CERN Accelerating science

CERN Document Server 61 record trovati  1 - 10successivofine  salta al record: La ricerca ha impiegato 0.54 secondi. 
Measurement of the relative total hadronic cross section R at petra / Barber, D ; Becker, U ; Bohem, A ; Branson, J ; Bron, J ; Buikman, D ; Burger, J ; Chang, C C ; Chen, M ; Cheng, C P et al.
0000. - 13 p.
Development of electronic experiments : remarks in view of the CERN Programme 1964-1968 / Barber, D ; Becker, U ; Bohem, A ; Branson, J ; Bron, J ; Buikman, D ; Burger, J ; Chang, C C ; Chen, M ; Cheng, C P et al.
No date. - 13 p.
Measurements of cross section and charge asymmetry for e+e- --> μ+μ and e+e- --> τ+τ at \Sqrt s = 57.8 GeV / AMY Collaboration
AMY-94-1 ; KEK-Preprint-94-28.
- 1994. - 20 p.
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Measurement of the inclusive jet cross section in photon-photon interactions at TRISTAN / AMY Collaboration
AMY-93-4 ; KEK-Preprint-93-174.
- 1993. - 25 p.
Full text - Access to document - CERN library copies
Studies of e+e- annihilation multihadron events including muons at \Sqrt s = 57.8 GeV / AMY Collaboration
AMY-93-3 ; KEK-Preprint-93-147.
- 1993. - 29 p.
Full text - Access to document - CERN library copies
Measurements of inclusive jet production in almost-real γγ collisions at TRISTAN / AMY Collaboration
AMY-93-2 ; KEK-Preprint-93-97.
- 1993. - 23 p.
Full text - Access to document - CERN library copies
Measurement of αs from the moment of particle momenta within jets from e+e- annihilation / AMY Collaboration
AMY-93-1 ; KEK-Preprint-93-62.
- 1993. - 15 p.
CERN library copies
Evidence for hard scattering of hadronic constituents of photons in photon-photon collisions at TRISTAN / AMY Collaboration
AMY-91-1 ; KEK-Preprint-91-14.
- 1991. - 16 p.
CERN library copies
A measurement of the photon structure function F2 / AMY Collaboration
AMY-90-12 ; KEK-Preprint-90-95.
- 1990. - 27 p.
CERN library copies
A search for charged Higgs bosons in e+e- annihilation using the AMY detector at \Sqrt s = 50-61.4 GeV / AMY Collaboration
AMY-90-11 ; KEK-Preprint-90-80.
- 1990. - 13 p.
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CERN Document Server : 61 record trovati   1 - 10successivofine  salta al record:
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