H ; Schröder, W U ; Vuilleumier, J L ; Walter, H K
The authors report on a correlation experiment, where the spectra of neutrons and of the associated de-excitation gamma -rays, emitted after mu -capture in Ca, Tl, Pb, and Bi, were measured two- dimensionally. The neutron energy was determined directly using a gamma -n time-of-flight technique. [...]
1972 - Published in : Helv. Phys. Acta: 45 (1972) , no. 1, pp. 49-51 External link: Fulltext
In : Swiss Physical Society Meeting, Fribourg, Switzerland, 8 - 9 Sep 1971, pp.49-51
Muonic isomer shifts in /sup 153/Eu a re-evaluation of Mossbauer isomer shifts in rare earths / Walter, H K ; Backe, H ; Engfer, R ; Kankeleit, E ; Petitjean, C ; Schneuwly, H ; Schröder, W U
Muonic isomer shifts of five gamma -ray transitions in /sup 153/Eu have been measured and the changes of the mean square radius between the ground and excited states have been derived. With the present data the Mossbauer isomer shifts in rare earths can be re-evaluated. [...]
1972 - Published in : Phys. Lett. B 38 (1972) 64-6
Study of X-rays and nuclear gamma -rays in muonic thallium / Backe, H ; Engfer, R ; Jahnke, U ; Kankeleit, E ; Pearce, R M ; Petitjean, C ; Schellenberg, L ; Schneuwly, H ; Schröder, W U ; Walter, H K et al.
Energies and intensities of muonic X-rays, nuclear gamma -rays and mu -capture gamma -rays were measured in natural muonic thallium with Ge (Li) detectors. The absolute intensities of higher mu X-rays were reproduced by a cascade calculation starting with a statistical population at n=20 including K-, L- and M-conversion. [...]
1972 - Published in : Nucl. Phys. A 189 (1972) 472-512

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