CERN Accelerating science

CERN Document Server Pronađeno je 30 zapisa  1 - 10slijedećikraj  idi na zapis: Pretraživanje je potrajalo 0.65 sekundi 
Catching Element Formation In The Act / Fryer, Chris L. (Los Alamos) ; Timmes, Frank (Arizona State U.) ; Hungerford, Aimee L. (Los Alamos) ; Couture, Aaron (Los Alamos) ; Adams, Fred (Michigan U.) ; Aoki, Wako (Natl. Astron. Observ. of Japan) ; Arcones, Almudena (Darmstadt, Tech. Hochsch.) ; Arnett, David (Arizona U.) ; Auchettl, Katie (DARK Cosmology Ctr.) ; Avila, Melina (Argonne) et al.
Gamma-ray astronomy explores the most energetic photons in nature to address some of the most pressing puzzles in contemporary astrophysics. [...]
arXiv:1902.02915 ; LA-UR-18-29748.
- 2019. - 14 p.
ASASSN-18ey: The Rise of a New Black-Hole X-ray Binary / ATLAS Collaboration
We present the discovery of ASASSN-18ey, a new black hole low-mass X-ray binary discovered by the All-Sky Automated Survey for SuperNovae (ASAS-SN). A week after ASAS-SN discovered ASASSN-18ey as an optical transient, it was detected as an X-ray transient by MAXI/GCS. [...]
arXiv:1808.07875.- 2018-10-29 - 8 p. - Published in : Astrophys. J. 867 (2018) L9 Fulltext: PDF;
23rd International Workshop on Vertex Detectors - VERTEX 2014   15 - 19 Sep 2014  - Doksy, Czech Republic  / Artuso, Marina (ed.) (Syracuse University
); Bilei, Gian Mario (ed.) (INFN Perugia
); Bortoletto, Daniela (ed.) (Purdue University
); Brenner, Richard (ed.) (Uppsala University
); Christian, David (ed.) (Fermilab
); Collins, Paula (ed.) (CERN
); Doležal, Zdeněk (ed.) (Charles University in Prague); Dong, Su (ed.) (SLAC
); Eklund, Lars (ed.) (University of Glasgow
); Hara, Kazuhiko (ed.) (University of Tsukuba
) et al.
Trieste : SISSA, 2015 - Published in : PoS: Vertex2014 (2015)
22nd International Workshop on Vertex Detectors - Vertex 2013   16 - 20 Sep 2013  - Lake Starnberg, Germany  / Artuso, M (ed.) (Syracuse University); Bilei, G M (ed.) (INFN, Perugia); Bortoletto, D (ed.) (Purdue University); Brenner, R (ed.) (Uppsala University); Christian, D (ed.) (Fermilab); Collins, P (ed.) (CERN); Dong, S (ed.) (SLAC); Eklund, L (ed.) (University of Glasgow); Hara, K (ed.) (KEK, Tsukuba); Horisberger, R (ed.) (PSI) et al.
Trieste : SISSA, 2013 - Published in : PoS: Vertex2013 (2013)
30th Physics in collision symposium - PIC 2010   1 - 4 Sep 2010  - Karlsruhe, Germany  / Appel, J A (Fermilab) (ed.); Bellini, G (Milano Univ and INFN) (ed.); Bettini, A (Padova Univ and INFN and LSC) (ed.); Briere, R (Carnegie Mellon Univ) (ed.); Brom, J M (IReS Strasbourg) (ed.); Fabbri, F L (Lab di Frascati and INFN) (ed.); Heintz, U (Boston Univ) (ed.); Kim, S B (Seoul National Univ) (ed.); Kuno, K (Osaka Univ) (ed.); Lohmann, W (DESY) (ed.) et al.
2010 - 344 p.
Preliminary results of 3D-DDTC pixel detectors for the ATLAS upgrade / La Rosa, Alessandro (CERN) ; Boscardin, M. (Fond. Bruno Kessler, Povo) ; Dalla Betta, G.-F. (Trento U. ; INFN, Trento) ; Darbo, G. (INFN, Genoa) ; Gemme, C. (INFN, Genoa) ; Pernegger, H. (CERN) ; Piemonte, C. (Fond. Bruno Kessler, Povo) ; Povoli, M. (Trento U. ; INFN, Trento) ; Ronchin, S. (Fond. Bruno Kessler, Povo) ; Zoboli, A. (Trento U. ; INFN, Trento) et al.
