Beam tests of WPC-7 prototype of iwire pad chambers for the LHCb muon system
/ Bochin, B (St. Petersburg, INP ) ; Guets, S (St. Petersburg, INP ) ; Lazarev, V A (St. Petersburg, INP ) ; Saguidova, N (St. Petersburg, INP ) ; Spiridenkov, E M (St. Petersburg, INP ) ; Vorobev, A P (St. Petersburg, INP ) ; Vorobyov, A (St. Petersburg, INP )
A new prototype of the Wire Pad Chamber for the LHCb Muon System, WPC-7, has been constructed at PNPI and tested in the T11 beam at CERN. This prototype proved to be more stable against the electrical discharges at high voltages thus extending the operational plateau of the chamber by 200V. [...]
Geneva : CERN, 2000 - 37 p.
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Wire pad chambers and cathode pad chambers for the LHCb muon system
/ Botchine, B (St. Petersburg, INP ) ; Lazarev, V A (St. Petersburg, INP ) ; Saguidova, N (St. Petersburg, INP ) ; Vorobyov, A (St. Petersburg, INP ) ; Kachtchouk, A (St. Petersburg, INP ; CERN) ; Riegler, W (CERN) ; Schmidt, B (CERN) ; Schneider, T (CERN) ; Gandelman, M (Rio de Janeiro Federal U. ) ; Maréchal, B (Rio de Janeiro Federal U. ) et al.
A proposal for Wire-Pad-Chambers and Cathode-Pad-Chambers for the LHCb Muon system is presented. It is shown that a single technology satisfies the requirements of almost the entire detector, garanteeing maximum uniformity. [...]
Geneva : CERN, 2002 - 30 p.
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Design and construction of the wire chambers for the LHCb muon system
/ Kachtchouk, A (St. Petersburg, INP ) ; Kristic, R (CERN) ; Riegler, W (CERN) ; Schmidt, B (CERN) ; Schneider, T (CERN) ; Suvorov, V (St. Petersburg, INP ) ; Anelli, M (LNF, Dafne Light ) ; Campana, P (LNF, Dafne Light ) ; Denni, U (LNF, Dafne Light ) ; Felici, G (LNF, Dafne Light ) et al.
The LHCb muon system will use Multi-Wire Proportional Chambers (MWPC) in all regions with a particle flux between 1KHz/cm2 and 100 kHz/cm2. After an overview of the chamber requirements and specifications, the design and construction procedures including the quality control of the detector system are described. [...]
Geneva : CERN, 2001 - 23 p.
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Test results of a full size prototype of the muon chambers for region M2/R4 of the LHCb muon system
/ Bochin, B (St. Petersburg, INP ) ; Guets, S (St. Petersburg, INP ) ; Lazarev, V A (St. Petersburg, INP ) ; Saguidova, N (St. Petersburg, INP ) ; Spiridenkov, E M (St. Petersburg, INP ) ; Vorobiev, A P (St. Petersburg, INP ) ; Vorobyov, A (St. Petersburg, INP )
A full size prototype M2R4-01 of the Wire Pad Chambers for region M2/R4 of the LHCb Muon System hs been constructed at PNPI and tested in the T11 beam at CERN. The prototype contained two double-gap chambers with the sensitive area of 25x120 cm2. [...]
Geneva : CERN, 2002 - 29 p.
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Beam tests of WPC-8 and WPC-9 prototypes of the wire pad chambers for the LHCb muon system
/ Bochin, B (St. Petersburg, INP ) ; Guets, S (St. Petersburg, INP ) ; Lazarev, V A (St. Petersburg, INP ) ; Sagidova, N (St. Petersburg, INP ) ; Spiridenkov, E M (St. Petersburg, INP ) ; Vorobiev, A P (St. Petersburg, INP ) ; Vorobyov, A (St. Petersburg, INP )
Two new prototypes, WPC-8 and WPC-9, of the Wire Pad Chambers have been constructed at PNPI. The design of these double-gap wire chambers was similar to the previously tested WPC-7 prototype with one important difference: the anode wire planes were electrically independent, which allows to operate the new prototypes either in the double-gap or in the single-gap modes. [...]
Geneva : CERN, 2001 - 27 p.
Access to fulltext document: PS.GZ; Fulltext: PDF;
Production of selected cosmogenic radionuclides by muons; 1, Fast muons
/ Heisinger, B ; Lal, D ; Jull, A J T ; Kubik, P W ; Ivy-Ochs, S ; Neumaier, S ; Knie, K ; Lazarev, V A ; Nolte, E
To investigate muon-induced nuclear reactions leading to the production of radionuclides, targets made of C9H12, SiO2, Al2O3, Al, S, CaCO3, Fe, Ni, Cu, Gd, Yb and Tl were irradiated with 100 and 190 GeV muons in the NA54 experimental setup at CERN. The radionuclide concentrations were measured with accelerator mass spectrometry and gamma -spectroscopy. [...]
- Published in : Earth Planet. Sci. Lett. 200 (2002) 345-55