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t/d/p ratios in nucleon-nucleus and heavy ion reactions : can entropy be determined? / CHIC Collaboration
LUIP-98-03 ; LUNFD-6-NFFK-7158.
- 1998. - 17 p.
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An experimental study of $^{1,2,3}H$, $^{3,4,6}He$, $^{6,7,8,9}Li$, $^{7,9,10,11}Be$ and $^{10,11,12}B$ isotope production from interactions of 14 A and 32 AMeV $^{14}N$ with $^{112,124}Sn$ / CHIC Collaboration
LUIP-98-02 ; LUNFD-6-NFFK-7157.
- 1998. - 32 p.
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Investigating pre-equilibrium and equilibrium neutron emission in the 45 MeV/nucleon $^{58}Ni + ^{27}Al$ reaction via two-neutron interferometry / CHIC Collaboration
LUIP-99-02 ; LUNFD-6-NFFK-7161.
- 1999. - 14 p.
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Pion production excitation in proton-nucleus collisions from the absolute threshold to 500 MeV / CHIC Collaboration
LUIP-98-04 ; LUNFD-6-NFFK-7159.
- 1998. - 19 p.
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Interpreting multiplicity-gated fragment distributions from heavy-ion collisions / Phair, L ; Moretto, L G ; Rubehn, T ; Wozniak, G J ; Beaulieu, L ; Colonna, N ; Ghetti, R ; Tso, K
- 1997. - 12 p.
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Aspects of reducibility and thermal scaling in multifragmentation / Ghetti, R ; Moretto, L G ; Phair, L ; Tso, K ; Wozniak, G J
- 1996. - 42 p.
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Gross and fine structure of pion production excitation functions in p-nucleus and nucleus-nucleus reactions / CHIC Collaboration
LUIP-96-01 ; LUNFD-6-NFFK-7153.
- 1996. - 12 p.
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Reducibility and thermal scaling in nuclear multifragmentation / Moretto, L G ; Ghetti, R ; Phair, L ; Tso, K ; Wozniak, G J
- 1996. - 94 p.
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Reducible emission probabilities and thermal scaling in multifragmentation / Moretto, L G ; Phair, L ; Tso, K ; Ghetti, R ; Colonna, N ; Skulski, W ; Wozniak, G J ; Bowman, D R ; Carlin, N ; Chartier, M et al.
- 1995. - 17 p.
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Phase coexistence in multifragmentation? . - 1995 ed. / Moretto, L G ; Phair, L ; Ghetti, R ; Tso, K ; Colonna, N ; Skulski, W ; Wozniak, G J ; Bowman, D R ; Carlin, N ; Chartier, M et al.
- 1995. - 17 p.
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