CERN Accelerating science

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Apparatus for controlling operating conditions of two-metre streamer chamber / Volodin, V D ; Firkowski, R ; Glagoleva, N S ; Kuznetsov, P S ; Matyushin, A T ; Matyushin, V T ; Olejniczak, V ; Shevchenko, E N
1974. - 23 p.
The effect of the high-voltage pulse parameters on the geometrical and brightness characteristics of the streamer in a streamer chamber / Glagoleva, N S ; Lukstins, Yu P ; Matyushin, A T ; Matyushin, V T
1974. - 18 p.
HBT measurement of the expansion velocity of pion production volume / GIBS Collaboration
E1-96-223 ; JINR-E1-96-223.
- 1996. - 15 p.
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A measurement of the expansion velocity of pion production volume / GIBS Collaboration
E1-95-311 ; JINR-E1-95-311.
- 1995. - 12 p.
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Pion momentum spectra in nuclear charge exchange reactions A (t, $^{3}$He) / Avramenko, S A ; Aksinenko, V D ; Anikina, M K ; Bannik, B P ; Belikov, Yu A ; Galperin, A G ; Glagoleva, N S ; Golokhvastov, A I ; Kaminski, N I ; Khorozov, S A et al.
E1-94-311; JINR-E1-94-311.- Dubna : Joint Inst. Nucl. Res., 1994 - 12 p. Access to fulltext document: TIF PDF;
In : International Conference on Mesons and Nuclei at Intermediate Energies, Dubna, Russian Federation, 3 - 7 May 1994, pp.335-341 - CERN library copies
A study of the production and lifetime of the lightest relativistic hypernuclei / Avramenko, S A ; Aksinenko, V D ; Anikina, M K ; Bannik, B P ; Belikov, Yu A ; Butenko, V A ; Drozdov, V A ; Galperin, A ; Glagoleva, N S ; Golokhvastov, A I et al.
E1-92-284 ; JINR-E1-92-284.
- 1992. - 8 p.
CERN library copies
Production and decay of relativistic hydrogen hypernuclei / Avramenko, S A ; Abdurakhimov, A U ; Anikina, M K ; Aksinenko, V D ; Bannik, B P ; Butenko, V A ; Glagoleva, N S ; Golokhvastov, A I ; Golutvina, I G ; Grachov, A G et al.
D1-88-691 ; JINR-E1-88-691.
- 1988. - 6 p. CERN library copies
The observation of $^{4}_{LAMBDA}$H relativistic hypernuclei produced in $^{4}$He collisions with light nuclei at 18 GeV/c / Avramenko, S A ; Aksinenko, V D ; Butenko, V A ; Vardenga, G L ; Glagoleva, N S ; Golokhvastov, A I ; Goncharova, L A ; Grachov, A G ; Dementev, E ; Drozdov, V A et al.
E1-87-337 ; JINR-E1-87-337.
- 1987. - 4 p.
CERN library copies
Experimental data on average number of interacted protons in inelastic and central nucleus-nucleus collisions at 3.6-gev/ nucleon / Anikina, M K ; Abdurakhimov, A U ; Avramenko, S A ; Aksinenko, V D ; Vardenga, G L ; Volodin, V D ; Glagoleva, N S ; Golokhvastov, A I ; Grachev, A G ; Dementev, E A et al.
- 1986. - 14 p.
Experimental data on pi- mesons produced in inelastic and central nucleus-nucleus interactions at a 4.5 GeV/c momentum per nucleon / SKM-200 Collaboration
E1-84-785 ; JINR-E1-84-785.
- 1984. - 17 p. CERN library copies

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