CERN Accelerating science

CERN Document Server Pronađeno je 40 zapisa  1 - 10slijedećikraj  idi na zapis: Pretraživanje je potrajalo 1.02 sekundi 
First joint oscillation analysis of Super-Kamiokande atmospheric and T2K accelerator neutrino data / T2K Collaboration
The Super-Kamiokande and T2K collaborations present a joint measurement of neutrino oscillation parameters from their atmospheric and beam neutrino data. It uses a common interaction model for events overlapping in neutrino energy and correlated detector systematic uncertainties between the two datasets, which are found to be compatible. [...]
arXiv:2405.12488.- 2025-01-02 - 12 p. - Published in : Phys. Rev. Lett. 134 (2025) 011801 Fulltext: 2405.12488 - PDF; Publication - PDF;
Neutron tagging following atmospheric neutrino events in a water Cherenkov detector / Super-Kamiokande Collaboration
We present the development of neutron-tagging techniques in Super-Kamiokande IV using a neural network analysis. The detection efficiency of neutron capture on hydrogen is estimated to be 26%, with a mis-tag rate of 0.016 per neutrino event. [...]
arXiv:2209.08609; FERMILAB-PUB-22-873-ND.- 2022-10-18 - 40 p. - Published in : JINST 17 (2022) P10029 Fulltext: 2209.08609 - PDF; document - PDF; ff15af3f0a01c9edd3bb9f60772a7df9 - PDF; Fulltext from Publisher: PDF; External link: Fermilab Library Server
Atmospheric muon neutrino fraction above 1 GeV / Clark, A (Louisiana State Univ., Baton Rouge, USA) ; Becker-Szendy, R (Stanford Linear Accelerator Center, California, USA) ; Bratton, C B (Cleveland State Univ,. Ohio, USA) ; Breault, J (Univ. of Califonia, Irvine, USA) ; Casper, D (CERN) ; Dye, S T (Hawaii Pacific University, Honolulu, USA) ; Gajewski, W (Univ. of Califonia, Irvine, USA b) ; Goldhaber, M (Brookhaven National Laboratory, New York, USA) ; Haines, T J (Los Alamos National Laboratory, New Mexico, USA) ; Halverson, P G (Univ. of Califonia, Irvine, USA) et al.
Geneva : CERN, 1997 - Published in : Phys. Rev. Lett. 79 (1997) 345-348 APS Published version, local copy: PDF;
Neutrino Instability / Sobel, H W
In : 20th International Conference on High-energy Physics, v.1, Madison, WI, USA, 17 - 23 Jul 1980, pp.326-333
Search For Proton Decay Through P ---> Anti-vk+ In A Large Water Cherenkov Detector / Hayato, Y ; Earl, M A ; Fukuda, Y ; Hayakawa, T ; Inoue, K ; Ishihara, K ; Ishino, H ; Itow, Y ; Kajita, T ; Kameda, J et al.
BU-99-7 ; CSUDH-HEP-99-02 ; ICRR-453 ; KEK-99-20 ; LSU-HEPA-99-5 ; OULNS-99-01 ; RCNS-99-2 ; SBHEP-99-3 ; TIT-HPE-99-08 ; TKU-PAP-99-01 ; UCI-99-07 ; UW-PT-99-11.
- 1999.
A search for astrophysical sources of low-energy neutrinos using the IMB detector / Miller, R S ; Van der Velde, J C ; Becker-Szendy, R A ; Bratton, C B ; Breault, J ; Casper, David William ; Dye, S T ; Gajewski, W ; Goldhaber, M ; Haines, T J et al.
1994 - Published in : Astrophys. J. 428 (1994) 629-632
Neutrino measurements with the IMB detector / Becker-Szendy, R A ; Bratton, C B ; Casper, David William ; Dye, S T ; Gajewski, W ; Ganezer, K S ; Goldhaber, M ; Haines, T J ; Halverson, P G ; Kielczewska, D et al.
In : 16th International Conference on Neutrino Physics and Astrophysics, Eilat, Israel, 29 May - 3 Jun 1994, pp.331-336
IMB-3 : a large water Cherenkov detector for nucleon decay and neutrino interactions / Becker-Szendy, R A ; Claus, R ; Bionta, R M ; Park, H S ; Wuest, C R ; Bratton, C B ; Casper, David William ; Cortez, B G ; Dye, S T ; Hazen, E S et al.
1993 - Published in : Nucl. Instrum. Methods Phys. Res., A 324 (1993) 363-382
The IMB-3 detector / Becker-Szendy, R A ; Bratton, C B ; Cady, D R ; Casper, David William ; Claus, R ; Dye, S T ; Gajewski, W ; Goldhaber, M ; Haines, T J ; Halverson, P G et al.
- 1992. - 37 p.
CERN library copies
The electron and muon neutrino content of the atmospheric flux / Becker-Szendy, R ; Bratton, C B ; Casper, David William ; Dye, S T ; Gajewski, W ; Goldhaber, M ; Haines, T J ; Halverson, P G ; Kielczewska, D ; Kropp, W R et al.
BU-HEP-91-24.- Boston, MA : Boston Univ., 1992 - 12 p. - Published in : Phys. Rev. D 46 (1992) 3720-3724 - CERN library copies

CERN Document Server : Pronađeno je 40 zapisa   1 - 10slijedećikraj  idi na zapis:
Također vidi: slična imena autora
48 Sobel, H
46 Sobel, H.
2 Sobel, H.W.
19 Sobel, Henry
1 Sobel, Henry W
1 Sobel, Herbert S
46 sobel, H.
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