CERN Accelerating science

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Antiproton radiotherapy / ACE Collaboration
Antiprotons are interesting as a possible future modality in radiation therapy for the following reasons: When fast antiprotons penetrate matter, protons and antiprotons have near identical stopping powers and exhibit equal radiobiology well before the Bragg-peak. But when the antiprotons come to rest at the Bragg-peak, they annihilate, releasing almost 2 GeV per antiproton–proton annihilation. [...]
2008 - 5 p. - Published in : Radiother. Oncol. 86 (2008) 14-19
Biological effectiveness of antiproton annihilation / Holzscheiter, Michael H. (Pbar Medical, Newport Beach) ; Agazaryan, Nzhde (UCLA, Los Angeles (main)) ; Bassler, Niels (Aarhus U. (main)) ; Beyer, Gerd (Geneva, U. Medical Ctr.) ; De Marco, John J. (UCLA, Los Angeles (main)) ; Doser, Michael (CERN) ; Ichioka, Toshiyasu (Aarhus U. (main)) ; Iwamoto, Keisuke S. (UCLA, Los Angeles (main)) ; Knudsen, Helge V. (Aarhus U. (main)) ; Landua, Rolf (CERN) et al.
We describe an experiment designed to determine whether or not the densely ionizing particles emanating from the annihilation of antiprotons produce an increase in “biological dose” in the vicinity of the narrow Bragg peak for antiprotons compared to protons. This experiment is the first direct measurement of the biological effects of antiproton annihilation. [...]
2004 - Published in : Nucl. Instrum. Methods Phys. Res., B 221 (2004) 210-214
In : 12th International Workshop on Low Energy Positron and Positronium Physics, Sandbjerg, Denmark, 19 - 21 Jul 2003, pp.210-214
Biological Effects of Antiprotons Are Antiprotons a Candidate for Cancer Therapy? / ACE Collaboration
2009 Status Report of AD-4 Experiment
CERN-SPSC-2010-001 ; SPSC-SR-054.
- 2010.
Status Report for Experiment AD-4/ACE Biological Effectiveness of Antiproton Annihilation / ACE Collaboration
Status report for experiment AD-4/ACE showing recent progress in RBE measurements for V79 Chinese Hamster cells irradiated with antiprotons. [...]
CERN-SPSC-2009-002 ; SPSC-SR-039.
- 2009.
Antiproton therapy / ACE Collaboration
Radiotherapy is one of the most important means we have for the treatment of localised tumours. It is therefore essential to optimize the technique, and a lot of effort goes into this endeavour. [...]
2008 - 5 p. - Published in : Nucl. Instrum. Methods Phys. Res., B 266 (2008) 530-534
Status Report and Beam Time Request for Experiment AD-4 / Holzscheiter, M (University of New Mexico) ; Knudsen, Helge ; Pape-Møller, Søren ; Uggerhøj, U ; Alsner, Jan ; Bassler, Niels ; Overgaard, Jens ; Petersen, Jørgen ; Doser, Michael ; De Marco, John J et al.
Summary of current status and plans for October 2007
CERN-SPSC-2007-020 ; SPSC-M-756.
- 2007.
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Status Report and Future Plans for Experiment AD-4 Biological Effectiveness of Antiproton Annihilation / Holzscheiter, M H ; Petersen, J (Aarhus U.) ; Doser, M (CERN) ; Landua, R (CERN) ; De Marco, J (UCLA, Los Angeles) ; Iwamoto, S (UCLA, Los Angeles) ; Mc Bride, H (UCLA, Los Angeles) ; Withers, R (UCLA, Los Angeles) ; Beyer, G (Geneva University) ; Hartley, O (Geneva University) et al.
CERN-SPSC-2005-037 ; SPSC-M-743.
- 2005.
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Three-quasiparticle excitation in 14161Pm80; new short-lived isotope 141g62Sm79 (Abstract) / Arlt, R ; Beyer, G ; Musiol, G ; Ryndina, E S ; Seidler, S ; Strusny, H
Geneva : CERN, 1970 Published version from CERN: PDF;
In : International Conference on the Properties of Nuclei far from the Region of β Stability, v.2, Leysin, Switzerland, 31 Aug - 4 Sep 1970, pp.1141-1142 (CERN-1970-030-V-2)
Advanced capabilities and applications of a sputter-RBS system / Brijs, B ; Beyer, G ; Deleu, J ; Vandervorst, W
In : 15th International Conference on the Applications of Accelerators in Research and Industry, Denton, TX, USA, 4 - 7 Nov 1998, pp.586-591
Biological effectiveness of antiproton annihilation / Maggiore, C J (Pbar Medical, Newport Beach) ; Agazaryan, N (UCLA, Los Angeles (main)) ; Bassler, N (Aarhus U. (main)) ; Blackmore, E (TRIUMF) ; Beyer, G (Geneva, U. Medical Ctr.) ; De Marco, J J (UCLA, Los Angeles (main)) ; Doser, Michael (CERN) ; Gruhn, Charles R (Pbar Medical, Newport Beach) ; Holzscheiter, M H (Pbar Medical, Newport Beach) ; Ichioka, T (Aarhus U. (main)) et al.
A new experiment, AD-4/ACE (antiproton cell experiment), has been approved by the CERN Research Board. The experiment is scheduled to begin taking data in June and continue through the 2003 run cycle. [...]
2004 - Published in : Nucl. Instrum. Methods Phys. Res., B 214 (2004) 181-185
In : 8th International Conference on Low-Energy Antiproton Physics, Yokohama, Japan, 3 - 7 Mar 2003, pp.181-185

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5 Beyer, Gerd
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