CERN Accélérateur de science

CERN Document Server 4 notices trouvées  La recherche a duré 0.65 secondes. 
Thermoluminescence kinetic parameters of microwave chemically vapour-deposited diamond films at different gamma dose rates / Cruz-Zaragoza, E (Mexico U., ICN) ; Favalli, A (Euratom, Ispra) ; Gastélum, S (Sonora U.) ; Furetta, C (CERN) ; Meléndrez, R (Sonora U.) ; Barboza-Flores, M (Sonora U.)
Microwave chemically vapour-deposited (MWCVD) diamond films have been successfully used in dosimetric applications including radiotherapy and industrial dose assessments. The thermoluminescence (TL) properties and dose response, in a suitable MWCVD diamond film thermoluminescent dosimeter, should be independent of the irradiation dose rate used. [...]
2009 - 7 p. - Published in : Radiat. Eff. Def. Solids 164 (2009) 211-217
A complete simulation of cosmic rays access to a space station / Bobik, P (INFN, Milano, Italy) ; Bölla, G (University of Milano Bicocca, Italy) ; Boschini, M J (Cilea Segrate, Italy) ; Favalli, A (INFN, Milano, Italy) ; Gervasi, M (University of Milano Bicocca, Italy) ; Grandi, D (INFN, Milano, Italy) ; Micelotta, E (Universita degli studi di Milano, Italy) ; Rancoita, P G (INFN, Milano, Italy)
In : 7th International Conference on Advanced Technology and Particle Physics, Como, Italy, 15 - 19 Oct 2001, pp.45-51
First evaluation of neutron induced Single Events Effect on the CMS barrel muon electronics / Agosteo, S ; Castellani, Lorenzo ; D'Angelo, G ; Favalli, A ; Lippi, Ivano ; Martinelli, Roberto ; Zotto, Pierluigi
Neutron irradiation tests of the currently available electronics for the CMS barrel muon detector were performed using Thermal and fast neutrons at E< 11MeV. The Single Event Upset rate on the Static RAM was measured, while upper limits are derived for events having experienced no failure. [...]
CMS-NOTE-2000-024.- Geneva : CERN, 2000 Fulltext: PDF PS.Z;
First evaluation of neutron induced single event effects on the CMS barrel muon electronics / Agosteo, S ; Castellani, L ; D'Angelo, G ; Favalli, A ; Lippi, I ; Martinelli, R ; Zotto, P L
CERN, 2000 Published version from CERN: PDF;
In : 6th Workshop on Electronics for LHC Experiments, Krakow, Poland, 11 - 15 Sep 2000, pp.240-244 (CERN-2000-010)

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1 Favalli, Andrea
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