3D Silicon sensors fabricated at FBK-irst with the Double-side Double Type Column (DDTC) approach and columnar electrodes only partially etched through p-type substrates were tested in laboratory and in a 1.35 Tesla magnetic field with a 180GeV pion beam at CERN SPS. The substrate thickness of the sensors is about 200um, and different column depths are available, with overlaps between junction columns (etched from the front side) and ohmic columns (etched from the back side) in the range from 110um to 150um. [...]
arXiv:0910.3788; SLAC-PUB-14921.- 2009 - 8 p. - Published in : PoS RD09 (2009) 032 Fulltext: arXiv:0910.3788 - PDF; RD09_032 - PDF; External links: Proceedings of Science Server; SLAC Document Server
In : 9th International Conference on Large Scale Applications and Radiation Hardness of Semiconductor Detectors, Florence, Italy, 30 Sep - 2 Oct 2009, pp.032
Development of an X-band Hybrid Dielectric-iris-loaded Accelerator / He, X D (Hefei, NSRL) ; Dong, S (Hefei, NSRL) ; Feng, G (Hefei, NSRL) ; Pei, Y J (Hefei, NSRL) ; Wu, C F (Hefei, NSRL)
2008 - 3 p. External link: Published version from JACoW
In : 11th European Particle Accelerator Conference, Genoa, Italy, 23 - 27 Jun 2008, pp.WEPP083
29th International Symposium on Physics in Collision - XXIX Physics in Collision   30 Aug - 2 Sep 2009  - Kobe, Hyogo, Japan  / Appel, J A (ed.) (Fermilab); Bellini, G (ed.) (Milano Univ. and INFN); Bettini, A (ed.) (Padova Univ. and INFN; and LSC); Briere, R (ed.) (Carnegie Mellon Univ.); Brom, J M (ed.) (IReS Strasbourg); Fabbri, F L (ed.) (Lab. di Frascati, INFN); Heintz, U (ed.) (Boston Univ.); Kim, S B (ed.) (Seoul National Univ.); Kuno, K (ed.) (Osaka Univ.); Lohmann, W (ed.) (DESY) et al.
17th International Workshop on Vertex Detectors - VERTEX 2008   28 Jul - 01 Aug 2008  - Utö Island, Sweden  / Artuso, Marina (ed.) (Syracuse U.); Bilei, Gian Mario (ed.) (Perugia U.); Bortoletto, Daniela (ed.) (Purdue U.); Brenner, Richard (Chair) (Uppsala U.); Caccia, Massimo (ed.) (Insubria U.); Christian, David (ed.) (Fermilab); Collins, Paula (ed.) (CERN); Dong, Su (ed.) (SLAC); Horisberger, Roland (ed.) (PSI); Koffeman, Els (ed.) (NIKHEF) et al.
Trieste : SISSA, 2008 - Published in : PoS: VERTEX 2008 (2008)
The Studies of Hybrid Dielectric-Iris-Loaded Accelerating Structure / Wu, Cong-Feng ; Dong, Sai ; Lin, Hui
2005 - 3 p. External link: Published version from JACoW
In : 21st IEEE Particle Accelerator Conference, Knoxville, TN, USA, 16 - 20 May 2005, pp.2747

CERN Document Server : Pronađeno je 30 zapisa   1 - 10slijedećikraj  idi na zapis:
Također vidi: slična imena autora
1 Dong, S (SLAC)
21 Dong, S H
74 Dong, S J
1 Dong, S S
1 Dong, S.
1 Dong, Sa
5 Dong, Sai
7 Dong, Shao-Jing
1 Dong, Shawfeng
1 Dong, Shen
7 Dong, Shi-Hai
1 Dong, Shiying
1 Dong, Shu-Cheng
1 Dong, Shuai
1 Dong, Shuangli
2 Dong, Siwei
1 Dong, Siyuan
5 Dong, Su
71 Dong, Subo
3 Dong, Suchuan
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