Predictions for the sPHENIX physics program
/ Belmont, Ron (North Carolina U., Greensboro) ; Brewer, Jasmine (CERN) ; Brodsky, Quinn (MIT) ; Caucal, Paul (SUBATECH, Nantes) ; Connors, Megan (Georgia State U.) ; Djordjevic, Magdalena (Belgrade, Inst. Phys.) ; Ehlers, Raymond (UC, Berkeley ; LBL, Berkeley) ; Escobedo, Miguel A. (Santiago de Compostela U. ; Barcelona U.) ; Ferreiro, Elena G. (Santiago de Compostela U.) ; Giacalone, Giuliano (Heidelberg U.) et al.
sPHENIX is a next-generation detector experiment at the Relativistic Heavy Ion Collider, designed for a broad set of jet and heavy-flavor probes of the Quark-Gluon Plasma created in heavy ion collisions. In anticipation of the commissioning and first data-taking of the detector in 2023, a RIKEN-BNL Research Center (RBRC) workshop was organized to collect theoretical input and identify compelling aspects of the physics program. [...]
2024-01-10 - 60 p.
- Published in : Nucl. Phys. A 1043 (2024) 122821
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Microjet spectrum and intra-jet distributions in heavy-ion collisions
/ Tywoniuk, Konrad (speaker) (University of Bergen (NO))
Jets in the vacuum correspond to multi-parton configurations that form predominantly via a branching process sensitive to the soft and collinear divergences of QCD. In heavy-ion collisions, energy loss processes, stimulated via interactions with the medium, affect jet observables in a profound way. [...]
2020 - 1236.
Conferences; 10th International Conference on Hard and Electromagnetic Probes of High-Energy Nuclear Collisions
External links: Talk details; Event details
In : 10th International Conference on Hard and Electromagnetic Probes of High-Energy Nuclear Collisions
Toward a unified description of jet and medium scales in heavy-ion collisions
/ Tywoniuk, Konrad (CERN)
Hard processes in heavy-ion collisions, in particular those involving the production of jets in the final-state, serve as well-constrained probes of a hot and dense QCD medium. At high-energies, radiation stimulated via interactions with the medium control the amount of energy radiated away from the jet constituents, providing a direct way to extract the relevant medium properties from experimental data. [...]
SISSA, 2019 - 7 p.
- Published in : PoS Confinement2018 (2019) 164
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In : 13th Quark Confinement and the Hadron Spectrum, Maynooth, Ireland, 31 Jul - 6 Aug 2018, pp.164
Medium-induced jet evolution for an expanding QGP
/ Adhya, Souvik Priyam (Calcutta, VECC) ; Salgado, Carlos A (CERN ; Santiago de Compostela U. ; Santiago de Compostela U., IGFAE) ; Tywoniuk, Konrad (CERN)
We will analyse the modification to the gluon distribution function for an expanding medium for Eq.(10). In addition, we will incorporate this modified gluon distributionfunction to study the kinematic rate equation to arrive at analytical expressions of the modified splitting function [3, 6]. [...]
2017 - 2 p.
- Published in : DAE Symp. Nucl. Phys.: 62 (2017) , pp. 938-939
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In : 62nd DAE-BRNS Symposium on Nuclear Physics, Patiala, India, 20 - 24 Dec 2017, pp.938-939
Novel tools and observables for jet physics in heavy-ion collisions
/ Andrews, Harry Arthur (Birmingham U.) ; d'Enterria, David (CERN) ; Apolinario, Liliana (CMAF, Lisbon ; Lisbon, IST) ; Bertens, Redmer Alexander (Tennessee U.) ; Bierlich, Christian (Lund U. ; Bohr Inst.) ; Cacciari, Matteo (Diderot U., Paris ; Paris, LPTHE) ; Chen, Yi (CERN) ; Chien, Yang-Ting (MIT, Cambridge, CTP) ; Mendez, Leticia Cunqueiro (Oak Ridge ; Tennessee U.) ; Deak, Michal (Cracow, INP) et al.
Studies of fully-reconstructed jets in heavy-ion collisions aim at extracting thermodynamical and transport properties of hot and dense QCD matter. Recently, a plethora of new jet substructure observables have been theoretically and experimentally developed that provide novel precise insights on the modifications of the parton radiation pattern induced by a QCD medium. [...]
arXiv:1808.03689; CERN-TH-2018-186; LU-TP 18-14; IFJPAN-IV-2018-8; MCNET-18-19.-
2020-04-29 - 29 p.
- Published in : J. Phys. G 47 (2020) 065102
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Probing jet decoherence in heavy ion collisions
/ Casalderrey-Solana, Jorge (Oxford U., Theor. Phys.) ; Mehtar-Tani, Yacine (Washington U., Seattle) ; Salgado, Carlos A (Santiago de Compostela U., IGFAE ; Santiago de Compostela U.) ; Tywoniuk, Konrad (CERN)
We suggest to use the SofDrop jet grooming technique to investigate the sensitivity of jet substructure to color decoherence in heavy ion collisions. We propose in particular to analyze the two-prong probability angular distribution as a probe of the transition between the coherent and incoherent energy loss regimes. [...]
2017 - 4 p.
- Published in : Nucl. Phys. A 967 (2017) 564-567
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In : The XXVI international conference on ultrarelativistic heavy-ion collisions, Chicago, United States Of America, 6 - 11 Feb 2017, pp.564-567