CERN Accelerating science

CERN Document Server Pronađeno je 8 zapisa  Pretraživanje je potrajalo 0.55 sekundi 
Commissioning the Chalk River Superconducting Cyclotron / Hulbert, J A ; Bigham, C B ; Heighway, E A ; Hepburn, J D ; Hoffmann, C R ; Ormrod, J H ; Schneider, H R
1985 External link: Published version from JACoW
In : 11th IEEE Particle Accelerator Conference, pp.2643
Beam Probes for the Chalk River Superconducting Cyclotron / Hepburn, J D ; Walsh, J D ; Williams, E H
1985 External link: Published version from JACoW
In : 11th IEEE Particle Accelerator Conference, pp.1880
Design of an Intense Fast Neutron Source / Hepburn, J D ; Chidley, B G ; Ormrod, J H
1975 External link: Published version from JACoW
In : 6th IEEE Particle Accelerator Conference, Washington, DC, USA, 12 - 14 Mar 1975, pp.1809
A 10mK space refrigerator for microcalorimeters and phase transition detectors / Bromiley, P ; Hepburn, I D ; Smith, A
In : 7th International Workshop on Low-Temperature Detectors, Munich, Germany, 27 Jul - 2 Aug 1997, pp.201-205
The Sudbury Neutrino Observatory and the solar neutrino problem / Lesko, K T ; Chan, Y D ; García, A ; Norman, E B ; Smith, A R ; Stokstad, R G ; Zlimen, I ; Evans, H C ; Ewan, G T ; Hallin, A L et al.
- 1993. - 12 p.
CERN library copies
The Sudbury neutrino observatory / SNO Collaboration
LBL-33304.- Berkeley, CA : Lawrence Berkeley Nat. Lab., 1992 - 6 p.
In : 7th DPF Meeting, v.2, Batavia, IL, USA, 10 - 14 Nov 1992
13th International Conference on Particles and Nuclei, Perugia, Italy, 28 Jun - 2 Jul 1993, pp.732-733
1st International Conference on Frontiers of Physics : Looking to the 21st Century, Shantou, China, 5 - 9 Aug 1995, pp.749-754
Proceedings of the 4th SFB-375 Ringberg Workshop Neutrino Astrophysics, Tegernsee, Germany, 20 - 24 Oct 1997, pp.31-32
SLACINPT : a Fortran program that generates boundary data for the SLAC gun code / Michel, W L
AECL-7614. - Ontario : Chalk River Nucl. Lab., 1982. - 52 p.

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Future development of high-current dc injectors for accelerator-based breeding systems / Hepburn, J D ; Shubaly, M R
- 1979. - 19 p.
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2 Hepburn, D J
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